InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Marching Band ❯ Food Fight and a Stroll in the Mall ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: It's…so…sad…<sob, sob> I don't own Inuyasha.

Credit: Again, to the lovable blonde, Quachan484, for giving me the ideal of a food fight.

AN: My internet broke so I didn't update on time so to make up for it I will update two chapters. Anyway like you already know I cannot write fluff to save my life, so from now on Quchan484, (Emrys or J-chan) will be writing them.

Review Replies~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sessywuver: yes, we know all our drill and music after all the season already ended, and yes it is true some hard stuff we do learn is from band, and yes a lot of hilarious things do happen during band especially during the bus ride, but <shivers> anyway I really thank you for the compliment at the end of the review it makes me feel special.


Tou-san- slang for Otou-san meaning father

Youki- youkai's energy

Kekkai- barrier (or at least I think it is)

Okka-san- mother

Kaa-san- slang for Okka-san


Hentai- pervert

Manga- Japanese comic books

Arigotou- thank you

Inuyasha Marching Band Chapter 4: Food Fight Along With a Stroll in the Mall

Wednesday and Thursday went by quickly and Friday came.

"Ne, tou-san can you take me to school? Oh and will you come to the football game tomorrow at Schalick?" asked Kagome happily.

"Um, I'll think about it," said Kyou.

"Yes! And um can you pick up Sango, Kell, and Jenny too?"


"You're the best tou-san ever!" cried Kagome as she gave Kyou a hug.

"I'm flattered. We better leave now it's almost time for school."


Kyou drove the girls to school, and the routine of meeting the guys: Miroku, Inuyasha, Emrys, Devon, and Sesshoumaru, at the front gate were not surprising. They walk into the school together and then they would go separate ways, heading for their own classes.

First half of the day went by painfully slow, with very little action, and the ever so lovely lunch period came.

"Sango, Kagome, over here," Kell sang.

The two ladies walked towards the two beautiful sophomores and sat down.

"Hey, what's up," chimed Jenny happily.

"Nothing much, just going to boring classes all day," said Sango.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Dal said casually.

"You people can talk all you want, but I'm hungry. So I'm getting lunch," said starving Heather.

"You're always hungry," exclaimed Jenny as everyone headed to the line for food.

"Of course she is, she eats eternally," teased Kagome

"Yeah," laughed everyone.

Sesshoumaru's Table~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Keh. You're a girly girl playing the flute," retorted Inuyasha.

"Just because I play flute doesn't mean I'm a girly girl!" countered Emrys.

"Hey, hey, calm down," pleaded Devon.

"You shut up flute boy," yelled Inuyasha.

"OH you're going down now," said Devon as he threw some ketchuped chicken nuggets at Inuyasha, but missed and hit Kagome instead.

"Uh oh," whispered Miroku, "she's gonna get mad now."

Kagome felt something wet hit her back, and discovered it was a chicken nugget. She figured what was going on and took a cup of Jell-O, and threw it over at Sesshoumaru's table landing on Emrys's head.

"Kagome, why did you throw Jell-O across the room," asked Kell.

"The boys started it first. I'm just returning the favor."

"Food fight," screamed Sango, Kell, Heather, and Dal.

At the two words, Jenny quickly put up a purifying barrier around her and her friends only to let things out and not let things in.

"Who ever did this is going to pay," growled a very angry Emrys.

"Yay, food fight," yelled Miroku, Inuyasha, and Devon.

Sesshoumaru just put up a barrier using his youki when he heard food fight, and a minute later the whole room was full of food.


"Hey, girls I just had a great ideal," said Kagome.

"Yeah, what is it," inquired everyone in unison.

"I think I'm gonna do another pay back at Kikyo. I didn't have enough of the first one," answered Kagome.

"At the word of Kikyo everybody knew what Kagome was up to. So the six girls got up and marched right up to Kikyo; with the barrier in place.

"Kikyo," said Kagome in the sweetest voice she can muster.


"Eat this" and Kagome smashed a hamburger right in the middle of her face.

"YOU BITCH," screamed the butt ugly girl.

"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it Smikiyo," mocked Kagome.

Kagome didn't need to wait for an answer when her half sister tried to hit her with hot dogs.

