InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Kidnapped! ❯ The Evil Shard ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Naraku had picked Kagome up and left the room. He sped down the hallway and through the door. He had to get a good distance between him and Inuyasha in order for his plan to work, and he knew how fast Inuyasha could run, when properly motivated.
He ran through the plain white room and out the door at the other side. The room he was in now looked like one of those huge indoor gardens. It even had a little river.
He put Kagome down on the grass and walked back over to the door he had come out of. He put his hand on the doorknob and silently chanted up a barrier. The door glowed red and Naraku took his hand off the door. Satisfied, he walked back over to Kagome and kneeled down beside her.
He reached into his robe and pulled out a jewel shard. He pierced his finger with it and let it soak in his blood. He put the now black shard into Kagome's neck and let it take her over.
*I'd say this is going very well.* he thought to himself as he watched Kagome twitch and squirm under the control of the tinted shard. He stood up and did his famous vanishing act.
Kagome's eyes shot open and her hand lifted up to touch her neck. *Where am I? And where's Inuyasha?* she wondered as she sat up.
*Kill him...*
-“What? Who's there?”
*Kill him...* Naraku said in her mind.
*Kill Inuyasha,....Kill him!* Kagome suddenly felt something take control of her body.
-“What's going-....” *My voice! I....I can't speak!* Kagome heard Naraku chuckle in her head.
*Let's see how Inuyasha takes this, shall we?* he said evilly while he made Kagome pick up the bow and arrow that he had put beside her.
Inuyasha got to the end of the hallway and busted through the door only to find himself in a plain white room. More importantly, Kagome wasn't in there. He saw another door at the other side of the room and started running towards it. He reached for the doorknob but got shot back by the barrier.
-“Shit!” he exclaimed and thrust his Tetsusaiga into the floor to stop himself from flying back any further. “Must be a barrier.” he muttered and pulled his sword out of the ruined floor. *You'd think he was trying to keep me out of that room or something.* Inuyasha thought to himself as he readied to use his Kaze No Kizu (is that right?). The Tetsusaiga glowed red and he slashed at the door, destroying the barrier, and the whole door for that matter.
Inuyasha climbed through the debris and into the garden room.
-“Kagome!” he called when he saw her standing in the middle of the room. “Kagome, are you okay?” Inuyasha asked and started walking towards her. Kagome brought the bow and arrow out from behind her and aimed them at Inuyasha, making him stop dead in his tracks. “Kagome?” he asked uncertainly. He could see now that her eyes were glazed over, almost like someone else was controlling her.
*Kill him.* Naraku's voice rang in her head.
*No! I won't!*
*Stop resisting and shoot him!* Kagome pulled the arrow back tighter.
-“Inu.......yasha.....” she whispered softly. Inuyasha sensitive ears caught her voice and his eyes widened slightly.
-“Kagome! What did he do to you?!” he asked.
-“” she whispered even softer then before.
-“No. I'm not leaving without you!” he exclaimed and started running at her. Kagome eyes softened slightly. *He doesn't want to leave me....*
*Kill him now!* Naraku exclaimed in her head.
-“” she said with a single tear running down her face.
*KILL HIM NOW!* Naraku yelled and Kagome released the arrow.