InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome's Modern Adventure ❯ "How Could You?!" ( Chapter 12 )

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Chapter Twelve: “How Could You?!”
Finally, the day of the dance arrived. Kagome ran around her room, making sure she had everything she needed for the dance, jewelry, dress, and shoes. Now all she needed to do was go get her hair done. She was about to leave her room when something compelled her to look out her bedroom window.
Goshinboku stood majestically from the ground. If it hadn't have been for that tree, none of this between Inuyasha and herself would have happened. Speaking of the hanyou, there he was, sitting down on one of the highest branches. He stared out into space while Kagome stared at him, her eyes sparkling, close to tears.
`Why?' was her only thought.
“Kagome?” her mother called from below. “You're going to miss your hair appointment if you don't come down soon.”
“Okay, I'll be right there in a second,” she replied, not taking her eyes off the hanyou.
`No matter what al has happened, I still love him.'
Suddenly Inuyasha averted his gaze from in front of him up to Kagome's window. She yelped and ducked from view. After a few seconds, she peeked over the railing to see if he was still looking her way. To her relief, he hadn't just stopped gazing at her, but he was gone. She turned around and slumped down to the floor. What they were doing was crazy? She knew that, but what could she do? How could she make up with him? Wait, why should she make up with him? He was the one who started it!
“I'll be right there.” She stood up from the ground and ran out of her room. Now was not the time to think about that. “Maybe we'll make up after the dance.”
“Yes, dear?”
“Have you seen Inuyasha?”
“No, dear, I haven't.”
“Oh.” Kagome lowered her eyes and stared at her soup. Why wasn't she happy? Hojo would be here in an hour to take her to the dance, but for some reason, that just made her feel worse. Now if it was Inuyasha… No! She didn't need to think about that; it would just ruin her night.
“What has gotten into you two anyways?” Mrs. Higurashi asked.
“It's…complicating,” Kagome explained.
“How complicating?” her mother prodded.
“Well, it's just that ever since he started coming to school, things between me and him have worsened when they should've been getting better.”
“It's those friends of his, huh?”
Kagome perked up. “How…how did you know about them?”
“Oh, I see him running off to see them on the weekends.”
“Oh, I see.”
“But you have nothing to worry about. He'll tire of those friends and he'll come back. He's a smart boy. He knows what he wants. It may not be obvious to him now, but before the year is ended, he'll understand.”
“Yeah…hopefully.” With that, Kagome excused herself and ran up to her room to get ready for Hojo's arrival.
Hojo arrived, pictures were taken, and good wishes were passed. Kagome got into Hojo's car and they drove off to the dance.
“Wow, you look stunning, Kagome,” Hojo complimented.
“Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself,” Kagome replied.
When Hojo had first laid eyes on her, his mouth had dropped. Kagome almost thought that he was having a panic attack for a while. Hojo reassured her he wasn't; he was just taken away by how beautiful she looked. Kagome had blushed.
They pulled up to the amphitheatre where the dance was being held. It was huge, with a dome-shaped roof. Once they got closer to the front, Kagome noticed that the place had a long, covered walkway. The cover was held up by classic Greek pillars. A red carpet had been laid out for the incoming guests.
The inside of the place wasn't much different. A great hallway greeted the guests as they entered. Two spiraling staircases were situated on each side that led up to the dance hall. Kagome and Hojo took the right one. Lights and music blared from inside. It was just like a fancy dance club. Kagome looked around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of Inuyasha. He couldn't be found. Sighing, she resumed her attention to Hojo, who led her out to the dance floor.
Bodies collided into one another, sweat was passed from one body to another, but no one noticed, or cared. All they cared about was the music and their partners. Hojo and Kagome danced for about an hour until they were both tired.
“I'll go get us a drink! Sit down here and I'll be back in a bit,” Hojo yelled to Kagome.
“Okay!” she yelled back.
Even though she was tired, she couldn't help but tap her toe to the music. She was having fun, even without Inuyasha. She could care less about him right now. If he walked through the door, she wouldn't care…
“Oh my! Look how beautiful Mana looks!” a girl close to Kagome yelled out.
