InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Irresistible Temptations ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well, here you go! Another chapter out. I just thought you all should know, this Friday my family and I are going to Hawaii for a week so I won’t be posting while I’m gone. I’ll make sure to get a chapter up ASAP though once I get back.


Disclaimer: You know the drill...I don’t own Inuyasha

Chapter 9

Kagome finally got out of the shower after about an hour. She was feeling better now that she had time to think and relax. She was still a little paranoid about what Inuyasha might do to get her back though.

Kagome then wandered out into her room, looking for something comfy to wear. But there was just one small problem with that plan...She couldn’t find her clothes! Any of them. They had all disappeared. She quickly walked to the door that divided their rooms but once she had moved the book shelf, she decided not to open the door. She was only wearing a towel after all.

“Inuyasha give me back my clothes unless you want a mediate pain inflicted upon yourself! And how did you get them anyway?” she demanded. “You said that you couldn’t come into my room by that door.”

“Well sure I told you that, but you actually believed me? Are you feeling ok?”

“Inuyasha I swear that if you don’t give me back all those clothes this instant, you’re not going to have to worry about having any children!”

“Alright already. You can have them.”............................................................. < p>“Well!?” Kagome yelled

“Oh no. If you really want them, come and get them.”

“Inuyasha I am not going to give you the pleasure!”

Kagome opened the door with so much force, that it almost came off the hinges. Her hair was down, she was still wet, and she was gripping onto the towel around her like she was afraid Inuyasha was going to try and take that too. Which in all honesty, he was tempted to do. He had a brain though, and he would never do that for 3 reasons. #1, He would never actually do that with Kagome...ew. #2, He knew for a fact that she didn’t even like him as a friend, and #3, Kagome currently had a black aura around her. Nothing said stay away or die better then that.

Kagome stood there in front of him looking like she was 2 seconds from exploding, and all he could do was stare at her. He couldn’t help but thinking that she looked damn hot like that... ^God I have to stop hanging out with Miroku....” Sick of his staring, she stormed over to him and sent him a cold glare.

“I have only one thing to say to you and one thing only so listen up......FUCK OFF!!!”

Kagome then picked up all of her clothes and ran from the room with them.


Inuyashas P.O.V.

The next day was Sunday and I was glad of that. I slept in till about 11 and finally decided to get up. My own mind was driving me mad, and I was dying to do something to distract myself. I couldn’t stop thinking about Kagome and how hot she had looked the night before. What the hell was wrong with me? I had been planning on using her to get back Kikyo, but did I even care anymore? I wasn’t sure about much, except that I was really confused. My plan to get Kikyo back seemed to have gone out the window, ‘cause for all I cared, Kikyo could go out the window with it. She was a bitch about me being a half demon, so screw her....actually I’d leave that up to Naraku. Now I just had to figure out what to do with Kagome....AHH!!! Bad thoughts again...

I found her out by the pool, just laying on a lawn chair. I assumed that she was tanning because she didn’t seem at all wet. She was wearing a yellow bikini, and if possible, she looked even better then she had the night before.

“Kagome?” I didn’t really want to bug her considering that fact that she couldn’t be all that happy with me right about then, but I wanted to talk to her......obviously she didn’t want to talk to me though because she wasn’t saying anything. Not wanting to give up, I tried again. “Kagome?.....Hello?....”

She was totally ignoring me like I wasn’t even there. She wouldn’t even look at me. I waved my hand around in front of her face, and she acted as if she could see right through it.

“Ok fine be that way. I don’t care if you don’t talk to me. In fact, it will be nice to not have that annoying busing noise I always hear when you talk...” I knew that I was totally crossing the line by saying something like that, but I was hoping to snap her out of it. Which of course didn’t even begin to work...

Kagomes P.O.V.

He kept talking to me, clearly hoping that I’d finally get annoyed and just tell him to get lost. That was sooooo not going to happen. I had made up my mind, and until I got him back really well, I wasn’t going to acknowledge his existence. I was still so pissed off at him for that night before that it took all of my control to not reach over and strangle him. I know that he “had” to get me back and all, but that was just low. Then again, what I did with the hair thing was pretty dang low too...But that’s not the point! The point is that he crossed me for the last time, and he was going to pay dearly.




A/N: Sorry that it’s short but I have to go pack and all that fun stuff. My mom keeps telling me to get off the computer and get that done so I guess I have to. Hopefully the fact that I added a chapter yesterday will make up for it’s shortness.