"It's useless Kikyo," explained Jenny, "the food will only turn into dust when it hits my barrier."

At that, statement Kikyo was horror struck so the six ladies and some other people that were watching took advantage of the horror and threw food at her.


"Damn it Sesshoumaru, can't you share the Kekkai with us?"

"I cannot do that. You will just have to learn to make one yourself. I do believe that Otou-san taught you," replied Sesshoumaru coldly.

"Yeah, but I didn't pay attention."

"Too bad."

"Hey, guys look over there," said Miroku as he pointed to the left. They looked at what Miroku pointed and each gave a smirk.

"I think I will enjoy giving Kikyo a food shower," said Devon.

"I think I would too," said Emrys, Inuyasha, and Miroku.

"You coming?" questioned Miroku.

"No," refused Sesshoumaru flatly.

So they just walked over and started to hit Kikyo with any type of food they can find. Twenty minutes later the bell rang, and the people around the lunchroom cleared leaving a food drenched Kikyo crying on the floor.

"Ahhh, that felt good," whispered Kagome.

"Of course it did. You just let out all your anger and stress out on Kikyo. If it wasn't for that reason I would have stopped you," explained Jenny.

"I thought so because normally you being miss perfect would have stopped us," remarked Kell.

"True, true." agreed Dal.

"Hey, see you guys later," said Heather as she walked into C-5.

"Yeah, see you guys later too," said Sango and Kagome. Then strolled into C-6.

"Well, like they say see you later," chirped Kell, and she disappeared into C-7 as Jenny went into C-9.

The rest of the boring day went by and as usual, the girls met the girls, the guys met the guys and they all walked home.

Kagome's House~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Okaa-san I'm home."

"Welcome back Kagome."

"Kaa-san, I think I will be going to the mall later on. Can you take me?"

"Yes, would you like to ask your friends to come?"

"Um...yeah let me call them."

"Ok," replied Kari.

Kagome raced up the stairs to her room and called Sango.

"Hey Sango I'm going to the mall in a bit you coming?"


"Okay then meet me at my house at um…three thirty."

"Kay, bye."

"Who's next? Aha I got it."

"Kong residence," chirped Jenny.

"Yo Jen, Sango and I are going to the mall later you wanna come?"


"Then meet me at my house at three thirty. By the way are Kell and Jim Muller going out?"

(Jim Muller-mallets, vampire/wolf, pit captain, Muller)

"Yeah, they finally got together after all eternity."

"I see. Bye then."

3:30 at Kagome's House~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ding Dong, the doorbell rang loudly throughout the house.

"Kagome, go get the door," yelled Kari.

"Hai kaa-san."

Kagome got off the couch and sauntered over to the door then opened it. What she saw when she opened the door was quite a shocking sight. There must have been at least seven people standing at Kagome's doorstep smiling.

"The last time I recall asking nine people to come here at once was never," said a sarcastic Kagome

"Well…ah…you see Kagome, when you called and asked me to go to the mall I decided that maybe Miroku can come so I called him," replied Sango shakily.

"Then I decided maybe Inuyasha could go to, so I asked him," continued Miroku.

"After the Hentai called me I thought it was pointless to go if Emrys and Devon couldn't go so I called them," grunted Inuyasha.

"Yeah…you see I wanted Kell to come so I IMed her and she said yes," muttered Jenny.

"Then I wanted my boyfriend to be with me so I made him come with me," said Kell sheepishly.

Kagome gave a heavy sigh and said, "It's ok just be glad that my mom has a van and that I can tolerate you all."

After Kagome make that comment, everybody gave a sigh of relief and walked in.

"Mom it seems like the guests have arrived, so I think we should leave now."

"Alright then hop in the car and turn it on for me I'll be out in a minute," said Kari as she handed her daughter the car keys.

"You guys heard what she said so do it. By the way the car is a deep green Ford."

Everyone headed out the door and into the van when Kagome unlocked it. Then she turned the ignition on and left the keys in place. The next thing the group knew was that they are on their way to Cherry Hill Mall in a forest green van not making a peep. Twenty minutes later the nine passengers exited the car and stood on the sidewalk.

"So I'll be back to pick you up at six," inquired Kari.

