InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Christmas Carols ❯ Kikyo got Ran Over by a Reindeer ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sorry I haven't written the past few days! I've been too lazy! Well here's the last carol then. I'll try to make it funny!


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha!


Kikyo got Ran Over by a Reindeer


Kikyo got ran over by a reindeer

Looking for Inuyasha last night

She heard this big noise behind her

And got flattened by a big sleigh


Santa got out of his sleigh

And looked at the pile of mush

And he shrugged his shoulders

Oh well she's been bad all year anyways

So he gets back into his sleigh

And takes off into the night


OK there you go! I'm going to do a Way to Kill Kikyo based off of this!