InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Ending (Wacky Style) ❯ The Well and Inuyasha's Feelings ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Inuyasha: ...what's she going to do with that?
Kagome:...I don't know, but whatever it is, it isn't good.
Mioga: She's probably going to make herself more powerful...
Inuyasha and Kagome: Mioga?!
Mioga: What?
Inuyasha: Surprised you're here...where'd you come from?
Mioga: Well...I've been around, I couldn't miss the wedding...
Kagome: Whatever, i didn't see you.
Mioga: (laughs nervously)
Miroku: Come on Sango, the fact that I'll be willing to help you bear all the children you want should mean something to you.
Sango: It doesn't!!
Miroku: (pouts) So you're saying no?
Sango: (blushes) ...I...I...
Miroku: Why not?
Sango: Hey, I'm not FINISHED!
Miroku: So, you're saying yes?!
Sango: No!
Miroku: *sigh* So it's no?
Sango: I don't know!!
Shippo: Hello guys!! Kikyo!!
Kaede: Sister, stop this madness now.
Kikyo: Silence, Kaede. I have had the impression that you haven't been on my side.
Kaede: Well, 'tis difficult to side with one who is acting so ludicrously!
Kikyo: Do not fear, sister, Inuyasha is the only one I want, stay back and you won't be harmed.
Kaede: (eyes widen in surprise)
Sango: We have to take action, Kikyo has the Shikon jewel.

Shippo: We have to do something!
Miroku: Yes, but that force field...Kagome, you should be able to penetrate it.
Kagome: ...
Inuyasha: Come on, Kagome, it's alright, shoot it.
Kagome: Won't the poker hit her? It might bounce off after it destroys might kill her...
Inuyasha: I told you, that's what I want...isn't that what you want?
Kagome: I was just angry...and scared...of course...if she's going to kill you....but...Inuyasha, you loved her, how can you want her dead? Maybe the feelings are faded...but I find it hard to believe you want that.
Inuyasha: Kagome, Kikyo might seem as if all she wants is me and her to be brought down together, but I know what she really wants. She might seem angry, she might seem like she's going to kill us all, that she wants that, but really, what she wants is to rest in peace. And she won't do that if she's only subdued and left roaming about. Deep down, all she wants is to die, Kagome. She doesn’t belong in this world.
Kagome: (looks down) But...but...I don't belong here either...
Inuyasha: How could you think that? It's you're destiny to collect the jewel shards and protect wasn't a coincidence that demon brought you here. Without you, I wouldn't be here right now. You were to be here, Kagome.
Kagome: But Kikyo--
Inuyasha: Kikyo is no longer fit to protect the jewel, as you can see. You're supposed to now. It's your turn. The only way you can do that is to kill Kikyo. Kikyo killed to protect the jewel, you'll have to do the same, sometimes things are like this, and regardless, Kikyo isn't meant to be here. Her time is run out. You're her reincarnation, she needs and wants to be in the world where she belongs.
Kagome: I still don't feel right about it...
Inuyasha: It's for the best...
Kikyo: Both of you are just fools! Whether you want to kill me or not, with the jewel I'll gain power and full-fill what I came here to do. Kill Naraku and bring Inuyasha to Hell with me.
Kagome: Inuyasha I--
Inuyasha: Do it, come on, Kagome, be strong. You have to. Only you can break that barrier, not even red tetsusaiga can. Only you. Kagome.
Kagome:(turns and poses poker to be shot against the bow) I don't...I...
Inuyasha: Please, Kagome...
Kagome: (cries a bit and shoots at Kikyo)

