InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome And Her Crazy Blood-line ❯ 5 hundred years? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I am SO SORRY that I have not updated!!!! Now I understand why other people take so long!!! This story was supposed to be a one-shot, meaning that I did not have anything more to add prepared, I am making this up as I go so give a girl a break would ya!!! BTW, If you are reading the story then you do not need to know what happened last time, like I said I am lazy!!!

Chapter 4


"38!!!!!" shouted Inuyasha. Kagome just stands there with her mouth wide open in complete shock and surprise. "Umm yes is there something wrong with that?" Mrs. Higurashi said with confusion. "Oh nothing mom, I just find out I am half vampire and to top it off I am related to 38 or MORE other different blood lines, nothings wrong" Said Kagome in a sarcastic tone. "Watch your tone with me young lady, I brought you into this world and I demand some respect!" Mrs. Higurashi said with the slight sound of agitation in her voice. "Sorry mama, its just so frustrating for me ok! Would you be happy in this situation!?" Kagome shouted in question. "To be honest I would be very upset, but I can at least try to hold my anger in" yelled a slowly calming Mrs. Higurashi. "Well I am trying so can you tell us where this Poison Berry Forest is, because I have never heard of it?" questioned Kagome. "How silly of me to forget, you just go to the forest next to your school and before you ask only creatures that live a long life have a name for it" said a now happy Higurashi parent. "Ok thanks mom, lets go Inuyasha" "Lead the way, I do not know where this sc-ool is". Kagome walks up to the shrine door with Inuyasha right behind when she just realized what her mom had said. She stop in her tracks causing Inuyasha to bump right into her.

"Kagome, are you ok? What's wrong?" said a curious and concered Inuyasha.

She slowly turns around and asked her mother "What did you mean by creatures that live a long life?" asked Kagome. "Well dear, vampires are immortal and since you are only half vampire you just live for about 5 hundred years". Kagome just stands their with her mouth hanging wide open. Inuyasha, on the other hand, is very happy. `If she lives for 5 hundred years like me, then I can be with her longer!!!! Hey where did that come from?' thought a slightly blushing Inuyasha.

Yeah I know, this is the smallest chapter in history, but to be honest I am not very interested in this story anymore and I am just updating whatever comes to mind!!!!! And I got the whole 5 hundred year life thing from AkiaOshba, a reviewer, so send them in so I can know I am spending my time on this for a reason. AND I also realize Inuyasha is a little OOC but I DON'T GIVE A SH*T!!!!!!!!