InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Band ❯ Meet the Band ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch. 1 Meet The Band
Kagome yawned and everyone looked over at her. “Tired from the concert” asked Inuyasha. “Yeah I guess I am but it's not my fault that you all have to come over after and keep me up till 3 in the morning now is it” asked kagome rolling back over on her couch. Kagome had just recently moved out to where all her friends were in a condo resort on the ocean. She had a white house. When you walked in there was the living room it had peach carpet and blue couches all sitting around a large wooden table, on one wall there was a TV and on the other there was a mini stage. Then on the western side of that there was an open wall that led into the kitchen that had a wooden floor where there was a bar table with 8 bar stools and a bunch of other kitchen stuff. Back in the living room on the southern wall there was a set of stairs off to the far left that were peach carpet and it lead up to a wrap around in a u shape and you climbed up the stairs in the middle of the u.
If you went to the right side of the u there were 2 doors. The last door on the wall was the guest room it had blue carpet there was a queen size bed on the eastern wall it had a large walk in closet on the southern wall, a window on the northern wall, on the western wall there was a dresser, the walls were light sky blue. The next room over was the bathroom it had white tile and a counter table, a shower on the far northern wall with a bathtub on the western wall, there was a toilet in-between the shower and bathtub. In the middle hallway was 1 door that leads to Kagome's room. It had a bed on the eastern wall it was a king size and it had an emerald green comforter on it, it also had a night stand on the right side of the bed with a phone on it, her carpet was white and her walls were light green. A bathroom on the northern wall to the far left, it had white tile set up the same way as the other bathroom except it was bigger and had 2 sinks on the counter instead of one. Then there was a closet next to it that was also a walk in. She had a window on the northern wall to the far right that let in a lot of sun so she had light green curtains on it. Then she had a large dresser on the southern wall.
Then on the western wall to the far left was another door that leads out onto the deck. It was overlooking the ocean. It had a large black fence that went all the way around it and the ground was like large rocks in the earth. There was a very large hot tub (fits about 15 people) on the eastern wall up agents the wall. There was a love swing on the southern wall that was white. Then there was a table on the western wall where the fence was that was coated and treated wood. It had 4 chairs around it that were wooden. Then there were 3 recliner chairs for sun bathing on the northern wall facing the northern wall. Back inside on the left side of the u was only 2 more doors. The one that was the farthest was just a study storage place it had a large leather couch on the southern wall. A window on the western wall and a book shelf next to it. Lastly bunches of boxes of awards and other things on the northern wall that Kagome had not unpacked yet. The last room in-between the last room on the left side of the stairs and the deck was an empty room with wooden flooring and white walls with a window on the western wall.
“Well Kagome you were the one to invite us over you know that” said Sango. “Yeah I know but still I didn't think that Miroku would buy a tape of the concert and have us go over it a million times for errors” said Kagome flipping over and flashing an evil glare at Miroku. “What I just wanted to make sure that your concert was good” said Miroku. Miroku was the director of Kagome's band called The Jewels. Kagome was lead singer and electric guitar, Sango was backup singer and bass, Kirara was on drums, and Rin was on electric piano. So after the concert Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha (who goes to everyone of there concerts, and is all of the groups' friend) came over to Kagome's to party on a job well done. “How late were you all planning to stay over” asked Kagome. “Well I was going to go home 20 minutes ago, so I think I should get going” said Sango. “I think I should get going I have to book the next concert” said Miroku. “Oh make sure when you book them not to make them on anyone's birthday next time” said Kagome. “Can do” said Miroku.
Sango and Miroku left the house leaving Inuyasha and Kagome alone like usual. “So from your point of view how was the concert” asked Kagome. “I liked it a lot you did a good job tonight” said Inuyasha full heartedly for once. “Good because I almost fell asleep in the back” said Kagome laughing. “Really you didn't look tired at all” said Inuyasha. “Yeah amazing what make up can do” said Kagome. “You seem wide awake now” said Inuyasha. “Yeah I just wanted to get rid of them” said Kagome. Inuyasha had been staying over at her house lately since his parents died he had been living in an apartment.
Kagome jumped up and walked to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of sweet cold tea and poured herself a glass and sat down at a bar stool. “So whats got you down now” said Kagome she knew that Inuyasha never just stayed this long for anything. “Nothing” said Inuyasha as his ears drooped to the sides. “Oh come on you can tell me and I can tell when your sad remember I can read your ears and right now they say you're sad, your ears never lie” said Kagome getting up and walking over to where Inuyasha sat on the couch. She sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug.