InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Just Desserts ❯ Trouble? ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: MUAHAHAHA I AM BACK! Shhhh don't tell my CYOA April Fool's readers…I owe them four chapters and I'm way behind. Anywho…I don't own Inuyasha…I own this story though! *glomps it*

~ Trouble? Would I do that? Don't answer…

Okay, you get it! Demons like jewel shards! But geez, can't you even get some sleep? You've been traveling for three days with at least one attack per day, and boy have you ever had to practice your breathing to keep calm. Now, it's something like three in the morning, and you're trying not to slide of Kirara's back in your groggy state. You hadn't been bothering anybody, just lying there, minding your own business and catching some well deserved z's when BAM out pop several wyrm-like demons, and your routine started.

For some reason, they feel you'll be safer in the air, and to be completely honest, usually you agree. Except for right now. Couldn't Kirara take you over to one of those trees and set you down for a bit? The branches are HUGE for one thing, and you could just take a little catnap while they finish the messy business of dispatching…would-be dispatcher. This sounds like a great idea actually, and you scratch Kirara behind the ear to get her attention.

She purrs softly and turns her head to look at you. "Kirara, you can help them right?" you whisper conspiratorially. She nods once. 'Smart cat,' you think. "Well how about you take me to that high branch over there, and come back and help." She looks skeptical, which is funny considering she's a feline, but before she can decline (maybe she'll snub you like a regular cat) you jump back in adding, "I'll stay hidden and out of trouble."

Below you, Sango is out of breath and looking in need of the help, while Kagome is about to loose her last sacred arrow (a term you recently had explained to you). Inuyasha's still going strong, but that figures, and Miroku is working that Buddhist magic-stuff of his, but he too is starting to look a little overwhelmed. 'How'd a group so big find us?' you wonder.

Kirara turns and quickly flies you to the branch, where you climb off and pat her head before she rushes in to help. "Now for some sleep," you mutter to yourself, propping up against the trunk, and snuggling down as best you can. The bark is actually pretty smooth, so it fortunately doesn't scrape your back, and your actually almost comfortable…until you hear voices below you.

"Lord Sesshomaru! Wait up Lord Sesshomaru!" The voice is high-pitched, grating against the inside of your skull like nails on a chalkboard. At first you resist the temptation to peek gloriously. After all, you promised Kirara you'd stay hidden. But the voice that responds…it just tweaks your curiosity too much.

"Silence, Jakken." The sound is like liquid silk, sliding across your skin, so cool and distant. His voice seems to carry without effort.

Very carefully, you lean over the edge of the branch. First of all…this was not such a good idea because of how very high up you are- it's disorienting. Second of all, your balance still hasn't quite returned from flying high with Kirara, and you find yourself slipping forward, and tumbling towards the ground. You have just enough time to think about what cats do in this sort of situation, and twist your body, before slamming into your hands and knees on the forest floor. 'Kirara's gonna be so mad,' you think, and then the delayed pain rockets through you.

For a moment you can't move you're so jarred. But very slowly, you ease yourself up to your feet, feeling quite a bit unsteady as another wave of pain from your protesting knees nearly sends you crashing down again. You look over your hands- they're scraped up pretty good- and then wipe them on your skirt. What you wouldn't give for a pair of jeans right now. You're only distracted by your injuries for a few moments, and you feel eyes boring into your back. You turn around and get your first good look at the owner of the silky voice.

His long hair is a silver so pale it's almost white, just like Inuyasha's, and his eyes are the same color gold. He's wearing armor, two swords sheathed at his waist, and a very formal looking suit. He even has puffy pants like Inuyasha! Those beautiful gold eyes narrow menacingly in your direction, but you barely notice, as your eyes are drawn up to the strange indigo tattoo of a crescent moon on his forehead. You open your mouth to ask about it, when the first voice, that sharp irritating one, jumps in.

"Who are you!? Identify yourself and show some respect to Lord Sesshomaru."

"Sesshomaru,' you turn the name around in your brain for a bit. He's very beautiful.

You look down at the speaker, only to jump back and yip in surprise. He can't be taller than three feet, with skin just a shade lighter than puke green and big round bug-eyes. His mouth looks more like a beak, and it's still flapping, shouting out orders at you. Boy is he creepy!

"You're a demon!" you shout, pointing an accusing finger at him.

The little green demon crosses his arms over his chest and gives you an annoyed look. "Of course we are!"

You wrap your arms around your belly and snarl, "Well you're not getting them! They're not yours!"

"Getting what?" he squawks, "What's the matter with you human?"

"These-are-not-your-jewel-shards," you bite off each word forcefully.

The little green fellow starts to retort, but Sesshomaru beats him to it. "It seems," he begins in that delicious voice, "That the girl has jewel shards, and she thinks we mean to take them." His cold gaze fixes on your face. "Well I have no need for the sacred jewel."

'Figures,' you think glumly, 'That the pretty one is a demon.'

