InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Irresistible Temptations ❯ Pranks ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well since it’s summer I’m finally back to posting these again. Hopefully I can just get the rest of the story out before school starts again.


Chapter 8: Pranks


Dinner that night was rather interesting. Kagome and Inuyasha couldn’t go 10minutes without fighting. She had really pissed him off during dinner so he left her a little present in her bed. He was now sitting in his room waiting for her to discover it.


Inuyasha smirked. I guess she found it. He had been kind enough to give her spiders. Oh and not just dead ones. He put alive ones in her bed too. She came charging into his room holding an alive spider between her fingers. It was struggling to get free, but failing horribly.

“Do you mind telling me why I just found a ton of spiders in my bed?!!!” she yelled in his face.

“What makes you think I put them there?” he asked trying to sound innocent....and failing horribly as well. “I have no idea why you had spiders in your bed.”

“LIKE HELL YOU DON’T! I’M GOING TO GET YOU BACK FOR THIS IF IT’S THE LAST THING I DO!” To get her point across even more she through the struggling spider in his face and stormed out of the room.

It took her 20 minutes to get all of the spiders out of her room, and after she had them all she through them off the balcony. After thinking a bit she came up with a plan that she knew couldn’t fail. She decided that since the next day was Friday, it was the perfect chance to get him back in front of the whole school.

Inuyasha went through the next day pretty much scared of his own shadow. He knew that Kagome was planning on doing something to him but wasn’t sure when she was going to strike. His morning classes went fine, so Inuyasha started to relax...and that was his downfall. At lunch Inuyasha and Kagome sat at their normal table. Sango went to sit down in front of Inuyasha, but Kagome grabbed her arm to stop her.

“You really don’t want to sit there trust me,” Kagome said smiling. “Besides I saved this seat just for Miroku.”

“Well thank you Kagome,” Miroku said smiling. “Say just wondering but are you...”

“Stuff it Miroku.”

Well, you wouldn’t have wanted to be Inuyasha or Miroku right then. Inuyasha and Miroku were talking while Inuyasha started to eat. Miroku noticed something very wrong with Inuyashas sandwich, but before he could say anything Inuyasha took a big bite. Kagome had taken the liberty of replacing Inuyashas turkey with worms. After realizing what he was eating, Inuyasha quickly spit it out...all over Miroku.

“I think this would be a good time to leave,” Sango said trying really hard not to laugh.

Kagome was already laughing her head off, and had to be dragged out of the cafeteria by Sango. They left in a hurry, but not fast enough to miss Inuyasha yelling Kagomes name at the top of his lungs.

“Well, that went over well,” Kagome said smirking once they got to the girls bathroom.

“I have to admit, that was good,” said Sango with a laugh in her voice. “Aren’t you even a little scared of what he’s going to do back though? Inuyasha has quite the temper.”

“Na, I don’t really care what he does. I can take anything he’s got.”

“Ok...but you have to tell me what he does. This whole battle going on between the two of you is just too good to miss.”

“Ok deal.”

Now it was Kagomes turn to be officially freaked out. Inuyasha was obviously going to get her back, but he was currently being sickeningly sweet. By the end of the day, Kagome was just dying to get away from him. The annoying thing was that getting away from someone that you’re living with is hard. After school decided to work out for a while and then take a bath so she could get away from him. While she was working out, Inuyasha made a trip to her bathroom.

An hour later, Inuyasha was swimming in his pool. Even though Kagomes room was on the other side of the house, he still heard her scream. In fact, he was pretty sure that everyone in the entire town heard her..... He also heard every door between the two of them open and then be slammed shut behind a clearly pissed off Kagome. Once she finally made it outside, Inuyasha was only able to do one thing...and that was laugh. It may seem kind of weird to start laughing when there’s someone right in front of you looking murderous, but if you had seen Kagome right then, you probably would have laughed too. Her body was pink. Inuyasha had put dye in her body wash...a lot of dye.

“Well, look at it this way...,” Inuyasha managed to say between laughs. “ At least you’ll match your room now.”

“You are sooooo dead Inuyasha,” Kagome said venomously before going back inside.

Kagome spent the next 3 hours getting her skin back to normal...well at least as normal as it would go. She still looked like she had gotten a bad sun burn. During the 3 hours that she was trying to make her self look human again, she had thought of a plan to get Inuyasha back. She had to find Inuyasha to make it work of course, but first she took a little stroll through the miniature forest that was in Inuyashas back yard. She found Inuyasha playing guitar in the music room. Kagome couldn’t help herself, she stopped at the door and listened to him. She had to hand it too him, he was good. He seemed to put all of his emotions into his playing, and it made it really different, but so good. Kagome had to snap herself out of it and remember why she was here. She took a deep breath and walked inside.

“Hey,” Kagome said putting on a smile.

Inuyasha jumped upon hearing her voice and stopped playing. She walked closer to him, and he quickly moved away.

“What do you want?”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me.”

“Why would I do that? I don’t really want to die and I’m pretty sure that’s you intentions.”

“Inuyasha I’m just bored. I thought going on a walk through the forest would be nice.”

“Why so you can kill me where no one will see it?”

“No, I really am just bored. Please?” Kagome gave Inuyasha the saddest face she could come up with and even he couldn’t resist it.

“Ok fine.”

“ Yes!,” Kagome grabbed his hand and ran from the room with him.

He looked down at his hand witch was still being held by hers with a weird look on his face. Inuyasha didn’t really know what to think of it, but didn’t have much time to think about it because they were soon where they were going. Or at least that’s what he assumed because she had stopped.

“Where are we?” Inuyasha asked looking around. He hadn’t been paying attention and had no idea where they were.

“That’s not important. We’re here and that’s all that matters.”

“So why did we come here?”

“I wanted us to be alone where no one else would be around.”

“I knew it! You are going to try and kill me!”

Kagome laughed and put her hand on Inuyashas shoulder. While she talked she was slowly pushing him backwards.

“No, I just want you.....” She then quickly pushed him through a small line that had been going across that ground, and then quickly moved away. When the line was pushed back, it cause a bucket of blue pant to fall on Inuyashas head “,to have blue hair!” she said finally finishing her sentence. Inuyasha slowly took the bucket off his head swearing under his breath. Kagome was leaning on a tree for support because she was laughing so hard. How could he have been so stupid as to fall for this? He had pretty much let her pull this one on him.


The next day Kagome was taking a shower, but had locked her door. She wasn’t going to make that mistake again. She had even locked her balcony door just because she wasn’t willing to take any chances. Unfortunately for her, Kagome had totally forgotten about the door that connected her room to Inuyashas. He had told her of course that he couldn’t come into her room and she could only go into his, but since when did Inuyasha tell the truth?