InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life just got WEIRDER! ❯ A New Life Adventure ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagome's normal life. . .NOT!!
I do not own Inuyasha or X-Men Evolution
(*)(*)(*)(*)Lets see the pairing(*)(*)(*)(*)

·Kagome/Peitro/(and maybe)Lance





Kagome/Toad ((He'll look better in my fic))



< br> Logan/Kagome
*J apanese*
[mind reading and mind speaking]
(*)_(*)_(*)_(*)_(*)_lets start_(*)_(*)_

It was another oridinary day in Kagome's ordinary life while she was taking care of ordinary problems.NOT If you call Going 500 years in the past daily,hunting jewel shards from a magical jewel which she shattered and babying an over protective,cocky,stubborn and well you get the idea inu hanyou normal.Than sure Kagome Higurashi's life is 100% ordinary,but all those things are NOT normal so Kagome Higurashi's life is 100% bizzare and 00.0%

And today its about to get evan more "normal". . . .for her at least.

(*)(*)(*)w/ the inu gang(*)(*)(*)(*)

Inuyasha PLEEAASSEE May I go home?"
a 15-16 looking year old girl pleaded to the slavedriver hanyou.

Inuyasha was about to say no till Kagome said,"--I'll bring more ramen?"

Inuyasha stopped and looked thoughtfull
till he said,"Fine,but I'm coming wiht you or your not going."

Kagome sighed in defeat and nodded.Suddenly,She sqealed in delight.

She said to Inuyasha,"Inuyasha maybe if They hold on to us tightly Sango,Miroku and Shippo could also come? PLEASE?!"

Kagome gave her famouse puppy dog pout.

Inuyasha gave in and said his favorite word"Feh"

Kagome again squealed in delight and hugged

She ran to tell the group.

*_*_*_*_*1 hour later*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
The whole gang was there

this is how it went.
Kagome held Sango's hand and Shippo was in her arms tightly,but not too tight.

Inuyasha had Miroku on his back after a lot of "sits" that is.

They all jumped in and got swirled in a vortex of blue,purple,white and pink lights.
((Oh yea Sango brought her Hiraikotsu))

When they got to the present Sango,Shippo and Miroku looked around in awe.Sango said,"Kagome-chan where is your hut?"

Kagome looked at her and said,"My "hut"
is called a house here and it's right over there."

****at the xavier institute(sp?)*******

Prof.Xavier looked at cerebro when suddenly
5 new colors came on screen.Although 2 were not the color of mutants or humans.It was a deep blue color with a hint of dark green and red.
The next 3 had red like a mutant,but 1 had
a dark purple blend into it and another one had a brilliant light blue blendid in it.
The last one was a regular mutant color,but was more darker red than the rest of the mutants meaning she or he is very skilled,not with their powers,but they would end u[ as one of the strongests mutants.

((don't know if thats true or not,but it is in my fic))

Prof.Xavier said,"Cerebro what are the new mutants powers?"


Xavier looked slightly shocked,but then said,"Cerebro can you pin-point the location of the new mutant?"


((Sorry I don't really pay attenion to Cerebro much so I don't exactly know every details it says or does))

Charles said,"Thank you."

He took off cerebro and mummbled,"looks like we'r going on a field trip."

He went to the loud speaker and said now that the whole school can hear him,"Will anybody who can speak japanese,Logan,Ororo and Jean please report to me."

A few minutes later Logan,Jean,Ororo,Evan,
Kitty and Scott came in his office.

The proffecer said,"Evan,Kitty I never knew you could speak Japanese?"

Kitty said,"Like,Professer did you like forget that my aunt is japanese?"

((I made that up))

Charles flushed slightly for forgetting that.

Evan said,"Yea Aunty O. taught me to speak Japanese with words like "Japanese is one of the most usfull languages to learn"or somthing like that."

Prof.Xavier nodded ((I'll just call him Charles))

Ororo asked,"Charles Why are we going to Japan anyway?"

Charles said,"Cerebro picked up some readings that some are not humans or mutants and a few have more than mutant in them."

The X-men gasped.This WAS going to be an interesting mission.

******5 HOURS later**********
They have been on the X-jet for 5 FRICKEN
HOURS!!Who wouldn't get cranky?

But what they didn't know is that a certain
fuzzy,blue mutant had teleported in the storage room.

*^*^*^**^*W/ the brother Hood*^*^*^*^
Pietro,Toad,Lance come here!" Magneto ordered.

The boys came and Magneto said,"It seems that Charles found new mutants,but these mutants are not normal."

Toad said,"DUH All mutants aren't normal."