Kikyo: Fools, I've already absorbed most of the jewel already.
Kagome: Absorbed?
Inuyasha: (clenches fist)
Kagome: but how can that be? She's not a demon.
Miroku: The power that I can sense from her closely resembles a demon. A lesser learned monk might assume that she was in fact a demon. I guess some one like her can absorb the jewel.
Kagome: Oh no...
Mioga: (looking solemn) Oh no is right... (smiles) I'll be taking my leave---
Inuyasha: (grabs him) Uh, no you won't.
Mioga: ...heh...heh... let me go!
Kikyo: (begins transforming, a bright light coming from her)
Kagome's grandpa: (hiding behind stand with bible) We're all gonna die!
Inuyasha: (stares in horror and awe) ....damn...
Misty, Ash, and Brock: (are all breathing heavily as they come near to a shrine)
Ash: Finally...maybe the people living here can give us some food...
Brock: No, we need to get to the exact area he told us. If Bu`enov`erno has any help for us, he needs to know where we are, and remember what he said about the shrine? The police can't get violent with us. Plus, if we're inside, it'll be harder for them to find us.
Misty: But we can't starve!! And the longer we wait to get food, the more likely it will be for the police to get here while we're getting food.
Brock: But...
Ash: IT'S CHOW TIME!!! (runs to the house nearby)
Misty: Yeah!! (runs after them)
Brock: (looks around, looking paranoid) Don't be so loud, what if the police hear you...
Ash, Misty, Brock: (reach the house and walk up to the door)
Ash: I'll knock! (begins knocking the pokemon theme)
Misty: That's enough already! (struggles to pull Ash's arm away, their fighting hits the door open)
Brock: Weird it wasn't locked.
Misty: That's suburbia for you.
Ash: (begins walking in) Heloooo!!! We're hungry!!!
Misty:(grabs the back of Ash's shirt, whispers) Ash, don't be rude! We can't just WALK IN.
Brock: I don't think anyone's here. Hello? Anybody?
Ash: Maybe they didn't hear us, let's go in. (tries to walk in)
Misty: (grabs more firmly on Ash's shirt) Brock, is it alright?
Brock: Yeah, maybe they didn't hear us.
Ash, Brock, Misty: (walk in slowly)
Ash: (runs ahead)
Misty: (whispers) Ash!
Brock: Hello?! Anyone there?! (walks up to stairs) Hello?!
Misty: (walks after Ash) Hello?! Anyone?! (walks into kitchen to find Ash stuffing food in his shirt) Ash!
Ash: What? Oh, you're right, I should be eating! Duh, not just SAVING! (begins stuffing food in mouth)
Misty: ASH!
Brock: HELLO?! Huh, guess no one's here... (walks into kitchen)
Ash: Come on, Misty, have some.
Misty: But...
Ash: It's REALLY good...
Misty: (gives into hunger) Oh alright. (begins pigging and gorging with Ash)
Brock: *ahem*
Ash and Misty: (mouths full, freeze)
Brock: (looks at them in a scolding way)
Ash and Misty: (mouths still full, smile. Then gulp down the food)
Brock; We can't just take the food.
Ash: Why not?
Misty: But, we're going to be on the run, Brock, and living where we're going to be living won't be easy...we deserve it.
Ash: (walks up to fridge) They look like a nice family.
Brock: (walks up to fridge, blushes) She's pretty.
Ash: What, the mom? Weirdo.
Brock: No! (smiles, blushing, points) ...
Ash: Oh......(smiles dreamily)
Misty: (angrily) I don't see what's so SPECIAL about her!
Ash: Huh?
Misty: Perfectly ugly if you ask me.
Brock: What are you TALKING about?
Ash: Yeah, are we looking at the same picture?
Misty: Anyway, after you guys stop DROOLING, I guess I'll see you in the shrine. (scoops up more food and storms off)
Brock: What's HER problem?
Ash: Who knows, girls just don't speak the same language as we do.
Brock: (blushing) Yeah, but I'd sure like to speak the same language as that girl...
Ash: Yeah...
Misty: *ahem*
brock and Ash: (turn)
Ash: I thought you were going to go to the shrine and wait for us.
Misty: Well, I was going to but I couldn't stand the thought of you guys in front of that butt-ugly girl's picture.
Ash: No, really, why did you come back.
Misty: For my chestnuts. Nnmm. (sticks out tongue and grabs back of chestnuts, turns and begins walking away)
Ash and Brock: (follow)
Ash: (grabs food as he goes along) How can you say she's ugly?
Misty: Hmph!
Brock: (in a dreamy voice) The girl must have been so beautiful she drove Misty insane!
Misty: As if!
Misty, Brock, Ash: (walk into shrine)
Misty: Whoa...what a weird place...
Brock: Come on guys. (walks into the shrine more)
Misty: Huh, so this was the exact point, I don't think we have to actually SIT on this thing the whole time do we?
Brock: Of course not, we can just lodge on the floor.
Ash: I don't see what the problem is, the well looks pretty comfy to me.
Misty: I'M not going to sit on some stupid well, how could THAT be comfy, idiot.
Brock: Really Ash.
Ash: (sit's on edge of well)
Misty: Huh...the...ew...Well...what a disgusting name...
Brock: It says here they would throw the bones of demons into the well.
Misty: Y-y-you m-might want t-to get off that well Ash!
