InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ kagome's bully ❯ the office ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3
At the end of the day
At the end of the day ever one when to see matt off a huge limo pulled up and matt was walking up to it, it did rain but it stopped now and there was a giant puddle in front of the limo everyone was shocked that a limo pulled up some one asked matt “are you rich” matt replied with “yes” everyone was in more shock that he was rich Kagome thought that this could be he last chance to get even with him
he was getting close to the puddle she ran up behind him and pushed him he fell right in the puddle head first but he caught him self but still landed in the puddle and his hair still got wet he was socked she had not notice how deep the hole was it was a pot hole it need to be filled he looked madder then ever he got on his knees and stood up and jumped on Kagome
and she fell on the ground with a thump he was on top of her he hit her in the face and whispered in her ear I am going to make you regret the day you ever met me what I have been doing to you for 2 years is going to be nothing compared to what I am going to do to you he smacked her more time and got off of her and went in the limo.
Ever one just stared at her, Eri asked her “why she had done that” (he was so nice her) friend thought “that's a think of the past.” She replied “do you want to go to the park with me” she asked her friend was kind of surprised at that because she had not wanted to go with any one anywhere of almost to years but al of a sudden out of the blue she asked she had missed hanging out with her so she said “ya sure why not”
Grade 9 principle oh no
Knock, knock come in said the principle a teacher walked in and sat down “I need to discuss some thing with you” the teacher said to the principle `yes what is it” the principle asked “well I have this student, she is a very hard worker but has been sick a lot and in the hospital and I am afraid to say it but if she keeps this up she is going to fail there is only 2 months left of the school year,
all the other grade nine's are going to be at the other school tomorrow to see what it's like because the high scholars get 2 extra months off” the teacher replied (I know I know high scholars don't get 2 months more off but it's the only way this stories going to make sense)
“I see well you can't just tell the sick to get better maybe letting her fail would be the best thing then at lest she could work on getting better then having to do school at the same time and she can just start over………this is Kagome we are talking about right” the principle asked “how did you know I was talking about Kagome” the teacher asked surprised “well I have had a lot of kids ask if I have heard from kagome to see if she is sick or in the hospital or what it is she has” the principle replied
`oh' the teacher said “is that all” the printable asked `yes' the teacher replied “you are dismissed' the principle said “thank you” the teacher said as he left the office and shut the door the principle was in a good move that day he did not no why but he was in a good mood **ring** ring** the phone was ringing the principle picked it up
“hello welcome to ____________ middle school how may I help you” the principle said (I don't know the name of her school) “hello this is the principle of yaca doma private grade nine school and our school went on fire yesterday
and I know your grade nines are going to the high school for the last 2 months so I was wondering if our grade nines could use the class rooms that they used for the last 2 months of school” he asked “hummmm you are lucky I am in a good mood today usually I would said no but today I am going to said yes but only because I am in a good mood”
the principle said thank you said the principle of yaca doma both principles hanged up I think I will call the hospital to see how Kagome's doing he dialed the number and waited “hello you have reached the hospital's front desk how may I help you” she said “umm I was wondering how Kagome Higurashi was doing” he said “Higurashi, Kagome' she repeated `yes” he said “ok hold on it will just take a min” she told him “ok” he said……………………..
“I'm sorry but no Higurashi Kagome is here, in fact Kagome Higurashi has not been here for years” she added “I see well thank you for your help and have a good night” he said “thank you, I will” she said they hanged up, so kagome's not been at school and she is not at the hospital but yet her grandfather say's that she is there, so there were lying to me, she won't be missing anymore school days now.