InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome's Modern Adventure ❯ New Friends Revealed ( Chapter 9 )

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Chapter 9: New Friends Revealed
For the next couple of weeks, nothing extraordinary happened. Girls ogled at Inuyasha, and the popular kids seemed to be taking a liking to him as well. Even with all these distractions, he still stayed by Kagome's side, trying his hardest to remind himself the reason why he was here. The more he was with Kagome, the more he enjoyed her company.
Every weekend, Kagome and her friends had something planned. Sometimes they would go out to a movie, other times they would stay at someone's house and rent a movie, while other times they just went out doing random things. Inuyasha joined them every once in a while, except for when they decided to be extra girly. During those times, he would sit at home and play with Souta.
Souta had taught Inuyasha how to play video games. They would sit in front of the television for hours and battle each other. At first, Souta crushed Inuyasha easily, but after a few games, Inuyasha began to prove himself an admirable opponent. The first time Inuyasha won, Souta couldn't believe it. No one had ever beaten him, except for the computer. How could someone who had only been playing for a few weeks get that good? Lifting his spirits, Inuyasha would start a mock battle with Souta. They would roll around on the floor, poking each other until one of them yelled “uncle,” which would normally be Inuyasha, just to make Souta feel better about himself.
School hadn't changed at all either. Inuyasha still acted up, which would earn him a detention. However, some teachers had given up on him and didn't issue detentions anymore. They just prayed that school would end soon.
Inuyasha was still the affection of all the girls' eyes. It seemed everything he did, whether it was eating or talking back to a teacher, the girls were always there to give their sighs. Kagome had finally gotten used to them, but there was one other thing that Kagome couldn't get used to.
Every day he had detention, Inuyasha would come home late. Kagome knew the reason why, but she always asked. He was out with these new friends of his; the ones he wouldn't tell Kagome about.
“Why won't you tell me their names?” Kagome asked.
“Because it's not important,” Inuyasha replied.
It might not have been important to him, but it was to Kagome. She didn't want to be left out, and she was worried about Inuyasha. She didn't want him to end up with the wrong people and get into more trouble. Besides, these new friends were taking him away from her. He would never admit it, but Kagome knew. Whenever she wanted to do something with him, such as go to the movies or just sit at home, he always had plans with those friends.
“He tells me it's not important, but,” Kagome sighed to herself. “It's important to me.”
“Another day, another book report,” Ayumi stated.
“I don't think I can take another book report assignment,” Yuka sighed.
“Thankfully lunch is next,” Eri noted. “At least we'll have some time away from these assignments.”
Kagome didn't pay any attention to them. She just walked along in silence, thinking of no other than Inuyasha. He had rushed out of class to catch up with some of his friends, leaving Kagome standing in the classroom watching him as he disappeared.
`How did Inuyasha get so popular? I couldn't even get that popular in that short of time and I've been here longer than him.' Kagome thought to herself. `Stupid Inuyasha! This was such a bad idea!'
“Are you okay? You've been kinda silent all day,” Eri observed.
“I'm fine. I've just some things on my mind,” Kagome half-lied.
“I think we all have things on our mind, definitely school,” Ayumi commented.
Without realizing it, they had found their way to the lunch room. They walked over to their usual table, only to find it taken by a group of guys and girls. Kagome recognized one of them, Inuyasha.
Inuyasha turned around to see who it was. His eyes grew wide when he saw Kagome.
“Ka-Kagome? What are you doing here?”
“Um…I'm here for lunch?” Kagome pointed out sarcastically. “What are you doing at our table?”
“Who's that girl bothering you, Inuyasha?” a girl at the table asked.
“This is Kagome. She's a friend of mine,” Inuyasha explained.
“Inuyasha, who's that?” Kagome asked.
“Um…this is Mana,” Inuyasha introduced nervously.
“Ah, is she one of the friends that you've been hanging out with?”
“So I guess all these people are those mysterious friends.”
“So what are ya'll doing at our table?” Kagome asked again.
“Excuse me, but I didn't see your name on it,” the girl called Mana pointed out.
“But ya'll know that we eat here every day. Why would ya'll suddenly decide to eat here?”
“We like the view,” a boy cut in.
The table was located at the side of the cafeteria with the window. A beautiful lawn with tall trees and blooming plants could be seen out of it. It was the ideal table to sit at.
“So where do you expect us to sit, Inuyasha?”
“Over with the other dorks,” another boy told her with a snicker.
The whole table laughed at his comment.
“I didn't ask you; I asked Inuyasha.” Kagome was trying her best to control her temper, but it was hard not to “sit” Inuyasha right then and there.
“Um…does it really matter, Kagome?”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha with disappointment. How could he treat her like this, after all they had been through? She couldn't understand it. Her worst fears were confirmed at that moment. He had found his way to the dark side. Kagome expected him to do this, but still, she hoped that he would have ignored all these people and paid attention to her, only her.
Inuyasha lowered his head in defeat. He knew exactly what was happening. A gap was being formed between him and Kagome, and it was his fault. He should've done as he had originally planned, stay by Kagome's side. But no! He had to go off with these others; he had to feel like he had some power in the school.
Tears formed in Kagome's eyes. She turned on her heels and ran as quickly as she could out of the lunchroom.
“Jerk!” Eri yelled out as she followed Kagome.
“Heh, don't think anything about them, Inuyasha,” Mana stated. “You're lucky, remember that. You're life is easier now with us. We rule the school, along with you. Besides, I've heard you complain about you uptight she is. She won't let you do what you want to do. She brings you down. We know exactly who are and what you want to be.”
Inuyasha realized that there was some truth to what Mana said. Kagome never let him do what he wanted. She always “sat” him if he ever did anything she didn't like. These people didn't have that kind of power over him; he could do whatever he wanted to without fear. Inuyasha perked up a bit at this thought. Kagome would just have to get over it. It was his time to do what he wanted.
Kagome ran into the nearest stall, her head in her hands. She locked the stall door and sat down on the toilet. She cried and cried, releasing her frustration. How? Why? These questions popped into her mind. Inuyasha could be so cruel at times.
She lifted her head, revealing puffy, red eyes. Sadness, disappointment, confusion, rage were the feelings in her eyes. He would not get away with this. He would just have to find out the hard way what he had gotten himself into.
She stood up slowly and unlocked the door. She walked over to the mirror and peered into it.
“I'm a reck.”
She reached over and drew out a paper towel out of the paper towel dispenser. She plotted her eyes. Inuyasha would pay.
After the run-in, Kagome and Inuyasha weren't on speaking terms. They never once looked at each other, not even one little glance. Kagome slowly got over the shock over time. Things were like they were before he had come to her school. She spent most of her time with her friends, talking about boys and shopping and school.
Inuyasha on the other hand was getting himself into trouble. Whatever the group did, he would do. He picked on little kids, laughed at people who accidentally dropped their books or fell on the ground. He was just being an overall bully.
Kagome didn't even try to tell Inuyasha, or give him a hint, to stop. She wanted him to have his fun, and she wanted to have her fun as well. Now would be the perfect time to set her eyes on Hojo, the hottest, sweetest boy at the school. That would set a fire under Inuyasha's butt for sure.
I think I'm going to stop there. For the next chapter, expect a lot of typical high school drama. I just want to tell you all not to worry about Inuyasha and Kagome; things will work out in the end…I think, lol. It's for me to know and you to find out. So tell me what you think of this chapter and keep on reading!