Brock: Yeah, the legends say that the demon spirits remain with the--the bones.
Misty: R-r-really?
Brock: (looking scared) Uh-huh.
Misty: (hugging herself) We HAVE to stay here.
Ash: (looks in well) You guys are so dumb, there aren't even any bones in here. Besides, there are no such things as demons anyway, babies.
Misty and Brock: We are NOT babies!
Brock; Yeah! There might not be demons NOW but there might have been then.
Misty: Yeah!
Ash: You guys are so stupid. That's the stuff in fairytales.
Brock: Ash, we've had lots of weird stuff happen to us.
Misty: Yeah, like weird stuff in the haunted house!
Brock: That weird ghost woman turning into skulls and attacking us!
Misty: OR us turning into dolls!
Ash: That was all because of pokemon!
Misty: CORRECTION! There was that weird ghost WOMAN, not pokemon, and it was SABRINA who turned us into dolls!
Ash: Yeah, whatever. Still, we haven't run into any demons, jeesh! And even if there WERE demons, which there are not, I KNOW there aren't spirits!
Pikachu: Pika piKA!!!
Ash: What? Oh yeah...
Brock and Misty: What?
Ash: Well there WAS that time when me and Pikachu's souls were taken from our bodies
Misty: AAAH! When was THAT?!
Ash: .... (remembers tricking Brock and Misty)
Pikachu and Ash: (look at one and other)
Ash: Never mind.
Misty: See! See! There ARE spirits!
Ash: But they're aren't demon's.
Brock: (sits on edge of well)
Misty: Brock what are you--
Brock: I wanted to take another look at what Bu`enov`erno gave us.
Misty: Huh?
Brock: (opens velvet box) Gosh...isn't it pretty...
Misty: What IS it, and what did your brother mean by a special passion?
Ash: Maybe dexter knows. (pulls out dexter)
Misty: Ash! Don't be DUMB, dexter only knows about , stupid!
Ash: Well, it MIGHT know about it, so THERE! (opens dexter)
Dexter: ....
Misty: See!
Dexter: Loading....loading...loading...BEEP! (pictures pop up on screen of the jewel)
Ash: Huh, see it went onto a website about it...
Brock: What is it...
Ash: Huh...weird...according to this it doesn't exist.
Misty: WHAT?!
Ash: "This priceless artifact has been searched for by many anthropologists. Many have claimed that they have found it, and normally, shortly after, they have been stolen or proven to be fakes. The suspected thief always leaves behind a trademark pokeball inscribed: Bu`enov`erno. A few years ago the most acclaimed found was also stolen by this mystery thief. But scientists doubt it's authenticity." Says here legends state it had mystical powers.
Brock: Hmm...
Misty: (reaches for it) Let me see!
Brock: (holds it out of her reach) No!
Misty: (reaches for it) Come on!|
Ash: Me too!
Brock: You might break it!
Misty: No we won’t!
Brock, Misty, Ash: (Fight over it)
brock: (nearly drops it in, leans out to catch it, loses footing) You stupid!
Misty: Sorry! (grabs on, isn't strong enough to pull him up) Help me Ash!
Ash: (grabs on to Misty)
Ash, Misty, brock: (fall in)
Buyo: (walks up eats the tuna fish Misty dropped)
Ash, Misty, Brock: AAAAAAAAH!!!
Pikachu: PIKA!!!!
Buyo: Meow. (translation: dumb asses)
Kikyo: (transforms more, eyes become a glowing lavender, hair also streaked in the same color, get's strange markings on her face, and becomes taller)
Kagome; Oh God...
Kikyo: (scales appear on her hands and skin up to her neck, and wings from her back) Now...(faces Naraku) kill you..
Naraku: (sobs more)
Inuyasha: but he's GOOD now! He got me this! (Unveils game from velvet, it sparkles and shines)
Everyone but Inuyasha and Naraku: Ooooooh!!!
Inuyasha: (puts velvet back over game)
Kikyo: (snaps out of awe) It doesn't matter, Naraku needs to DIE! (points arrow at Naraku)
Naraku: I'm sorry for what I did! Really!! I was evil then! I've changed!
Kikyo: Does it look like I care?
Naraku: (cowers) looks like you're eyes have turned lavender, and you have a weird skin condition and you grew wings and your hair looks weird and you got bigger...and you breathe fire, but that could be the burritos I had last night...
Kikyo: You're going to die Naraku!
Inuyasha: (hands Kagome an arrow) Here's one Kikyo dropped, no, you have to shoot her Kagome...
Kagome: But...I mean...Naraku did to horrible things, and if he dies Miroku's wind tunnel will vanish...and I don't know if I can do it...
Inuyasha; But he gave me this. (unveils game which sparkles and shines)
Kagome: Oooooh!
Inuyasha: (puts velvet back on game)
Kagome: But..
Kagome's grandpa: Just do it Kagome!! We'll all DIE if you don't!
Sota: God, Kagome, you got a 5 on your test, but I didn't think you were that dumb!
Kagome's Mom: She got a FIVE?!
Sota; Oops!
Kagome's Grandpa: Sota, you weren’t supposed to tell.
Kagome and Kagome's Mom: GRANDPA!
Kagome: YOU weren't supposed to tell! How did SOTA find out?!
Kagome's Mom: I can't believe you keep secrets from me, Grandpa! And you too Kagome!
Kikyo: (pulls back arrow)
Inuyasha: Hurry, Kagome.
Kagome: (shoots arrow)

