InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Interference ❯ What is Going On? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Part dos of my little ficcy. Hopefully, this is where the plot comes in! And, since I forgot the disclaimer, here it is:
Disclaimer: InuYasha is not mine, obviously, since this is a work of fiction by a fan, thus the term fan fiction. Duh!
Chapter 2
What is Going On?
(Good Question)
Miroku and Sango watched as Kagome lugged her huge yellow backpack towards the well.
“Houshi-sama, are you certain your plan is going to work after all?”
“Why of course, Lady Sango. How can it not? My plan is foolproof, honestly. Not even InuYasha can screw up this. I mean, I've done all of the hard work…” he said.
“I think you're `grasping for straws' as Kagome would say. You sound as if you're trying convincing yourself, not just me.”
At that moment, Shippou jumped up on Miroku's shoulder. “You guys should have listened to me. I could have used my amazing skills to imitate InuYasha and trick Kagome into thinking it was InuYasha.”
“Shippou, that plan spells disaster,” Sango sighed.
“No it doesn't! It spells plan.”
“If I might interrupt the two of you,” interjected Miroku, “we need to continue on to Part II of `the plan'.”
“Wait - I still don't think this will work. We can't just manipulate InuYasha and Kagome! They're not stupid. Once Kagome finds out that we wrote that letter, she'll kill us and `the plan' will be ruined,” Sango said, all the time worrying her lip.
“You fret too much Sango. They'll both be thanking us, you just wait. Now, time to move on with `the plan'.”
“Oh alright, but only if you stop saying `the plan' as if it were something evil.”
Acting as if he hadn't heard Sango's comments, Miroku went on, “Okay. We've planted the letter. Here's what we do next: while Kagome is gone we're going to trap InuYasha into a confession. I don't know how, but we'll get him to do it.”
“Even if we did get some semblance of a declaration of love from InuYasha, what makes you believe Kagome will take our word for it? After all, I'd find it difficult myself, even if I saw it with my own eyes.”
“I thought of that scenario myself. That's why I took the opportunity to borrow Kagome's tape re-coor-der thing while I was searching her bag for the paper to write the letter. We'll simply turn on the re-coor-der and wait for InuYasha to confide his troubled mind to us. Then we'll have solid proof of his undying love for Kagome. Hey, we might even be able to get him to talk about how he thinks of Kikyou as nothing more than a friend, like he did in that letter!”
“Houshi-sama, you are the one who wrote that letter to Kagome, not InuYasha. We don't know if he's even over Kikyou romantically.”
At that moment, Shippou, who had left Miroku's shoulder in pursuit of some village children, came darting past the couple as fast as his little fox legs would carry him. It was almost as if InuYasha was after him…
“Oi, runt get back here!” shouted an incensed hanyou.
“InuYasha, calm yourself. I'm sure your anger towards Shippou is unwarranted,” chided Miroku.
“Monk, as soon as I came back from fighting that demon in the next village, Shippou began pulling on my ears and yelling something about Kagome. Then, when I tried asking about her, he ran off. I'm not in the mood for reprimands from you. Now since the brat seems to have eluded me for the moment, I'll just ask you. Where's Kagome?”
“She went home to take some of those `tests' she's always so worried about. Kagome told us to tell you not to come and get her for a few days,” Miroku lied calmly. He knew very well that Kagome hadn't said anything like that. In fact she hadn't really said much at all. Still, a few more days would help their plan immensely. After all, this was InuYasha they were talking about. If they wanted to get a confession out of him, they'd have to wear him down first.
“She didn't even say goodbye?” asked InuYasha in a sad voice, all traces of his earlier annoyance gone. He looked like a kicked puppy; even his usually perky ears drooped.
Seeing an opening to ask his question Miroku turned on the recorder hidden within his robes and said, “Do you love Kagome-sama, InuYasha?”
“Wha - no!” he cried, blushing fiercely. Then without warning, he leaped into a nearby tree.
Miroku sighed, this confession was going to take longer than he'd thought. `I doubt we can even get something out of him this way. I'm going to have to be a little more subtle.' Disappointed, he turned off the recorder. `If only I could do something to make InuYasha see how much he needs Kagome, this would be a lot easier…Wait. Kouga. I need Kouga to make this plan work!'
Smirking to himself, the monk headed back towards Kaede's hut. The wheels in his head were slowing turning. Yes, Kouga would be an interesting addition to his plot. Now all he had to do was find him…
AN: Next chapter: Kouga Enters the Mix!