InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha the Musical ❯ Love ( Chapter 22 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: As unfortunate as this chapter is, it happened in the series. When Kikyo died, Inuyasha's feelings for her once again re-surfaced. This song just kind of takes the place of Tackey and Tsubasa's song they play in that episode. 124: Farewell my Beloved Kikyou
To the tune of “Love” from Robin Hood.
Inuyasha the Musical
Chapter 22
Inuyasha looked over Mt Hakurei's edge into when Kikyo had fallen. He knew there was no hope.
She was gone.
Inuyasha: Love, it seems like only days ago, you and I was all I knew. Now you've gone and left me like before, oh how much I did adore how we watched that lazy world go by, how the days seem to fly.
Life is brief, and when it's gone, love goes on and on
Love will live
Love will last
Love goes on and on and on
I know you are waiting there for me, how I wish this time would cease. Then you could be in arms again, I'll be dreaming until then. Life is brief, and when it's gone, love goes on and on,