InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome: A Feudal Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Story: Kagome: A Feudal Fairy Tale
Pair: Kagome x Sesshoumaru
Disclaimer: No own.
Chapter One
The Boy Who Overcame Time
"Run, it's Kagome!" The villagers screamed in terror as a girl wearing blue hakamas and a matching haori slashed through the net that was to be a trap for demons trying to harm anyone. An evil smirk was easily shone on her lightly sun tanned face, her dark brown eyes filled with excitement.
Arrows flew but none we able to meet their precise mark. The girl crashed right into a shed, covering her nose with a sleeve to protect against dust blowing her way. There it was in the middle, the lovely and untainted Shikon Jewel. She grabbed the necklace that was connected to the glass ball and made her way out of the shed the same way she came in, the shikon's former housing collapsed just after she broke out of it.
As the girl glided through the air the arrows kept coming, trying to kill her to no avail. She raised the jewel up to her face, eyes shining with glee. She began to descend from the steps of the shrine, jumping here to there.
"With this, I can finally become a true demon!" came the words of happiness. The adrenaline fueled her, and she only raised her speed. Only a few more seconds until she reached her forest now.
"Kagome!" a male voice rang out. Without another warning a deadly sword came flying straight towards the culprit. The blade shined with a blue aura of purity as it went straight through her chest, pinning her onto the Goshinboku. Her eyes only widened as the jewel fell from her hands, all hope was gone for her. As the sphere clattered on the ground, she looked up to see who had pierced her with amazing accuracy.
"Seitoumaru." Her hand reached out to him, a look of disbelief graced her face. A man stood in front of her, wearing a white kimono that had designs of small red flowers at his shoulder. He wore a chest armour and also had metal spikes at his left shoulder. The girl's brown eyes full of hatred met intense golden orbs staring at her with the same emotion. He bled at his right shoulder, the red blood pooling at his feet. His sword Toukijin was sapping Kagome's energy away at a fast rate.
" dare you..." The girl then fell limp against the tree while she was still pinned to it. The man who had thrusted the sword stepped forward and fell to his knee. He gritted his teeth, his golden eyes showing pain and his black hair dripping with sweat.
"Seitoumaru! Brother!" A child about twelve or thirteen years old rushed to his side. Like his elder brother this kid had deep gold eyes, but instead of black hair he had silver. The elder brother shook his head with a look of disgust.
"This...was all due to my foolishness." he spoke with regret. He then grabbed the jewel on the floor. "Shikon no Tama, this wretched thing." Inside he felt as if he was being torn apart with the insufferable pain but he refused to let the people around him know.
"Stay still brother! We're going to treat your wound!" said the young child as he held onto his dear brother. The villagers quickly gathered around for this horrible catastrophe. The bleeding man yet again shook his head.
"No, InuYasha. I'm much too late, however...listen to my last request." it began to get even harder for him with each word to speak. "InuYasha, you must burn this jewel with my remains. It must never fall into the wrong hands again." with the last words he tightly gripped the Shikon no Tama and held it against his chest. His eyes drooped and he fell on the hard cement as an empty corpse.
The deed was done and the lifeless body of the once famous priest Seitoumaru was burned, the jewel in his hands as both he and the item were smothered with the flames. Meant for the Shikon to never return again...
Sesshoumaru Taisho sighed lightly as he exited the shrine. He had just been listening to his grandfather talk of nonesense again. The usual, this time it was some queer jewel called the Shikon no Tama. He looked at the small ball in his hand that was supposedly the imitation of the jewel. He raised and eyebrow and without another thought stuffed it into his pocket. Where was his younger sister Rin, anyhow?
"Rin." he called out, not too low not too high. When he saw the shack housing the Bone Eater's Well open he entered and found his sister. The well had a wooden board over it due to their grandfather who had 'sealed' it a long time ago to prevent evil from the other side. His sister turned to look at him with teary eyes. "You know you're not supposed to play in here."
"Sesshoumaru, Buyo's gone and I don't know where he is!" He sighed and walked down the stairs. What a troublesome cat that Buyo could be at times. He found the four legged creature hiding at the side of the well and picked the feline up.
"There you are, you irksome cat." He handed the cat to his sister who squeezed the animal with unbeatable love. Sesshoumaru was observing his sister until her eyes widened while looking past him. The wooden seal on the well began to clatter against each other making noises. At first it was a slight tapping, and then it started to get louder before finally some kind of power pushed the wooden seal out of the way.
"Brother!" it was too late for when Sesshoumaru finally turned around he saw what seemed to be white things pulling him in. His eyes widened as he was pulled down the well. When he regained consciousness he saw a woman in front of him holding his head between two hands. She had a completely naked chest of a woman while the bottom of her body looked as if it belonged to an overgrown centipede.
"Ah you have power," she licked Sesshoumaru's face with a long tongue. "You must have...the Shikon no Tama! Give it to me." Sesshoumaru grimaced.
"Disgusting. I command you to let go of me!" He roughly shoved her face and she let out a soft 'ugh' as a blue light pushed her away from him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he realized he was still in the well. And with an arm of that sickening...thing. "It seems I'm not dreaming." he contemplated to himself as he stood up and began to climb out of the well. When he reached the top he couldn't believe it. There no longer was the shack that covered the Bone Eater's Well.
