InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ inuyasha on msn ❯ authors note (VERY IMPORTANT!!) ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, listen up faithful and loyal readers!!
IM SOOO SORRY about all my typos, hehe. What I REALLY meant to say in the summary for the story was: he told HER mom, as in kagomes mom!! Pleaaaaaase excuse me for this!!!
Thanks ya guys!!! And don't worry, the next chapter is comin very soon!
And oh yea, now that summer vacation is sooooo close, I can almost taste it,hehe, ill have plenty of time to work on more chapters for my other stories!! SO STAY TUNED, they'll be updated before u know it!! ^^
Bye now, and don't forget…. I would NEVER leave you readers hangin, itchy and dying to know what happened next. Sure, I always stop in the most juicy places.. hehe, but I never leave it like that forever. Ok guys, be patient with me. Like I mentioned before somewhere, im ONLY in 9th grade. Haha, just like kagome, lol.
Bye bye! ^^