InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Just Your Average Fairytale ❯ Kirara's Story ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, its characters or any quotes I may use.
A/N: AGH! I'm so mad at myself! Blah….I keep forgetting to say where I got this idea for this story; from an awesome picture I found.
If you go to the Fan Art page; look for the artist km8688, the picture is called “Fireflies”.
I was surfing the net looking for some InuYasha pictures and I found this one. I asked if I could write a story about it and was told yes. So…lol…after about 2 weeks of brainstorming I came up with this story. And all of the pictures done by this artist are AMAZING! Check it out!
Kirara slowly opened her eyes, groaning softly as pain shot through her stomach. Lifting her head she looked down to see her stomach was bandaged. “Someone must have brought me here, after I fell.” She carefully sat up then stopped, her breath caught in her throat. “Oh my god” she whispered and jumped at hearing her voice.
I can talk?”
She tried to steady her breathing as she slowly lifted an arm up and looked at her hand.
“I have a hand.”
She closed her eyes and touched her face and the rest of her body. She was no longer a tiny kitten. She was in a human form. Tears sprang into her eyes and she jumped to her feet, “Naraku is dead!”
Shippo paced back and forth along the river's edge. The rest of the group sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Needless to say they were all in shock after finding a girl lying on the bed instead of the tiny cat demon. Kaede had no explanation as to how the two could have been switched, nor could anyone think of who would make a switch.
Shippo's head snapped up when a soft voice spoke.
Everyone turned to see the girl walking towards them. She was tall and slim, with pale skin and black markings on her upper arms. She had sleek ears with black tips and long blonde hair. And trailing behind her were two golden tails, with black markings.
Shippo felt his heart speed up and she stopped in front of him. She had a slim black diamond shaped marking in the middle of her forehead, just like Kirara.
Shippo paled slightly. Could this girl be some of angelic form of Kirara, coming to tell him his best friend was dead? That she was no more?
“Who are you?” he whispered hoarsely “Where's Kirara?”
“Shippo, it's me.”
The girl smiled gently, “Look at me Shippo, look into my eyes. It's me.”
Shippo glanced down and found himself lost.
Her eyes were red, but a sweet red with black pupils. Like Kirara's.
He looked deeper, as if into her soul; then gasped softly, “Kirara?”
Everyone jumped to their feet as the girl nodded, “Yes. I am Kirara.”
Shippo threw his arms around her and pulled her tightly to his chest, “You're alive!”
Sango held a hand to her heart, “But how? I don't…”
“How the hell can you be Kirara!” InuYasha snapped.
Kagome glared, “Sit”
InuYasha tasted dirt as Kirara pulled back from Shippo's embrace, “I know this must all be so confusing.”
She looked down at her hands, “It's rather different for me too. I haven't been in this form for so many years.”
Miroku frowned, “You mean, this is normal?”
“Yes. This is my true form. And as a larger cat. The tiny kitten you knew was a spelled cast on me many years ago.”
“By who?” Kagome asked
Kirara's eyes glittered angrily, “Naraku.”
She sighed, “Please, let's sit so I can tell you my story. I think it will help you understand everything.”
“Let's go back to the house” Kagome suggested, “I can make some tea while Kirara tells us her story.”
Everyone followed Kagome back to her house, with InuYasha muttering angrily in the back.
Once everyone was settled in comfortable Kirara began.
“My story starts, many years ago. Back when the Shikon no Tama was first created. The Priestess Midoriko was a dear friend of mine, and we fought side by side in many battles. When the jewel was created, I felt it was my duty to watch over it and protect it. With Midoriko gone, I couldn't betray what she had worked so hard to do. So I watched over it for many years. When it was finally given to Kikyo, I was sure it had come into safe hands. That is, until Onigumo was found by the young priestess. I did not think to warn Kikyo of the danger Onigumo could bring because I believed she would see it herself. I was wrong. When the human died, and then become Naraku; I knew Kikyo was in danger.”
InuYasha growled at the mention of Naraku's name and Kagome shushed him.
Kirara smiled slightly then continued with her story, “I heard about InuYasha, but did not see him as a real threat to the jewel”
InuYasha glared.
“Because he had become more fascinated with the priestess. It was the half-demon Naraku that caused me to worry. I was on my way to speak with Kikyo and to warn her when Naraku attacked. We fought and I injured him severely. He fled, but instead and pursuing him I continued on my way to Kikyo. But Naraku tricked me with one of his puppets, and placed a spell on me. He know he could not defeat me in my humanoid form, as a Fire Spirit I am too powerful for him.”
Tear filled Kirara's eyes, “And so I had to watch as he attacked Kikyo, and tricked InuYasha and Kikyo into betraying each other. As sad as I was to see Kikyo die, I was grateful she took the jewel with her. In the state I was in, I could not protect it properly. With the jewel gone, I had a new mission. To kill Naraku. I returned to the village who given the jewel to Kikyo, knowing they were demon exterminators and would eventually hunt Naraku.”
She smiled at Sango, “Imagine my delight when I found a little girl there who reminded me so much of my old friend Midoriko; strong, independent, beautiful and a fierce warrior.”
Sango blushed slightly, “I'm sorry Kirara” she whispered, “I never knew”
Kirara shrugged, “How could you? I had no way to speak, to explain. I had almost forgotten what it was like to be like this.”
She touched her checks, “Then I woke up, and I was myself again. I could have cried for joy. It was in that moment I knew Naraku was dead, and his spell broken.”
“Hey Sango” InuYasha said suddenly, “Since Naraku's dead, Kohaku should be free now right?”
Sango bit her lip, “I hope so.”
Shippo stood and looked outside the door, “It's getting dark. We should wait till morning before we go and look for him.”
Everyone agreed and Sango reluctantly nodded her head as well.
“We should all get some sleep and talk about everything that's happened in the morning” Miroku said with a yawn.
He and Sango said goodnight and went to their own hut. Kagome told Kirara she was welcome to sleep in their house for the night then she and InuYasha also went to bed; leaving Shippo and Kirara alone by the fire.
“Are you okay?” Kirara finally whispered.
Shippo sighed deeply the shrugged his shoulders, “I…I don't know. It's going to take some getting used to.” He looked up from the fire and smiled, “But I am glad you're alive.”
Kirara scooted closer and laid her head on his shoulder, “I was scared” she admitted softly, “I thought I was going to die.”
Shippo wrapped his arms around her, “I don't know what I would have done if you did. You're my best friend Kirara and I don't want to lose you.”
Kirara smiled and snuggled in closer to his chest, just as she used to when she was a tiny kitten; but this time it brought of feelings neither one had ever thought before.
Pushing the new and strange thoughts aside Shippo leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes, “Goodnight Kirara” he whispered.