What is this place? he wondered. He faced a green forest full of life. He started walking around trying to find anything he knew about, and came across the Goshinboku. This tree was something right next to his family's shrine. He went over to examine it and saw a girl against it.
She wore a completely blue outfit and seemed to be sleeping against this tree. It would've appeared that she was alive, had it not been for the sword plunged within her body. But the most unusual things were her ears.
Are ears? the crazy thought entered his head. Perhaps he needed to get glasses again. But there was no mistake to his conclusion. She had no human ears but ones of a black dog that matched her ebony colored hair. He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked over to the strange girl to get a closer look, stopping just before the roots.
"What are you doing here!" an unfamiliar voice yelled. Before Sesshoumaru realized what was happening deadly arrows ready to kill flew past him, some missing only by a centimeter. Before he even knew it those men that shot at him with arrows ran over and tied him up. Then he ended up on a mat, tied up, in a village in front of all the people.
What is this ridiculous treatment. he angrily thought. He studied the people around him and decided that they were definitely not the kind he lived around. Some were saying that he was here for war, that he was a fox, and just more incredulous rumors spread amongst the adults.
"Priest InuYasha has arrived!" Sesshoumaru looked up to see another male who was probably a bit older than he, walk forward. The first thing Sesshoumaru noticed of this character was his shining silver hair, and glistening gold eyes like his own. How rare it was to find even one person with amber eyes. Even Rin didn't possess them. When the one named InuYasha was in front of him, some kind of wild dust flew everywhere.
"What do you think you're doing?" Sesshoumaru sneered. InuYasha put a hand on his chin while thinking thoughtfully. He then stared at the boy in front of him.
"You look just like...Seitoumaru!" he exclaimed with surprise in his voice.
"My name, is Sesshoumaru." the boy from the well stressed his name. With nothing else said, InuYasha untied Sesshoumaru's ropes.
"Come with me, I'll get you some dinner." as the villagers still watched Sesshoumaru ignored them and followed the one known as InuYasha. Once they entered a hut InuYasha cooked broth and poured some in a bowl, handing it to Sesshoumaru.
"Thanks." InuYasha nodded as he poured himself some and began to eat. Even while he ate, InuYasha glanced at Sesshoumaru from the corner of his eye every now and then. He was reminded a flashback of the day Seitoumaru died...
Feh. Fifty years since he's died. One would wonder how InuYasha kept his youth. He turned to gaze at the other boy again. Seitoumaru was burned along with the jewel. If this guy really is my brother's reincarnation, that means- A crash from outside was heard as well as screams of terror. The two rushed outside to see destroyed huts and the terrifying thing Sesshoumaru had dealt with within the well.
"That wench." said Sesshoumaru, with disappointment. He didn't want to see her again. InuYasha glared at the demon as it caught site of the boy next to him.
"You!" she roared, making her way to the two. "Hand it over!" InuYasha shoved Sesshoumaru the other way.
"What the hell are you waiting for? She's after you. Run!" he yelled and that was all Sesshoumaru needed as he sprinted away. As he ran across a bridge he wondered, What is with all of this? What's wrong with this place? He made his way to the tree where the girl was pinned.
She raised her nose, her dark bangs covering the eyes. The body in blue clothing pulsed as it awakened from its slumber and her clawed fingers came alive. The girl's eyes opened and two dark and menacing orbs of brown clearly showed a sadistic happiness. She raised her hand to her face as she observed it and smirked.
"He's here again." she whispered. "I'll kill him this time." her gaze wandered over to the sword that still pierced her skin. Her hand found its way to the sword but it was rejected by a crackle of electricity and blue light. She glared hatefully at the weapon as it glowed brighter and created a pain right above her chest. "Dammit!"
"Stupid boy, hand the damn Shikon over!" the creature that the villagers called a 'demon' screeched. He was getting pissed off. Would she ever realize that he had nothing called the Shikon no Tama?
"I told you, I don't have the jewel!" he hissed. Then an idea popped into his head. The Shikon no Tama's fake counterpart that his grandfather had given him! He retrieved it from his pocket and stopped running to turn around. The so called Shikon jewel was pink and he held it in front of the demon who had stopped chasing also. "Is this what you want?" he asked. "Then get it!"
Sesshoumaru threw it as far as he could and the idiotic demon fell for it, actually believing it was real. He began to sprint again to the well, he was almost there. An angry roar echoed out through the night. The demon had finally figured out that the 'jewel' he had thrown for her to fetch was a fake. With a renewed speed she came after him.
She ran into him, digging her teeth inside his skin and throwing him up to the sky. He bit his lip as the bite had been quite disturbing, but the pain became numb when he spotted a jewel in the air with him. The blood pouring out didn't matter as he gazed at the beautiful and shining pink jewel. Was this what the woman was after?
He grabbed it in the air before he fell to the ground with a soft thud. He was now in front of the Goshinboku, with that centipede thing readying itself to come after him. Quickly Sesshoumaru stuffed the jewel inside the pocket of his pants. And then he heard...laughing? He turned around to the source of merriment and came face to face with the girl pinned to the tree. She watched him with a cold gaze.
