InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Ghost Story ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(A/N: So, I take it you liked the first chapter, yes? Good, now remember the plot is not mine. It's Frank Peretti's. People are saying it is a very original idea....IT'S NOT!! Thank you.... Read the book!!!009)

Chapter Two

Myouga Touken was sitting behind his mahogany desk, reading the report from a file marked, "The Veritas Project/ Los Angeles/ Step Two". Myouga smiled as he read, very much satisfied with the progress his special team had made.

The Veritas Project had once been a special team of two families that dealt with special FBI cases all over America. But after a major accident on the job, there were only two left, and they were best agents he had ever had. The phone beeped and the voice of Yura, the secretary, came over the speaker.

"Mr. Touken...The President is waiting on line one." Myouga closed the folder and placed it in one of the desk drawers.

"Thank you, Yura." He replied, picked up the phone, and pressed the correct button. "Hello, Mr. President."

"It seems like we have trouble at Grant High School in Denver." came a deep voice over the line. Myouga fished out another manila folder out of his drawer and opened it on the desk. Pictures of a large school building and various students were inside, as well as a seven page brief.

"Ah yes, have you made your decision on whether or not you would like our team to investigate the matter, sir?"

"Indeed, I have. Yes, I think it would be a good idea to let The Veritas Project take over the situation." Myouga sighed in relief and leaned back in his seat.

"Very good, sir."

"Where are they now?"

"In Los Angeles, wrapping up another DD case."

"Send for them ASAP."

"Yes, sir," and the line went dead. Myouga placed the phone back on the receiver and read over the brief once again. He jot down a quick message on a piece of paper and sent it through fax machine before picking up the phone to call Mr. Kemaiya, the Grant High School guidance counselor.

In a quiet neighborhood, in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California, a tan Buick crawled down the streets at approximately five miles an hour. In the driver's seat was a young girl who looked like she was still in high school, seventeen maybe. She had long black hair that fell limply around her shoulders and black liner on her eyes and lips. She wore a black skirt that reached her mid thigh, a long-sleeved black shirt, and a black vest.

In the passenger seat sat a boy who was wearing the same type of clothing, but with pants of course. His hair was black and spiked with a massive amount of hair gel. There were two nose rings in his left nostril and he wore an expression that told the world that it could drop dead and he could care less.

In the back seat, another boy of about the same age was glancing nervously out the window, trying extremely hard not to piss his pants. His legs were bouncing up and down, and his hands kept clenching and unclenching in rhythm with his fast beating heart. The girl looked over at her charge and sighed.

"Look," she said angrily. "Calm down, there is nothing to worry about. You go in, you come out, it's that simple." The boy gulped and nodded before returning his gaze to the passing scenery. The car pulled into the driveway of a small, one story house with a gate fence and a white garage with the paint peeling off in places. The three kids stepped out of the car and walked up to the front door, warily.

The girl looked around, in case any next door neighbors decided to get nosy, and knocked on the door three times. A minute passed, and the door finally opened to reveal a slightly older woman with long brown hair and baggy, wrinkled clothing. She smiled warmly.

"Lisa, Jack.." she said, addressing the two zombie-like kids. She then looked at the other boy and scowled nastily. "Who the hell is he?" Lisa held up her hand in a stop position in front of the woman.

"Cool it, Rae. He's with us, the dealer we told you about." Rachael raised an eyebrow and then nodded as the information sunk in. Her face returned to the more cheerful glow it had before as she ushered the children into the house.

"Right, right. Jonathan, I remember now." she said as she walked down into the basement and retrieved a large bag of pure, white powder. Cocaine. Lisa looked at Jack and jabbed him quickly in the ribs.

"Rachael, we gotta get out of here," Jack said.

"Yeah," Lisa continued. "We can't afford to stick around much longer, the cops are starting to curious." Rachael nodded, set the bag on the counter by the metal scale, and walked back into the living.

"All right, use the back door." The two nodded and left quickly, leaving only a tired looking, Rachael and a jittery Jonathan.

"There's no need to look so nervous, child." Rachael said as she started pouring the drug onto the scale slowly. "Soon, this will all be over and you can get back to your business." Jonathan grinned and the woman's reassuring words and finally began to relax.

"So," she continued. "I hear you've been selling in all the school districts lately." Jonathan nodded and puffed his chest out a bit.

