InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Random Moments ❯ Rabid Kagome, Lovestruck Sango, Deranged Kirara, and Inuyasha Plays Fetch! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

InuYasha Random Moments

Aika Hanyou: Okay, first of all, beware. Everyone is out of character. Why? Because I am crazy. Any questions?

Demon: Aika does not own Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara, Sesshoumaru, Rin, Jaken, Myoga, Kaede, the Sengoku Jidai, and anything else Inuyasha-related except this story.

Aika Hanyou: ^_^ Yup! I no own. Got that? Got milk? Myoga is tiny. He has no milk. Drink milk.

Demon: O_O;


*In the Sengoku Jidai*

Kagome: *running around madly with a feather duster, wooden spoon, pencil, and Shippou* Dust the furniture, cook the meal, loose five pounds, finish my homework, search for jewel shards, baby-sit Shippou, keep Inuyasha from killing Shippou... AGH! TOO MUCH TO DO!

Miroku: *walks into the room* Kagome, Inuyasha wants his dinner.

Kagome: @_@ Too... much... *runs to the window and screams* EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM ME! LEAVE ME ALONE! I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME SCREAM! *passes out and falls out the open window*

Sango: O_o Looks like someone's time of the month is here...

Inuyasha: O_O The new moon is tonight?! I thought that was next week! *runs around panicking and smacks into a tree* X_X *unconcious*

Sesshomaru: *walks up to his unconcious brother and grabs the Tetsusaiga**shifty eyes* You didn't see that. Come, Rin! You too Jaken! *dances away through the woods with Rin and Jaken close behind*


Miroku: Hey, Inuyasha, I know your secret.

Inuyasha: -_- Shut up, lech. *pushes Miroku away*

Miroku: Hey, Kagome. I know your secret.

Kagome: No you don't! *smacks Miroku upside the head*

Miroku: *wanders off, and sees Sango sitting under a tree with Kirara*

Miroku: Hey, Sango, I know your secret.

Sango: O_O Y-you do???

Miroku: *evil grin* Yup.

Sango: Okay, I admit it, T_T, I-I-I... I love you, Miroku!

Miroku: O_O

Sango: *glomps Miroku* I said it! FINALLY!!! I feel SO much better!

Miroku: @_@ Can't... breathe...


Kirara: *sitting alone in a corner... looking extremely pissed...*

Sango: ^_^ Morning Kirara!

Kirara: *evil glare*

Sango: Aw, poor Kirara, what's put you in such a bad mood? *slowly approaches Kirara*

Kirara: ...hissss...

Sango: Come on Kirara. Come and cuddle with me! (AN: O_O...)

Kirara: *murderous glare*

Sango: Aww... poor-

Kirara: *hisses and leaps at Sango with her claws and teeth*

Sango: AAAAHHHHHHH!!! *stumbling around, being attacked by her pet cat*

Inuyasha: *watching from another room* >_>... I knew that cat was trouble. *wanders off*


Inuyasha and Kagome: *arguing... as usual...*

Inuyasha: NO WAY!

Kagome: YES!

Inuyasha: NO!

Kagome: YES!

Inuyasha: NO!

Kagome: YES!

Inuyasha: NO!

Kagome: SIT!!!

Inuyasha: *grins* Already sitting!

Kagome: O_O I... uh... DAMMIT!!! *stomps off to Kaede-baba*

Kaede: Ah, Kagome-sama, what is it you want?

Kagome: Can I change the word I use for the Spirit Command Rosary?

Kaede: Of course, Kagome-sama. Here, take this, *hands Kagome a prayer bead* and say the new command. It should attach itself to Inuyasha's rosary.

Kagome: ^_^ Thank you Kaede-baba! *skips off to Inuyasha*

Inuyasha: >_> What are you up to now?

Kagome: Inuyasha, *smirks* FETCH!

Prayer Bead: *glows* *flies over to Inuyasha's rosary and attaches itself on*

Inuyasha: O_o What the h- *runs on all fours over to a stick and brings it back to Kagome, and spits it out at her feet... O_O*

Kagome: ^o^ LOL!!!


Kagome: F-*laughs*-fetch, Inuyasha. *throws the stick*

Inuyasha: *runs after it and spits it out at her foot again* BITCH! CUT THAT OUT!!!

Kagome: *picks up the stick* Fetch!

*And so, Kagome and Inuyasha played fetch for the rest of the afternoon. Kagome happy about her newfound pet, and Inuyasha scheming new ways to kill her while she sleeps. The End.*


Aika Hanyou: ^_^ Another story finished.

Demon: Have you no sanity???

Aika Hanyou: See, about that... Inuyasha was hanging around my house one day, and accidently thought my sanity was Naraku. Huh, that Tetsusaiga is pretty sharp.

Demon: -__-;;

Aika Hanyou: ^______^ Review peoples!