"You don't smell like one of Naraku's incarnations," he points out suddenly. "What are you doing with shards?"

'Naraku…?' "They belong to Inuyasha and Kagome, and if you take them, Inuyasha will yell at me! Not that I care," you add grumpily, "But he has a great set of pipe on him, and trust me, you wouldn't want to have to listen to him yell either! Oh!" An idea suddenly comes to you. "I have to get back up in the tree!"

"Lord Sesshomaru," the little green demon (wasn't his name Jakken?) says, not bothering to keep his voice down. "Do you think the human has lost her mind? Or could she really be traveling with Inuyasha!?"

Sesshomaru seems to ponder this a moment, during which you are trying to haul yourself back up to your branch, which suddenly seems impossibly high. 'Stupid smooth bark,' you think darkly. If only you hadn't fallen down. Now Kirara's gonna be mad at you!!

"Lord Sesshomaru?" This voice is new, and it halts your ridiculous attempt at climbing this impossible tree. Sesshomaru doesn't respond to the tiny voice, and when you turn around you see absolutely the most adorable little girl in the world. Years of babysitting kicks in and you bend over, slapping your hands down on your knees(ouch!) and coo at her.

"Hey there cutie! What's you name?"

"I'm Rin!" she giggles.

"How old are you Rin?"

"Rin, stop." That one cold command shuts her right up. You glare at Sesshomaru. 'What's his problem?' Of course he glares back, and let's face it, there's no winning a glaring contest with this guy.

"Where is Inuyasha?" he demands.

"I-uh-well you see…er…" you stammer incoherently for a moment, slowly backing away. Pretty or not…this guy is dangerous!

Suddenly something big and red leaps in your way. 'Okay,' you think, "I'll never make fun of another hero in a movie again for ironically perfect timing.'

"Back off Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha growls, brandishing that big sword of his. "___________(your name), get on Kirara," he turns to glare at you, "And stay put this time." You feel a sudden stab of guilt. You should have stayed put. Numbly, you climb on Kirara's back, and she lifts you up in the air. A few moments later, you find yourself at camp, surrounded by wyrm corpses.

"Sorry, Kirara," you say, kicking at the ground. "I didn't mean to fall out of the tree." She bumps her head against your stomach and makes accepting noises. You look around at the mess, scattered bit everywhere, and say, "Well, maybe we should clean this up?"


The group doesn't return until later that afternoon, and you discover they've gotten another jewel shard, though Inuyasha is injured from his battle with Sesshomaru. You really don't want to do it, because he makes such a jerk of himself so often, but you swallow your pride and walk over to him.

"Sorry, Inuyasha," you say, and you mean it.

"Feh," he snorts, and you walk away before you kick him.

"I'm going to take a bath," you say aloud, and wander off towards the stream. You are covered in dirt and bits of demon and your muscles ache. With Kirara's help you managed to bury most of the mess, and after your bath you figure you'll collapse for the night. But right now you were looking forward to being clean.

Luckily it was a hot spring, and you sighed deeply as you sank down into the water, closing your eyes and letting the heat seep into your muscles. A moment later you hear two more relieved sighs, and start as you realize Sango and Kagome have joined you. 'Sheesh, no privacy at all!'

The smile at you, and then Sango explains, "It's best we stick together, with a lech like Miroku around."

"I am a man of the cloth!" a voice from the bushes shouts, appalled.

All three of you heave various objects in that direction, until he yelps and you hear him scamper off through the bushes. Sango rolls her eyes and sighs. "What a lech." Kagome nods in agreement, and you giggle.

"You'll get used to it," Kagome had said.

'Yeah,' you think with a smile.


Answering Reviews:

Kurama 13: Have you noticed that you are generally my first reviewer whenever I update? *gives you an Inuyasha plushie* Keep reading and I'll keep writing!

Tetsumi: Wonderful? *blushie* I hope the rest of the story is wonderful too! And if anything pops out at you…let me know! Or if anything bugs you (like inconsistencies) let me know those too! ~_^

Venora Strikes Back: *hands you a tissue* Don't cry. I picked out the pairing, and it will be great! Personally I like ALL the Inuyasha boys. Of course I'm still not telling what the pairing is…but that's just cuz I'm evil ^_^ glad you'll still read though! *gives you pocky*

AoA: Bakura's teaching you to speak with a British accent? *shivers* SWEET! Maybe he can teach me too! <.< He doesn't charge anything does he? @.<

FoXy hOtTiE: WONDY-FULL? That's so cute! *says this now* Thanks and please keep reading!!! ~_^

Izumi Princess Of Darkness: Well since you asked so nicely…I'll say that the pairing is probably one of those two…haha *evil* Anywho…*munches on one of the cookies* It makes me six kinds of happy to know you'll still read it regardless of the pairing! I hope I make it worth your while.

Matt MacGyver Santini: We've exchanged e-mails! Good Luck!!