InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ kagome's bully ❯ the bully ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I think that grade 2 would be 8 years old I'm not quite sure, it probably 8 or 9 and in Japan I think that they only have one class that hole day and have recess
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Kagome's bully
Chapter 1
Kagome in grade 2
“Kagome hurry up” yelled her mom,” sorry mom”, Kagome yelled back, Kagome hurried as fast as her 8 year old feet could go, she rushed down the stairs and all most tripped over her feet, “are you ok sweetie” said her mom “yes fine just lost my balance” she replied. “Oh ok as long as your alright” said her mom “ok mom I am almost ready to go” said Kagome “Kagome if you walk your going to be late.. so I'm going to drive you.. ok” asked her mom “oh ok, she answered “ we got to hurry up” said Kagome to her mom, (or were are going to be late) Kagome thought to her self,
Kagome was wearing pink shorts and a white t-shirt that said put a smile on in red , Kagome ran over to the door to put on her shoes and picked up her backpack and put it on her shoulder . Her mom walked in front of her and said “go wait in the car sweeties while I lock up” Kagome ran up to the car and tried to open it but it was locked “mom it's locked” yelled Kagome to her mom. “Sorry” Kagome's mom said as she reached in her pocket and took out the keys and tossed them to her ,
Kagome tied to catch them but she missed them so she bent down and picked them up she put it in the car lock of the driver seat and turned and it opened and she pressed the button that said unlock and all the doors unlocked she walked around the car and opened the back door and put her backpack in then she went to the passenger side and hopped in and grabbed the seat belt and buckled it up. Now Kagome's mom got in put on the seat belt and put the car in revise and looked behind her and drove out of the drive way on to the road then switched to drive and drove up the street it was a quite drive they never talked much Kagome's school came up to view “were almost there” said Kagome's mom `yup” Kagome said normally her mom drove up to the side walk and let her off “you are a little early today because I thought there would be some traffic but there was any at all” said her mom “ok” she said “It better then being late” she teased Kagome opened the back door and pulled her backpack out. And closed the door and said “bye mom see you after school”
Kagome walked up to the school it was a small elementary school with a couple of trees and three benches Kagome stared to walk over to a bench the closest one to the school door's she sat on the bench till the bell rang she had nothing better to do here friends did not show up that day (they must be sick but at the same time weird) she thought she started to walked to her class she walked in and sat in her seat that she always sat in. The teacher walked in the class room with some boy that she had never seen before, the teacher started to tell the class that, today we have a new student, his name is matt, and I need a volunteer to show matt around the school, (well none of my friends are here to day so why not) Kagome thought as she raised her hand, the teacher looked right at her and said “Kagome will you show matt around” Kagome was sort of happy when the teacher picked her because the teacher never picks her only for little thinks, well that because she would rather be with her friends but now there not here so I guess she thought “yes” Kagome replied “Good” the teacher said you can start now.
Kagome got out of her sit and started walking over to the front of the class, “do you want me to started from the end of the school” as she pointed behind her “or the other side” she pointed in front of her. “Wherever you want to start” replied the teacher `ok” Kagome said as she started to walk toward the door then she stopped and looked be hind her and saw that matt was not coming “are you coming' she asked “yes just wait I have to tie my shoe” matt replied (why did she have to be picked) matt thought as he tied his shoe, after matt tied his shoe, he walked to the door and Kagome was starring off to space “hey are we going or not” matt yelled “oh ya” as she snapped back to reality
she started to walk toward the door behind him. When they got out of the door Kagome walked in front of him and said this way as she started walking to the end of the hall, they walked in silence most of the way there, she asked him “what was other school like”? when they were walking “like any other school” matt replied Kagome was a little shocked with the attitude of him that boy had just got here and is all ready a jerk usually people are nice the first time they meet other people because they want to have a good impression on people. “Ya I guess so” she said they stated to walk down the hall Kagome started naming things off and telling matt what class room was for what and what grade but some classes she had no idea what they were for.
After they finish they went to the teacher's lounge “ do you want a cup of coffee or hot chocolate or water or juices” she asked “hot chocolate” matt replied Kagome got up and told him to sit on what ever chair he wanted Kagome grabbed to cups and put one under the hot chocolate machine and asked him “do you want 2 to 3 spoons of chocolate matt” matt replied with “3” so She pressed 3 and it started to come out, when it was done she set it aside and put hers in and pressed what she wanted then when they were done she grabbed to lids and put them on
was walking over to him when she tripped on a piece of carpet that was folded over and the hot chocolate went all over matt shirt it only got him on the shirt in did not get any lower and matt yelled and took off his t-shirt as fast as he could. Kagome got up off the floor as fast as she could and tried to help but she only made it worse because when she tried to help she just tripped again and landed on him this time. He fell to the ground with a thump he looked really mad but (his skin was really soft to the touch) she thought she could not believe what she had just thought THAT his skin is soft, she slowly got off of him and stood up and turned away because she was so embarrass that she must have turned in to a red balloon.
he slowly stood up and then pushed her to the ground and said “you are the biggest klutzes I have ever met you are as worthless piece of shit” matt yelled Kagome felt that she was going to cry but she did not want to in front of him she tried but it was to hard she let a tear out and then another and then more she could not stop them they just stared to come, matt was just laughing at her, “are you cry because of what I said or because I pushed you down or what you crying because I did both cry baby” he asked Kagome pulled her self off the ground and ran to the nearest bathroom
and cried there of a little while. When she came out she saw him waiting for her he must have followed her there but at least he had the decant see to not go in the girls bathroom. (Maybe he is here to apologize of what he did to her to make her cry) she thought, she was mad she wanted to hit him but she could not she was to scared of getting in trouble. So she held her self back.