"What is it now Seitoumaru? Don't tell me you can't fight just because your sword, Toukijin's occupied with me. Get another sword and pierce that centipede abomination like you did me." Sesshoumaru was getting annoyed. Just how much did he look like this person named, 'Seitoumaru.'?
"I'm not Seitoumaru, my name is Sesshoumaru." he spat. The girl tilted her head and observed him.
"There's no other being that has a scent as sickening as yours. And just what's with you being thrown around by that weak bug, lost your skills?" Sesshoumaru had had enough.
"Are you so idiotic that you can't see I'm not this Seitoumaru?" the girl's eyes narrowed.
"Come closer." she commanded without manners. Yet he wanted to prove her wrong so he went up the roots of the tree to face her. The girl seemed to be just a little short than he and she put her head forward. Her nose twitched and she scowled.
"You're right, you don't smell the same. I thought you were different...I don't remember your hair being...silver." she then raised an eyebrow and looked past his shoulder, smirking. "Here she comes again, what'll you do?" Sesshoumaru swiftly turned around only to be taken by the demon's teeth again and thrown into the body of the stubborn girl. Now this was frustrating.
"Hey you," the centipede was crushing the two together with her long body but this girl seemed to have a plan. Sesshoumaru looked up. "Will you. Pull out this sword?" InuYasha came to the scene with some other villagers, all riding a horse.
"No, don't! Whatever you do, don't pull out her sword. She'll be unsealed!" she scowled.
"Listen you stupid brain damaged boy. If he doesn't take it out, you'll all die by the centipede!" InuYasha didn't listen to her, instead he kept trying to persuade Sesshoumaru.
"I'm telling you Sesshoumaru, don't even touch the sword! Kagome must not be freed!" Sesshoumaru was deep in thought. What would he do? Would he die in this era he knew nothing of, when he had a family back home? What would Rin do without him when she was just a helpless sister that needed him? What of his future that he had planned?
"No," for a moment the girl Kagome feared that he was saying no about freeing her. "I won't die in this place." the girl then smirked as he grabbed the hilt of the sword. InuYasha's eyes were filled with terror. Readying himself, Sesshoumaru put all his strength and he pulled.
A bright blue light surrounded the sword as the blade was removed from the body. Sesshoumaru dropped the sword, and the girl's body pulsed. Her eyes were hidden by her bangs but a noise began to escape her. Soon it turned into an all out evil laughter.
"No..." InuYasha whispered. She was free again. The demon quickly squeezed the two at the tree harder. It did not kill them however for a green light exploded and parts of her bottom body flew. At that moment Kagome leaped out to face the demon as Sesshoumaru was knocked down to the ground. As he fell the Shikon no Tama flew out of his pocket and towards the demon opposing Kagome.
"This is it!" the demon cried out as it jumped and devoured the pink jewel in one gulp. After swallowing the glass ball the demon shedded its skin, leaving a black and red body which proved to be a more gruesome appearance than before. Kagome brought up her claws.
"You're nothing even with the jewel." she growled fearlessly.
"That's only because she hasn't completely absorbed the jewel yet you idiot!" InuYasha yelled desperately.
"Claws of Alexandrite!" Kagome readied herself and flew at the demon with her claws out. With no troubles she sliced right down the middle of the whole body, a green light left behind that could be identified where her nails had sliced. The demon twitched on the floor.
"Sesshoumaru hurry, get hold of where the jewel is and take it out or the demon will regenerate!" InuYasha ordered.
You have to be kidding me. thought the boy from the future as he quickly scanned the scattered bodies. He finally found a glowing pink sphere inside one of the parts and took it out, observing it. Before he had touched it there was a dark color filling the sphere but it cleared up to the clean and beautiful pink afterwards. InuYasha rushed towards him.
"Alright now that that's solved." A purposeful cough came from Sesshoumaru's right and the two of them turned to face Kagome.
"Now I expect my payment." she put her left hand on her hip while the right was up, claws ready to strike. "I'll give you some time. If you want to keep living, hand it over. If not you can die. Either way I get the jewel so I suggest you simply take the easy way." she smirked as she took a step towards Sesshoumaru, her left hand now hanging at her side. InuYasha seemed to be contemplating the choices. He hadn't brought a sword or any arrows for the centipede had destroyed the weaponry hut.
"Don't give it to her, no matter what." he commanded.
I thought about making a story like this and I've finished the first chapter! Wooh! Review for more please + Is Sesshoumaru Seitoumaru's reincarnation? We can only find out and see what else happens later on. If you would like a picture of Seitoumaru go to my fanfiction profile and there'll be something about Human Sesshoumaru.
Follow the directions and you'll find the fanart by a magnificent person (I take NO credit, this person did a wonderful job though!) but the Human Sesshoumaru will have black hair and green eyes, so just change in your mind the eyes to a gold XD Alright review for next chapter people and thank you very much for reading! If the link currently doesn't work just imagine a black haired Sesshoumaru okkeh? Don't worry it's still so sexy