InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blessng in a Curse ❯ Chapter seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: omg.'nother I finally got that other story out of my
head, maybe now I'll be able to finish this one.I got some good ideas
for it!!

And I would also like to say, I would like to thank everyone who
supported me and helped me not to take it to heart the flame I
received!!! thankies!! Now then, you don't have to read
this next part.this is just me ranting about the idiot that sent that
wonderful little flame to me.

Stupid flamer. You waited long enough to flame me!! I clearly stated in
the SUMMARY that Kagome would run off because of Kikyo!!! You idiot!!
If you don't like those kind of stories, WHY THE HELL DID YOU READ
IT???!!! You stupid idiotic son-of-a-flea-covered bitch!!!!!!!! You
don't even WRITE!!!! You idiot! do you know how damaging it is to an
author to get a flame?? Huh?? You don't even write!! Jerk.

Kagome's Blessing in a Curse

By: Cap'n BlackRose

Chapter Seven

"It looks like our guest has arrived." A soft musical voice, the voice
that led her there Kagome realized dimly. Kagome suddenly came into
the room. All activity ceased when they saw her. She then started to
wobble, and fell over into a heap. While her conciseness fled her,
the last thing Kagome heard was, "MOMMA!!!!!!!" 'Shippou.' she
wondered before she let the blackness take her.

Shippou, with his scream ran to his mother and was stroking her hair,
whispering to her. "Momma." was his broken whisper.

"Kagome!! Not you to!!" Sango whispered as she and Artemus rushed

"Miroku!! Go to the back of the cave, and get the gold chest I have
in there!! GO!!" Artemus yelled as she and Sango managed to get
Kagome upon a bed and started to remove her clothes to treat her

When Miroku came back, they told him and Shippou to leave the main
room as they began their work. Leaving, he left them in peace to


One hour later, Miroku and the sleeping kit were called back into the
main cave. When they entered, they saw Kagome was sitting up, smiling
at Shippou.

"Mamma!!" he squealed and launched himself at her. "Are you alright
momma?!" he screeched in panic as he checked her over.

Smiling as she caught the kit, she hugged him to her and said, "I'm
fine Shippou.I'm fine." she then looked up and Sango grabbed her in a
bone crushing hug and Miroku came and lightly touched her shoulder.
When greetings were done, Kagome looked aver at the one woman who had
yet to introduce herself. "Who are you?" she queried softly,
unconsciously shifting into a defensive position just like Sesshou-
Maru had taught her.

With a grin at her actions, Artemus bowed lightly. "I am Artemus.
Also better known as Lady of Fate." She said with a grin at the
shocked faces surrounding her. "You have learned well to school your
features and actions." She said.

Kagome's habit of shutting off her emotions had come so quickly and
effortless, she didn't think of it. When it was commented upon,
everyone turned and looked at her impassive face and eyes. 'Wonder
what they would think if I told them who I learned from and who I was
planning to mate with tonight if we hadn't been interrupted.' She
thought with an angered growl that was vocalized.

Everyone but Artemus started when they heard the growl. That was when
they noticed her new looks. Dainty but powerful claws, a white mane
of hair, silted pupils, and slightly battered battle clothes. Shippou
was the only one that noticed the change of her scent.

"'re a" he questioned from her shoulder. Sango
and Miroku looked at her expectantly, then Shippou said something that
definitely caught their attention. "Why do you smell like Sesshou-
Maru?" he asked looking at her with child-like curiosity.

"THE HELL?!" Sango shrieked out as Miroku's eyes widened.

"That's not important right now.Kagome needs to get changed, and we
need to leave to defeat Hades." Artemus' voice cut across their
thoughts. "Kagome, back room, top shelve. You should some clothes
you like there." She instructed.

With a nod, Kagome left to the room and found on the back shelf,
clothes. All black just how she liked them, with the occasional
silver highlight. When she had them on, she stepped out and everyone
looked upon her.

She had on an outfit that looked like Sesshou-Maru's and Inu-Yasha's
put together. Black fire rat material and silver patterns sprayed on
the sleeve ends and shoulders. Small black slippers that covered the
bottom of her feet and top of her toes, but still allowed maximum
movement of her feet; with a silver sash that she had her weapons in.
All in all, she looked deadly. Red tinted eyes roved the cave
occupants and she hissed, "Lets go hunting. No one touches what is
mine." She started out of the cave then stopped suddenly. "Wait a
moment." she said suddenly.

"What?" Shippou asked. "What is it?"

"We're gonna go get Inu-Yasha.but I want to know how the hell did
Kikyo get off the tree." she wondered quietly. "Anyway.lets go. I
want to get there and get to Hades before morning." She said as she
took off at a quick run to the God Tree. The others shared a look and
followed after on Kirara.

When they got there five minuets later, they found Kagome starring up
at a single body pinned to the tree. "Been a while Inu-Yasha." she
whispered as she looked upon him. The others stayed back, knowing she
needed to do this alone. "Ready to get down?" she asked as she drew
closer. She finally got close enough and grabbed the arrow from his
chest. His eyes drifted open as he fell and she caught him.

"Kagome?" he whispered as he looked upon her face.

"Yes." she said, leaving it to hang in the air.

With a bit of a struggle, he finally got his feet under him and she
released him. Now he looked upon her. DEMON!! Was the first thing
his mind screamed at him. The next was she looked like she was about
to go into battle. "What.happened?" he managed to ask.

"I will explain later. Will you help me my lover, and your brother
back?" she asked looking at him.

His jaw hung slack for a moment. He then shut it with a snap and
nodded firmly. "I will." he said with a feral grin. "Whose ass we
gonna kick?" he asked as his eyes bled red. He was controlling the
demon inside. He would control it this time. Not the other way

He was finding it hard to swallow that Sesshou-Maru had managed to get
himself captured, but that didn't matter. All that mattered, was Inu-
Yasha had a past life debt to pay off. Not to mention, no one
bothered his family in his forest and got away with it. No matter how
much he hated so called family member.


Sesshou-Maru stared through the prison of fire into the seeing mirror,
and saw his brother awakened, agree to help, and to control the demon
inside of him. 'I knew I saved him for some reason.' He thought with
a smirk as he watched them move toward Hades' strong hold.

"DAMN THEM ALL!!!" Hades' shout echoed through the corridor as he
HELP!!!!!!!!" he screeched. Then his eyes took a more calculating
look as he paused in his tantrum. " think you will
be able to stop me.this does throw a kink into my plans, but a short
lived one." he muttered as he turned glowing orbs to Sesshou-Maru.
"That made me forget what I was coming to do.never fear though.I'll
remember eventually.and if not, then I'll just come up with something
else." He said with a smirk as he left the room again.

'Brilliancy and lunacy cross over lines often. He uses that to his
full advantage. Kagome.hurry.I'm not sure if I can last against a
crazed god of hell.' he thought before he went back to watching a pair
of silvery blue eyes that were tinted red with blood lust. 'My

A/N: woo!!! 'nother chappy!!!!! Woo!!!!!!!! everyone happy
with me bringing Inu back?? I am.he will be bestest friends with
Kagome!! hehe!! ^-^ now then!! Tell me what you think!! Review
please!!!!!! Later!!