"Yep, I've got buyers at Lincoln, Eastern, Central, Jefferson..." Rachael finished measuring the contents and placed it in a small Ziplock bag.

"My, you do get around." Jonathan reached into his back pocket, pulled two fifty dollar bills out of his wallet, and handed it to the woman as he placed the bag into the pocket of his jacket.

"Thanks, I'll be able to get rid of this stuff by the end of the month." Suddenly, the back door flung open and Lisa and Jack ran inside, quickly followed be a young man with long black hair, pointing a gun in the kids direction.

"What the hell are you doing, Marcus?" Rachael cried, as her boyfriend grabbed both of the kids by the necks and threw them face first to the ground.

"Shut up, Rae. We got ourselves some little spies," Marcus growled.

"Spies? You two?" Rachael asked, incredulously, staring wide-eyed at the teens she thought she knew. Marcus nodded and pulled out a small video- camera and a radio head set.

"Found them outside with these." he snarled as he threw the items on the ground and crushed them under the right heel of his hiking boot. He then glared at Jonathan who had begun shaking violently.

"And you're one of them, aren't you?!" Marcus shouted, gun still aimed at the kids on the ground. Jonathan raised his hands in a surrender position.

"N-no w-way, man. I don't even know these guys." Marcus snorted.

"Oh please. How stupid do you think I am? You drive up with them in a car, and you say you don't know them?!"

"Honest, I don't know anything about no cops, man." the boy then opened his jacket and turned all of his pockets inside out. "I don't have no wires or nothing." Marcus just growled, yanked Lisa to her knees by her arm, and aimed the gun at her head.

"How much to the cops know? How much have you told `em, dammit?!" Lisa tried to escape Marcus's grip, but he only squeezed harder.

"Let her go!!" Jack cried as he tried to rise to his feet. Marcus just placed a foot on his back and pinned him back down. "We haven't told the cops anything....yet. We're supposed to report back to them with our recordings of you and your whole little factory over here." Marcus stepped down harder on the poor boy's spine, earning a soft moan. "If they don't hear from us in thirty minutes, they'll be over here so fast it would make your head spin." Lisa groaned.

"Souta," she muttered. "You're not supposed to tell them that. You idiot." Marcus grinned.

"Well then, that gives us plenty of time to figure things out. Doesn't it....Souta? So little missy, what's your name?"

"Kagome, you freak." Souta grunted and finally found the strength to shake Marcus's foot and rise to his knees.

"Yeah, and that's my sister your pointing that gun at!!" he spat before his face met the floor once again.

"So this is a family sort of thing, huh?" Marcus stated. He then pointed the gun at Jonathan. "And what are you? A cousin or something?!"

"I swear!! I'm not with these guys." Jonathan cried, lips quivering.

"Oh yeah, convince me...I want names of your dealers!!"

"Alex Casey, eastern district." Marcus grinned.

"Nope, don't know him. Strike one." Jonathan gulped and searched for another name.

"Umm...Michael Manzeni? He runs a bar on the south side of town." The gun cocked.

"Strike two." Jonathan was panicking, getting desperate. His hair was soaked with sweat as well as the palms of his hands and his eyes never left the barrel of that gun in the madman's hands. What had he gotten himself into?!"

"Hiten Davis, 823 Mackenzie Dr.!!" Marcus raised an eyebrow and titled the gun to the ceiling. Kagome used this moment to wriggle her arm loose, but to no avail.

"You know Hiten?" he asked. Jonathan put his hands down.

"Yeah...yeah, I know him."

"You work for him?" Jonathan hesitated, until he heard the gun cock back in his direction.

"Yes, yes!! I work for him!!" Marcus growled.

"Then why the hell are you buying from us?!" Rachael was just staring at the whole scene, not being to find any words past her shock.

"Because..." Jonathan fumbled. "Because I'm trying to get away from Hiten. I'm in serious debt with the dude, that's why I can't get out of here. I'm broke until I can find a way to repay all the money. I'm just his junkie, Hiten has all the money." Marcus's eyes softened slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice.

"So what happens if he finds out you've been caught?!"

"Disowns me, I guess. Refuses to have any relation." Marcus sighed, and released the trigger, placing the gun back in his pocket. Kagome and Souta were just staring at Jonathan with sympathetic and compassionate looks as the boy looked ready to break down.