"Hai, kaa-san," replied Kagome and the van left. "Where do you guys want to go first, questioned Kagome?

"Let's go to Aeropostále first," suggested Sango.

"Ok," answered the eight people.

"Hey, Inuyasha I think this should fit you dearly," teased Kagome as she held up a scarlet shirt with a white dog in front.

"No way in hell am I gonna wear that," growled Inuyasha.

"Ok, ok calm down I was just kidding," said Kagome.


Ten minutes later the group walked out the store with bags in hand. Sango bought two pairs of cargo pants one black and one blue. Kagome bought a pink blouse with a monkey on the back. Jen, Kell, and Muller both got a shirt saying band geeks rule, and Inuyasha got a black hat with slits for his ears to bring out his silver hair. Miroku, Emrys, and Devon didn't get anything much to their disappointment.

"Since I, or we didn't get anything can we go to Game Stop," asked Devon.

"Game freak," remarked Jenny.

"Yeah, I guess so since you guys didn't get anything," said Kagome thoughtfully.

"Yay!" yelled Devon, and ran for the game store.

Everyone sighed and followed. The boys roamed the store for about forty minutes then came back out with delighted faces. Devon received The Age of Mythology, Miroku got Kingdom Hearts, and Emrys bought War Craft III.

"Finally, you people have been there for at least an hour," retorted Sango.

"Well, not an hour, more like forty minutes," corrected Miroku.

"Whatever, I'm hungry so can we go to the food court now?" whined Kell.

"Soon wench," grumbled Inuyasha.

"I am not a--,"

"Hey, hey don't start it now," pleaded Kagome.

"If we don't get food now we mine as well not get any," reminded Muller.

"We get the point," said everybody as they headed for the food court.

"Wait up for me," cried Muller.

FOOD COURT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hurry and finish up. We only have like thirty minutes left, said a concerned Kagome.

"Ok, ok, we're not like Emrys who can eat a horse in less than five minutes," argued Jenny.

Five minutes later the nine ladies and gentlemen walked out the food court and into the bookstore.

"Tell me why I'm in a book store," inquired Inuyasha and Muller.

"Because you two were out voted nine to two," answered Emrys.

"J-chan, don't even bother telling them," muttered Jenny.

"We heard that," said Muller and Inuyasha in annoyance.

"Fine, whatever, if you two don't wanna come in that's fine. Just wait for us at the bench," remarked Sango.

"Ok," said the two.

"Now that we got rid of those two I can finally read some manga," huffed Kelliann.

Fifteen minutes passes and Sango, Miroku, Kagome, Jenny, Kell, Devon, and Emrys strolled out the doors.

"Done?" mocked Muller.

"Yes, honey," answered Kell then proceeded to kiss him deeply.

"Don't mean to intrude the love birds, but I think we should wait outside," interrupted Kagome.

"Yes mother," teased Kell, and appeared outside with the rest of the crew.

Outside the Mall~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*sniffle, sniffle*

"Do you guys hear something?" asked Kagome.

"I don't think so," replied Jenny.

When Jenny finished the statement Kagome was already gone. She looked around and saw her standing near a flowerpot.

"Kagome what are you looking at?"


"Why are you crying little guy? What's your name?" asked Kagome softly.

"My *sniffle* mommy *sob* left me. My name is Shippou," choked the boy.

"Awww, come here, I'll be your mommy."


"Really, really."

"Kay," muttered Shippou, and jumped into Kagome's arms.

Kagome, with Shippou in her arms, and Jenny walked back to the group and showed them her new surrogate son, Shippou the kitsune. Just as Kagome finished showing off, Kari arrived.

"Hop in."

Everyone did, and once in, Kari took off.

"What do you have there, Kag?" inquired her mother.

"Shippou, my adopted son. Mom, can I keep him?"

"Sure, you can. He's so cute; I would keep him even if you didn't ask."

"Arigotou mom," thanked Kagome, and then proceeded to plant a kiss on her mother's cheek.

EvilFire4321: Phew, longest chapter I ever wrote. Anyway, it's not the best, but still proceed to push the ever so lovely purple button at the bottom left corner.

Lildrummergrl58: *cough* review *cough*