InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and Kikyo: Across Time ❯ Night of Thoughts: The Beginning's End ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome was brought to the village to reside for the night. There, unfamiliar faces, the ancestors of the villagers she knew, and a very young Kaede, greeted her. Kikyou allowed her into their hut, where her young sister prepared their dinner. Still, she didn't feel like sitting around across from the woman who wished for InuYasha to be dragged into hell with her. She didn't hate her though. She understood.
“So, Kagome…” started Kikyou, turning to face the young girl in strange attire.
“Uh, sorry, what?” Blankly she stared back at the priestess, her mind adrift.
“Those robes you're wearing, what are they? I've never seen anything like that before.”
This question was nostalgic. How many times had she been asked that, she wondered. When she first crossed through time, after setting eyes on InuYasha, Kaede was the one who originally questioned her uniform. Of course, that was long ago to her, but hadn't even happened in the time she resided now.
“Oh, these are…they're clothes from my home. I know they look strange but they're common where I'm from,” she replied, beaming as not to let her true thought be seen.
“Is that so…” she raised her index and thumb to her chin. “More importantly, this Naraku character…”
Kagome's ears perked up. “Y-yes?” she stuttered.
“He is a strong demon, correct? If that is so then why do you pursue him? Surely he must be too powerful for an ordinary human to slay.”
Insightful as ever, Kikyou caused only more questions to arise within Kagome's mind. She realized that without her group, Naraku's demise were out of her reach. That wasn't what she was after, though. All she needed was help in trying to get back. She couldn't tell them that, though. If she did, she would be alone again.
“I'm a priestess. It's my job to get rid of him. He's done so many horrible things…I can't just sit by and watch as he does more damage.” Her voice was barely audible, quiet yet stern. She would never forget all the things that he had done: Miroku's wind tunnel, Sango fighting her brother, killing Kikyou…and what for? He just wanted power. Of course, if it wasn't for him, she never would have…
“I understand.”
Kagome's eyes shot up from her lap. Did she really?
Kikyou poured the stew into bowls and handed them to Kagome and Kaede. “Thank you big sister!” young Kaede beamed.
“You are quite welcome,” she smiled in return.
That night, both priestesses lay restless on the floor: Kikyou wrought with worry of the new dangers laying in wait, and Kagome worrying of the future.
Morning arrived after a seemingly endless night. Kagome awoke early, still not tired. She wiped the sleep from her eyes, looking around to see that it wasn't a dream. Arising to her feet, she watched the sisters as they rested still. It was only dawn. She shuffled outside to watch the bright oranges and pinks consume the sky. All she could do was think and wait.
Off in the distance a red cloth could be seen, attached to shining silver hair. Kagome gawked curiously as her mind placed the pieces together.
“InuYasha!” she waved, expressing her joy in a rather obvious manner. He turned to her from the edge of the city, annoyed. “Come here!”
“Moron!” he growled angrily, “I can't enter the village! I'm a demon!”
Her arm lowered to her side. “That's right. He wasn't trusted before…” she mumbled, running to his side, only to be gawked at in return. “What?”
“You're really something, you know that?”
“I am?”
“I don't know anyone dumb enough to approach a demon. You're so stupid.”
Kagome stuck up her nose, both insulted and jealous. “Kikyou does it so why can't I?”
“Kikyou's a priestess,” he retorted, “she can take care of herself unlike you.”
“What?” Kagome yelled, furrowing her brow. “I'll have you know that I'm a priestess too! I can take care of myself just fine, thank you!”
InuYasha snorted at her last remark. “Well you could've fooled me.”
She clenched her teeth. “InuYasha you jerk! Sit!”
He stared at her, confused. Her demand for him to sit was quite strange. She was a very abnormal human. “Why should I?”
Kagome, to this realization, dropped to her knees and clenched her legs. “That's right…” She rested her head on her lap to hide the few tears that were escaping. How could she forget? But even after all of this, InuYasha acted the same. He was no different, but it still wasn't the same as before. The InuYasha she knew looked at her softly the way he now did Kikyou. He always protected her. “Say, InuYasha, you don't know me, do you?” She continued to keep her face hidden.
“What? Why should I?”
Her head rose a bit, tears held back and a fake smile adorning her face, “I didn't think so.”
“Keh. You're strange.”
In the distance a young Miko could be seen existing a hut, fully prepared to fight. She approached the two, arrows slung onto her back.
“Are you ready, InuYasha, Kagome?”
“Yeah” InuYasha replied, that same longing in his eyes.
Kagome nodded. The sooner she got home, the sooner she could put this experience behind her.
A/N: It's been so long since I last uploaded. I'm really disappointed in myself for that. I don't know if any of the people who read this story before even remember it, but I'm going to try to upload a chapter every 1-3 days for each of my 2 InuYasha fanfictions. This is only a side story so my main priority will be to upload chapters of Their Daughter's Journey, but I'll do my best to upload as much as I can for both. Please tell me what you think of it and any ideas you have for this story, as I'll take them into consideration and, of course, give credit