Just then the front door crashed open and ten police officers, all fully armed charged in. Soon, all the occupants in the house were handcuffed and pinned to the ground, even Kagome and Souta. One of the officers grabbed the bag of cocaine from Jonathan's pocket, pulled him off the ground and led him towards the back of one of the cop cars. The blue and red lights flooded inside the windows created strange shadows inside the living room as the four remaining captives remained motionless.

Then the car sped away and there was nothing but silence. Sesshomaru Tanakei, the head of police walked and gave Officer Manetta the keys to the handcuffs. Marcus jumped to his feet and turned towards the kitchen.

"Did you get it?!" he asked with a lighter, more eastern accent then before. Kohaku opened the pantry door he was hiding him and held up the video camera with pride.

"You bet Inuyasha!! I got it all." Inuyasha or Marcus smiled and turned back to Kagome who was still kneeling on the floor, rubbing her arm tenderly.

"Jeez, Inuyasha. I think I'm gonna be sore for the next week, think you can lighten up a bit next time."

"Sorry, babe," Inuyasha said, grinning as he pulled his girlfriend for the past five years to her feet and kissed her. "But we got Jonathan out of that hell hole, don't you think it's worth it." Kagome smiled. "Yeah, it is." She then turned to Sesshomaru. "There going to take him to one of the anti drug programs right, not prison." Sesshomaru, Inuyasha's brother, smiled a rare smile as he held Rin aka Rachael in his arms. "Yes, we'll make sure the boy gets back on the right path, and maybe even back home. And we finally got a lead on Hiten, as well as Manzeni and Casey."

"Good." Kagome sighed as she leaned back against Inuyasha's chest, thoroughly worn out. Inuyasha kept a tight hold around her waist as he looked over to Souta who was morning over the fake video camera that had taken him a week to make.

"Hey," he said. "We just wanted to thank you and Rin for helping us out today." Souta looked up and grinned.

"Hey no prob, it's fun hanging out with my sister and future bro, just try not to leave anymore footprints in my spine." Rin just smiled and nodded. Inuyasha smirked and kissed the top of Kagome's head.

"So, can we get out of here sometime?" Kagome asked through a yawn. "The sooner we leave, the sooner I can change into something more comfortable, she said as she wiped the black liner off her lips onto her sleeve. Inuyasha hugged her tighter.

"I'm all for that."

"Me too." Souta added. Sesshomaru motioned them to follow him outside. The police force would clean up the house and return the keys to the owner's they had borrowed it from. Inuyasha and Kagome got into the back of Sesshomaru's car as Souta entered his Buick. Soon, they were out of the neighborhood and back to the city of LA.

Inuyasha yawned and stretched out on the couch of the temporary home in the apartment building. Instead of the dirty construction worker outfit he had been in earlier, he was now dressed in baggy, blue jeans, and a white T- shirt. Kagome came in dressed in flannel pajama bottoms and a gray, long- sleeved shirt. Her eyes were still dark from the eye liner.

"I swear," she said as she stood in front of the couch. "I've washed my face five times and I still can't get this stuff to come off." Inuyasha grinned, grabbed her waist and pulled her down in his lap.

"Hey, it'll take me at least a week to get this black dye out of my hair," he said. Kagome ran a hand through his long hair.

"That's because you're hair is white," she replied. Inuyasha growled playfully.

"It is not!" Kagome shrugged.

"Oh white, silver, same thing." He smirked and ran a finger softly over her neck, causing her to flinch from the tickling sensation.

"You know what?!" he asked.


"I say we tell Myouga to take a hike and for on a month long vacation." Kagome laughed.

"I second that!!" Just then a familiar beeping came from the fax machine on the kitchen counter as a piece of paper rolled out of the printer. Inuyasha and Kagome groaned as they played "Rock, paper, scissors" to see who had to get off the couch. Inuyasha lost. He walked over to the kitchen and read the copy of a handwritten note.

"Kagome, we're going to have to put off our escape for another month or two. Myouga just signed us on for a new case."


"Denver...feel like heading to Colorado?!" Kagome sighed and shut her eyes.

"Sure, I could use a tan." Inuyasha chuckled.

"It's at a high school."

"WHAT?! But mommy, I don't want to go to school today..."

A/N: See that was long. I don't really know if there is a Grant High School in Colorado, I'm just making it up. How do you like it?! -009