Inuyasha: I guess we should have figured.
Miroku: Wind tunnel!!!
Kikyo: (begins slowly being drawn by the wind tunnel toward it) No... (shoots a beam at Miroku)
Miroku (goes flying backward)
Sango: Miroku!! (glares at Kikyo) That's it!! Hyraicoats! (however it's spelled) (throws hyraicoats thing)

Kikyo: (dodges it easily)

Sango: Shoot! She's too fast...and that power!
Miroku: (struggles to get up)
Sango: (turns) Miroku! (runs to him)
Inuyasha: That's it! Time to take matters into my own hands!
Kagome's grandpa: it's about time! Why didn't you before?!
Inuyasha; I...I..I just...
Kagome: Are you still having trouble getting yourself to do it?
Inuyasha: ...
Kagome: Come on, Inuyasha, you have to. Remember what you told me.
Inuyasha: Hey, you're having trouble too! And I don't really get why, I mean, Kikyo and me used to should hate her.
Kagome: Why?
Inuyasha; Because...she tried to kill you...and...she's kind're rival or whatever.
Kagome: I guess I don't hold grudges.
Inuyasha: You just don't want to admit you hate her.
Kagome: I don't!
Inuyasha: Alright...well, it doesn't matter anyway. (walks toward Kikyo) I shoulda done this a long time ago! Backlash wave!!!

