InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu torture ❯ Dinner ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is the third chapter for my Inu Torture story and I think that I may only come up with one or two more after this.

... person is thinking something.

Disclaimer: I OWN INUYASHA!

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Inuyasha watched in horror as tables appeared out if nowhere and started to set themselves. Inuyasha wished that he could speak so he could yell at everyone; he also wanted to get down so he could kill some people.

To Inuyasha's left, Shipo and Kilala where playing around and chasing each other. Although it didn't look like they were playing when the started to kiss each other.

On his right, Miroku was continually groping Sango, and she just groped him back. This seemed like it was only happening to make Inuyasha mad, it did, but it also confirmed that the two liked each other.

Directly in front of him, Rin, Souta, Jaken, Kagura, and Kanna, were making food. All of the food smelled so good. Inuyasha could see steak, salad, fish, fruit and vegetables being prepared and cooked. He also saw a big pot of Ramen boiling. All of this reminded him that he hadn't eaten since that morning.

Up ahead of him Kagome was talking to Sesshomaru and Koga. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Let me down from here NOW! Souta, Rin, someone. Get me down! Inuyasha screamed in his mind trying to speak the words. He tried to struggle as much as possible but it seemed useless. What is wrong? I should be able to break out of these bindings. Why are they doing this to me?

"Confused Inuyasha? I hope you are. You have been deserving this for a LONG time." A voice spoke behind him. Inuyasha recognized Kikyo's voice behind him. Just then, Kikyo and Naraku came from behind the tree Inuyasha was pinned to and both had a wicked smirk on their faces.

Damn it. This is probably one of Naraku's plans to get the shards. No matter what I will get off this tree, get my hands on Naraku and tear him limb from limb. Inuyasha lost himself in thought and didn't see that Kagura and Souta started to set up the tables.

After some time had passed, Inuyasha had to accept the fact that he couldn't escape from his bindings. Everyone, everyone that was on the date that is, sat down at the tables with their date. Inuyasha was ready to burst but didn't seem able to vocalize of move to show his anger.

What does it take to get down from here? Or get threw to the others? Inuyasha noticed Kohaku leave the area with his weapon in hand. Five minutes later, a few animal like screams broke the near silence and came from the direction that Kohaku had went.

Kagura headed toward the origin of the sound and returned less than a minute later with a couple corpses on her floating leaf. Inuyasha recognized that these were really demons instead of animals. They seemed to be like deers for the most part but where their heads and neck were, it became a human torso, which lead to the upper body of a man or woman. One of the demons was missing it's head, the thing that made Inuyasha really mad was the headless demon was only a child of a few years old. The demons had been butchered, to Inuyasha it seemed that Kohaku didn't care how he killed the demons; only that he didn't stop until they didn't have an once of life left.

Nobody seemed to notice the smell or that the demons had been moved passed them. The demons were put on a giant cutting board each and then cut up into steaks and roasts. Even the upper body parts were used. There were only three bodies, a man, a woman, and a headless boy.

Those bastards! How can they kill a family of Gentaurs? They've done nothing to you people. They're the most gentle creatures ever. Once I get out of here, you will all pay! Inuyasha wanted to burst. Only a heartless person would kill a gentaur. The meat that was cut from the Gentaurs was cooked many different ways. Some of it was cooked on a spit, some in a pot and others chopped into bits and cooked with other stuff.

Everyone had started to eat a salad and Inuyasha could smell wine coming from some of the tables. Inuyasha heard a rustle coming from the side and turned his head to look. A group of people walked out of the woods and each was carrying an instrument. They set up a bit of a ways away from the diners and started to play a soft romantic song.

After everyone was done with their salad, each of them received a bowl of Raman. This is torture. That's what is going on, torture.

When everyone had their fill of the noodles, they all got up and went over to a clearing next to the band. Naraku cast a spell and the whole clearing of grass turned into a hardwood floor. Everyone began to dance. Kagome switched partners every now and then, but except for that, they didn't stop dancing for an hour.

With the dancing complete, everyone went back to his or her seat. They where then each given a main course. It was scattered about for what people wanted, but while the people at the tables started eating, the slaves severed themselves and the band. In fact, the only person who didn't have any food was Inuyasha. If I said it before, I'll say it again. This is pure torture. Inuyasha thought for the thousandth time.

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Well what do you people think? I mad up a new demon, but don't worry I will use them again in another story. And they will be alive. I hope you all enjoyed this. There will only be a few more chapters to go. And I already have the ending in mind.