InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Gives Advice ❯ Um? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

So…this is pretty much me being extremely retarded and bored. Love it or hate it. Just review ok? I like those. I'll do anything for constructive criticism…anything.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. For if I did, Inu would dance the dance of Ramen! Beef flavored! BWAHAHAHAHA!
Kagome gives advice…
Kagome sighed. Patting Sango on the back as she moaned and groaned about Miroku becoming horribly unruly.
“Miroku's become horribly unruly” She says, banging her head against the God tree where they were sitting.
Really really HARD.
Seriously, she was about two seconds away from a concussion.
“Sango, Stop that! You're about two seconds away from a concussion!” Kagome shrieks. Grabbing Sango's head in an attempt to stop her. Which was pretty successful….sorta. As Sango stopped banging her head on the poor abused tree, and started beating it up with Hiraikotsu instead.
Tree *cries*…silently. Well, trees don't talk anyway so saying it was silent is a little redundant. But Sesshoumaru does talk to a tree at some point in the series…and then there was that tree of the human faced fruits…and that Willow in Pocahantas… *The tree, getting fed up with all the abuse and the ridiculous references to talking trees *it snorted*, knocks Sango out, and calls its agent. He didn't sign up for this! He's a freakin' tree for cryin' out loud! A God tree! THE God Tree!*
Kagome, staring a bit nervously at the miffed overgrown excuse for plant life, shook Sango awake and proceeded to go on with the scene so as not to provoke the wrath of the Author.
Damn Straight!
“Oh Sango!” Kagome wailed…which was supposed to sound concerned, but sounded a bit too much like a …Well you know! However, we'll let it slip since THAT would be an entirely different story. Not that I wouldn't mind writing about it… So, the CONCERNED Kagome holds the semi-conscious Sango up by her ponytail, and AGAIN proceeds with the necessary dialogue.
Which obviously means that she has a solution for the distraught half awake tajiya.
“Oh Sango…” With much less enthusiasm, “Fear not! For I the solution for your distraught and half awake self!”
*twitch* Ok…that's really starting to get annoying.
Kagome sweats nervously “Eheh…*clears throat* as I was saying, I can help you fix Miroku in no time!”
Sango, er…perked up immediately. Well, more like snatched her ponytail out of the miko's grasp and shakily managed to get into a comfy sitting position. All the while looking at Kagome with a mixture of mild irritation and avid interest.
Kagome nods enthusiastically, “Really really.”
Sango leans in close. Waiting in anticipation of what the miko was going to say. Finally! The answer to her prayers!
*Crickets chirp*
“Potty training”
Sango falls over.
Ok…that was stupid and pointless. And I'm assuming a one shot deal. Unless anyone wants me to keep going with this. And if that's the case then I might be able to squeeze out one more chapter. Otherwise, this is done.