InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha's Secret Identity ❯ Inuyasha's secret identiy ( Chapter 1 )

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Aaah... Inuyasha. The story of the wonderful dog demon who is stuck in a lovely love triangle. He's been called many names, like 2 face, dog boy, kid... few I shouldn't name... but one name sticks in my head. Inutrasha. Sure, it's innocent enough. Not to those who know the true story. You see, there was a time, not that long ago...

It all started innocently enough. Kagome brought Inuyasha back home with her one day to tour the modern world. Why? Don't ask me, ask her. Anyway, while Kagome was gawking in front of a store window at a bunch of dresses, Inuyasha saw a bunch of stray dogs run by. Being a dog (well, half dog anyway) he followed them and ran away from Kagome. She noticed this about 10 minutes later. He might blow his beautiful disguise she had made so she went looking for him.

"HOOOOOOOOOOWL!! BARK BARK! YAP YAP YAP YAP!! WOOF WOOF WOOF! ARROOOOOO BARK BARK!" "Huh dogs? Maybe he's by them?" She ran towards the barking and howling down an alley. There were dumpsters everywhere and Kagome looked up. High on one of the fire escapes Inuyasha was stuck. "Inuyasha!! How the heck did you get up there?!" "Somebody in one of these stupid clear things is cooking Ramen Noodles! I smell it!!" "They are called windows. Get down from there." "I'm stuck!" "Stuck?! Just great..." Suddenly there was a riping sound. "uh oh...." The red jacket Inuyasha had on was what was stuck, and it was holding him over the trash cans. "Get me down!" "Inuyasha, try climbing down the other side." Inuyasha got on the other side of the railing and started to climb down. One of the stray dogs came over to Kagome and started jumping on her. "Hey, c'mon little doggie... stop... sit, boy..." She clamped her hands over her mouth but it was too late. She heard a WHAM!!!!! and looked up. The dumpster was overturned and Inuyasha was buried in garbage. He was also knocked out. "Oops... I'm so sorry Inuyasha, it slipped!" Inuyasha jumped up, throwing garbage off him, and ran after Kagome, yelling things that would be going "BLEEP!" if on TV.

Much later, Kagome told this story to the others...

Thus, this is how Inuyasha got his new favorite nickname: InuTrasha.