InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Blog ❯ The Phone Conversation ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome's Blog
The phone conversation
K- “How come you don't return people's calls, especially when they leave you an urgent message” I felt like I was screaming at the top of my lungs, I probably was.
I - “Calm down, what's the problem?”
K - “You didn't call me back, and I thought you must be very angry with me, for you not to do so. I just want to apologize.”
I - “Kagome, what are you talking about? Why are you apologizing?”
K- “What I did to you last night, don't you remember?”
I- “No.”
K-“You really don't remember.”
I- “No, I was pretty far gone and I didn't return your call because I went back to sleep after everyone left. I just woke up.”
K- “Oh, sorry. Well I just wanted to say I'm really sorry.”
I- “What for? Kagome I'm not hanging up until you tell me what happened.”
K- “Well…it's…like this, I remember that in my drunken stupor I did something to you that I shouldn't have. I…thought you were aware and that this morning you were angry.”
I - “I'm not angry, I don't even remember.”
At this point in the conversation I think I was a little annoyed, how could he not remember? Was that the sort of thing that happened so often that it went unnoticed, I don't care how drunk you were.
K - “Igaveyouahandjob” I said really fast.
I - “What?”
K - “I said, I gave you a hand job”
K - “Hello, are you there?”
I - “Kagome, I don't know what to say, are you sure?”
K - “I'm very sure”
I - “I didn't wake up or anything”
K - “I thought you were awake, you were moaning and I suddenly stopped, and we both just went to sleep.”
I - “I'm sorry Kagome, I don't even know what to say.”
K - “Let's just not talk about it, ever again. I've said my peace.”
At this point I was relieved, he truly appeared dumbfounded and he was barely speaking towards the end of the conversation. Usually our calls would last a few hours, those calls began in an odd way, one day out of the blue he called to talk to his brother, at the time I was spending a lot of time at Sesshomaru's apartment even when he wasn't there. One day Inuyasha called and after I told him Sess wasn't in instead of just hanging up he went ahead and asked me a few questions and then proceeded to talk to me about Kikyo. They were having some problems and he wanted a woman's perspective, I guess. After that we would chat often sometimes while he was at work, I figured he was bored. After this conversation we still hung out often, there were a few months of awkwardness but we still talked and drank together. I don't think we were ever the same though. For a while, all I could think about was my vague memory of his moaning, such an erotic sound. I started noticing a few things that I don't think I'd noticed before, he was definitely acting different. One time he came over to my house, which I was surprised because after all the phone conversations and general friendship, he had never dropped by for a visit and if I recall Sess was working that day. I didn't give much notice to it back then but now I wonder…
I'm trying to get the background story out of the way as soon as possible, but there are so many details that thinking back, I should have started writing this blog when they first happened. Now trying to remember everything is a bit hard. Also while things currently keep happening between us that I'd like to share, I can't until you know how it all began.
Just when I thought everything was going back to normal, Sess was a little bit more available to me, and I barely thought about the episode with Inuyasha, the most startling of things happened; Sesshomaru planned a trip for the four of us to go on. It was a trip I will never forget; it was the beginning of the end…
P.S. I'd like to recommend the song, Oh my god, by Pink. Ever since I heard it, I always just think of Inuyasha. I'm such a bad fiancé.
Posted by: K. on July 29, 2007 at 5:36 PM