InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Life Decision ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha eventually fell asleep but not in a deep sleep, so he can still be alert of danger. About 10, 20 minuets after he fell asleep, he got wind of a sent so familiar. He then smelled death within the scent. Hw knew who it was. He found the direction it came from and gave one last look around to make sure his companions were safe then headed in that direction. Once Inuyasha reached his destination, he saw the person who he had smelled.
“What are you doing here?” Asked Inuyasha
“Just checking up on you. Making sure you're keeping your promise.”
“I'm fine Kikyo, and I already told you I would kill Naraku to pout you to rest then go to hell with you.”
“I just want to be sure cause you and that girl are getting close to each other, and you're always so protective of her.”
I only protect her more cause she is the only one who can see the shards, and if I loose her I can't find all the shards.”
“You love her don't you?'
“No I only like her as a friend or ... something, nothing more.”
Kikyo walked over to Inuyasha and hugged him and Inuyasha hugged her back.
“I love you so much Inuyasha.”
“I love you too Kikyo.” Inuyasha without a lot of feelings.
“You don't sound like you mean it.”
“I'm just tiered is all.”
They continued to talk the rest of the night while walking too. Inuyasha did not realize how far from the camp they walked. He looked up to see how late it was. (Inuyasha can tell time by where the sun and moon are located.)
“Hey, uh Kikyo it's getting late and the group would be getting up soon. I need to get going”
Oh, alright but first let me ask you something.”
Sorry these are so short they will get longer I promise.
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