She looked over to the entrance of the dance room and sure enough, there was Mana and her date, Inuyasha.
“Don't they look great as a couple?” another girl commented.
Kagome's heart skipped a beat. Inuyasha was decked out in a black suit, black tie, and a white shirt. The jacket accented his broad, muscular shoulders, while the black accented his golden eyes. Just like Hojo, Kagome's breath was taken away.
Mana looked over and saw Kagome, gaping. A cocky smile formed on her face and she moved in closer to Inuyasha. Kagome noticed.
“Kagome? I'm back with some punch,” Hojo sounded.
Kagome jumped and looked at Hojo.
“What's wrong, Kagome?”
“Nothing,” Kagome lied. “Let's go out and dance some more.” Before he could say anything, she grabbed his arm and dragged him out to the dance floor. Mana saw this and did the same. The more she could torment Kagome, the better.
“Hey, Inuyasha, do you want to dance a little bit?” Mana asked, imitating a loving voice.
“Um…sure,” Inuyasha gulped.
Without any further ado, Mana dragged Inuyasha out to the dance floor, picking a place that was close to Kagome and Hojo. Before anyone could make any snide comments about the other, the dance was interrupted by a lady on stage with a microphone in hand.
“It's time to unveil the King and Queen of the dance,” she announced.
The dance room fell dead silent. Hearts raced in anticipation.
“The King of the Fall Dance is…”
The hall erupted in wild applause. Mana and the gang pushed a confused Inuyasha towards the stage to receive his crown. The lady placed a crown on his head and congratulated him.
“Now, it's time to announce our King's Queen!”
Dead silence once again.
“The Queen of the Fall Dance is…”
Jogging heartbeats.
Again the silence was disrupted by the sound of applause. Mana looked around in pretend surprise, tears and all. She walked elegantly towards the stage, blowing kisses at everyone. Kagome rolled her eyes.
Once Mana finally found her way to the stage, the lady placed a glimmering tiara on her head and handed her a beautiful bouquet of exotic colored flowers.
“And now it's time for the King and Queen's first spotlight dance.”
The lights on the stage dimmed. The next line of light appeared when Inuyasha and Mana made their way to the middle of the dance floor. A slow song issued, followed by a spotlight. Mana took Inuyasha's hand and placed her remaining hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. Still a bit confused by all that was happening, Inuyasha placed his hands on her hips.
“Just follow my lead, Inuyasha,” Mana whispered in his ear.
Mana began to sway, side to side. Inuyasha copied her actions.
Kagome stared at the two of them. She tried to tell herself that it was just a dance and if it was up to him, he wouldn't do this, not like this, right in front of her.
“I'm really glad I'm getting to share this with you,” Mana breathed. “Do you feel the same way?”
“I guess.”
Mana smiled and raised herself up on her tip-toes. Inuyasha looked at her, wondering what she was going to do now. Before she reached him, Inuyasha looked out into the audience and saw Kagome, standing in the front row. He hadn't even noticed she was there. With all the bustle when they first arrived, how could he? He suddenly averted his gaze to Mana, whom he could feel her breath on his neck. She was rising, higher and higher. Before he could stop her, she raised herself high enough to where he lips met his.
Kagome's eyes widened with shock. She began to breathe heavily. Everything, everyone seemed so close. Why weren't they leaving her alone?
“Kagome?” Hojo asked worried.
She couldn't hear him. All she could see was Inuyasha, and Mana, out in the middle of the dance floor, kissing. So it was true, all her fears. She was losing, already lost, Inuyasha. All because of a stupid argument over friends, and a table!
“Inuyasha…” Kagome fell to the ground. Before she completely blacked out, she saw Inuyasha with Mana, holding her close to him, lips together.
Awww, poor Kagome! How could I be so cruel?! Oh well, it makes for a good read. Wow, two chapters in a day, but I was looking forward to writing this chapter a lot. Anyways, I don't know what the next chapter will consist of. I'll just have to wait until something pops into my head. ^^ Keep reading!