InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jealous Spy ❯ The Fight ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2: The Fight

*sniff* No reviews… not one… Maybe if I add the second chapter, you'll review.

Disclaimer: Inuyasha doesn't belong to me. Do not sue.


(Sengoku Jedai)

The sky was awash with waves of lavender, crimson, blue and gold. The sun, a sphere of molten lava, descended slowly behind the distant mountains.

Far down below, in a certain forest clearing, Inuyasha and Shippo sat next to the well. But the dog-eared hanyou paid

no attention to the beauties of the sunset.

"Where the heck is she?" he muttered, irritated. "She should've been back by now…"

Shippo, who had been watching a beetle scurry through the grass, looked up and said, "Quiet already, Inuyasha! You know how busy she is in that other world of hers. She probably has some extra things to do."

Inuyasha glared at him. "Extra things?" he repeated scornfully. "The Jewel Shards are way more important than just some 'extra things!' Even a little runt like you knows that!"

"Yes, but she told me before she left that she was going to get some more supplies." A private image of a box labeled 'Chocolate Pocky' rose in the kitsune's mind.

"Pff! Who cares; she's late so I'm going to go get her. Worthless girl…"

And with that, Inuyasha stood and leaped into the well.


(Modern Era)

After being briefly surrounded in a sea of blue, Inuyasha landed at the bottom of the well. But he knew that he wasn't in that forest glade anymore. Besides the fact that he had traveled through this well numerous times before, the scents and sounds were different. He could smell a hideous odor being coughed from those things Kagome called 'cars,' and moved quickly to avoid it.

Silent as a shadow, Inuyasha ran from the well-house, leapt onto an extending tree branch, and then onto the windowsill leading into Kagome's room. He slid open the window and climbed in.

"All right, Kagome, what're you…" He demanded, but then trailed off.

Kagome was sound asleep, her head resting on her crossed arms.

"Uh, Kagome?" he called cautiously. Nothing happened.

He poked her arm. "Wake up, stupid…"

She just mumbled in her sleep and turned her head the other way.

Inuyasha poked harder. She grimaced, but her eyes remained shut.

He made an annoyed sound. "You idiot! I didn't want to do this, but you're so stubborn!" He took a deep breath, and as powerfully as possible intoned: "'Iron Reaver Soul-'"

"SIT!" Kagome cried abruptly, shooting up in her chair. Inuyasha slammed to the floor with a crash.

Kagome blinked, and looked down. "Inuyasha, what are you doing here?" she asked as he climbed up. "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah! I'll tell you what's wrong, you're late again!" he said angrily.

"Late? But I'm not supposed to come back until tomorrow! Are you sure you aren't-"

"Sure I'm sure! You were supposed to come back tonight, and it's already nearly dark!"

"Inuyasha, I've got homework to do, and some last minute shopping! I can't come back until tomorrow," Kagome protested.

"You said tonight!" he argued.

"No, tomorrow!"




"Shut up! SIT!"



"Why you…" Inuyasha muttered painfully once he was able to raise his head from the floor.

"Sorry-" 'Not, you stubborn jerk', "-but you have to be reasonable sometimes. And also," Kagome added, suddenly

seeming nervous, "I, um, won't be able to come back for two more days…"

She waited for the inevitable explosion. In less then two seconds her eardrums were duly rewarded.


Kagome raised a finger matter-of-factly. "Inuyasha, si-"

"No! No, not again, please!" he begged. Then he glared lightning at her.

Kagome couldn't resist a little grin. "Well, I guess that's settled then!… Although I suppose you deserve an explanation…"

"Big time," he muttered, glowering.

"Well," she explained, tapping the tips of her fingers together, "this… 'friend'… of mine is sick, and I have to go help him with homework-"

"'Him'?" Inuyasha interrupted suspiciously.

She sighed. "Hojo. So you see, I-"

"Wait, did you say what I think you said? You didn't say 'Hobo', did you?" Inuyasha asked suddenly.

"Hojo! Honestly… Look, I'm sorry for the delay, but I promised my friends and…"

But she needn't have bothered explaining. Inuyasha was already gone.

She gazed out the open window as the curtains fluttered in the cool night breeze. "Inuyasha, you jerk… What were you so worked up about?"


And so concludes this second chapter. Don't know when I'll be back next, but please please please R&R!!!