Inuyasha: That did nothin' but make some fireworks!!
Kagome: There's got to be a way to beat her, there has to be!
Inuyasha: mioga, is there aw way?
Mioga: (unable to talk having been squeezed between Inuyasha's fingernails from his tension subconsciously) eeeee...
Kagome: What if there...isn't a way to beat her?
Inuyasha: ...
Somewhere else...
Brock: Ow...(rubs head in pain) YOU STUPID IDJITS!!
Misty: Well, Ash couldn't even pull us up! Weakling.
Ash: Hey!
Brock: At least this didn't break...FORTUNATELY. What did I tell you? I knew you'd endanger it!
Misty: Well if you'd just let us see it, we wouldn't have fallen in this well.
Ash: Well let's get out already.
Pikachu: Pika!
Brock: Shut up, we can't understand you anyway.
Pikachu: (sticks tongue out at Brock)
Brock: Gosh, he was quiet all the way until we were arguing with Ash about spirits and now he has to answer randomly.
Ash: Cool it, don't be such a grump.
Misty: (begins climbing up the well) Yeah, we'll just climb right out... (gets to the top and trails off)
Ash and brock: (look up at her)
Brock: What is it?
Ash: yeah, it's not like you to shut up. (can of beans Misty threw hits him in the face) Ow!
Brock: Misty? (Climbs up) What's the.... (trails off when he reaches the top)
Ash: What's wrong?! Come on! Spit it out!
Pikachu: Pika, pika pi!
Ash: No offense Pikachu, but I think Brock may be right...
Pikachu: (shocks ash)
Ash: Don't do that! (climbs up) Hello? (reaches top) ........
Misty: Where are we?!
Brock: ....
Misty: Oh great, still haven't gotten over the shock...
Brock: Where are we?!
Misty: I already SAID that!
Brock and misty: (look at Ash)
Brock: Still hasn't gotten over the shock?
Misty: Said that TOO!
Ash: Where are we!?
Brock and Misty: Said that.
Pikachu: Chu, pika, pikachu? (translation: Where are we?)
Ash: (turns to pikachu) I'm guessing we said that too, Pikachu, hey, that rhymes!
Giant demon: (comes toward them)
Misty and Brock: .......
Ash: (petting Pikachu and turned the other way) You guys are quiet, still haven't gotten over the shock.
Giant demon: ROOOOOOAAAAAR!!!!
Ash: (winces in the wind of the demon's roar) God, sorry!
Giant demon: (eats Ash's hat)
Ash: Huh? AAAAAAAH!!!! Hey, you big OAF!! You ate my hat!
Giant Demon: *munch, munch*
Ash: (fire is in his eyes, jumps out of well ,turns giant and red) DIEEEEE!!!!!!! (chases after demon)
Giant demon: (runs squealing)
Brock and Misty: Wait up!! (run after them)
Back at the ruined wedding...
Kikyo: Nothing you can do can stop me. I have the power of the Shikon jewel, and it is now time for your death, Naraku.
Shippo: Fox fire!

Kikyo: (glares at him)
Shippo: (hides behind pew)
Kaede: My arrows are powerless...nothing can do, will do anything...
Inuyasha: (charges at Kikyo) HAAAAA!!! (slashes at Kikyo's power, nothing happens)
Kagome's mom: (lifts up pew over her head)
Sota: M-m-mom!! How'd you DO that?!
Kagome's mom: She called me a WAITRESS!!! (throws pew at Kikyo)

Kagome's Mom: ....
Sota: ....
Kagome: *sigh* *sweat drop* ....
Inuyasha: ....
Kikyo: ...
Kagome's mom: (begins throwing more pews and things in a frenzy) You-will-DIE!! Take-this-and-this-and--
Kagome: Mom, you're EMBARRASSING me!!!
Kagome's mom: Sorry, dear...
Sota: Oh boy...
Kagome's Grandpa: How about some sacramental sake!
Kagome: No! That's even WORSE!!
Kagome's grandpa: (opens a bottle and splashes sake toward Kikyo)

Kagome's grandpa: Yes!
Everyone: ...
Inuyasha: Her power's

Kikyo: AAAH!! (puts hair out, has bald spot) YOU'LL OLD MAN!!
Kagome's grandpa: (cowers)
Kagome: Knew THAT wasn't going to accomplish much.

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON DON DON!