Magneto shot Toad a withering glare and said,"AS I was saying These mutants
are stronger than most mutants and some we are not sure even if they are mutants.
Since 2 are women I want you to how do you teens put it,"woo them to your charm".I have gathered that one woman's name is Kagome Higurashi.They live in Tokyo,Japan and the
X-Men are going to try to get them to go to their institution.I shall enrole you there and once they get their try and bring them to the brother hood.Now GO!"

When the boys got out Pietro whined,"AH MAN I bet these girls are the fat,stupid,shopping freak,hard headed,bossy,
slutty kind!!"

Lance said,"YEah and I don't know why Magneto also told Toad to do this b-cuz He can't even woo his own reflection!HAHAHA"

Lance and Pietro started laughing from that joke whileToad was Fuming.Toad yelled,"HEY I CAN WOO SOMEONE!!"

Pietro and Lance just laughed harder.

(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)W/ the Inu gang(*)(*)(*)

"AHHH This Vacation is Gonna be SO-O-O
Great!!"Kagome cheered.

In the last 5 hours Sango,Miroku and Shippo
got used to the future things such as T.V's,Computers,Remote's,PS-1 and PS-2
Kagome was surprised at how fast they learned.Miroku was now addicted to T.V and Soda and Sango was now addicted to the computer and green apple lolipops

((first thing I could think of and Eating lolipops is actually a habbit))

Shippo was Addicted to Play station and Play station 2 and also addicted to chocolate.

((Who wouldn't be addicted to chocolate? that thing is candy from heaven^_^))

Inuyasha is also addicted to soda and T.V
much thanks to Souta and Miroku.

Suddenly,A Jet looking vehicle landed in front of their house.

Inuyasha,Sango and Miroku got on-guard.

Kagome told them to relax.

Then a man in a wheel chair,A woman with white-silver hair,A burnette,A gruff man with bluish-black hair,A Woman who had long red har,A boy with red glasses and short brown hair and a boy with
sorta dark skin and blond hair came out.

Kagome stepped up to them,bowed and said,"*Welcome to Higurashi Shrine How may I Help You?*"

The man in the wheelchair said,"I am Charles Xavier and I am hoping you would like to go to our school of the greatly talented."

Kagome said in excellant English,"You Speak English?Well What kind of school is it and do I have to bring my friends?"

Miroku stepped up and also said in perfect English,"Yes sir,excactly what kind of school
is Kagome-Sama going to go and I want to also know if we could come."

Kagome was surprised at how fluently Miroku could speak in English,but said nothing.

Charles said,"Kagome I'm Charles Xavier from the Xavier Institution and We teach mutants how to control their powers.

Kagome was shocked.SHE WAS A MUTANT?!

Kagome said,"Proffeser I'm not a mutant....I can't be."

Charles said,"But Kagome You are a mutant,but not only that you seem to have more power than a regular mutant.And Your friends are also mutants.Come to the Xavier intitute and We'll teach you how to control your powers or at least figure out what it is."

Kagome seemed hesitant,but slowley nodded.She said,"We'll go.Arigatou Proffeser."

_*_*_*_3 hours later*_*_*_*_*_*_*

Kagome told the rest and Inuyasha Imeaddieatly (sp) refused,but Kagome took care of the problems after a few "sits".

Kagome packed her stuff and gave Sango clothes also.They went shopping for Miroku,Shippo,Inuyasha's clothes.The girls also bought outfits and now they were all packed and bording the X-jet after a few tearfull goodbyes to Kagome's family.

(*)(*)With the Inu group on the X-jet(*)(*)

Kagome said to Miroku,Sango and Shippo,"Guys You know I love as my siblings so At the school you can use the last name Higurashi.....If you want to be my siblings that it."

Sango and Miroku smiled and nodded while giving Kagome a hug.

Kagome looked down to Shippo and said,"Shippo would you. . um. . .like. . .t-to
. . be. . m-my s. .son?"

Shippo got teary eyed and Kagome swore that If Shippo smiled wider His mouth would be stuck like that.

Shippo nodded so fast,pounced on her and gave her the biggest hug ever.

He said,"Yes,yes,yes,yes can you please be my mommy?"

Kagome nodded and hugged Shippo close to her.

She said to him,"So now Shippo if some body asks your last name you can now say Higurashi."

Shippo was already asleep in KAgome arms,but he heard it.

A few hours later the reached the intitute.

When they got out a blue fuzzy boy was in front of Kagome.He stuck out his hand with a large grin and said,"Hi zhere I'm Kurt Wagner(sp)Vhats Your Name?"

Kagome,after getting over her shock took The cute blue boys hand while saying,"Hi I'm Kagome Higurashi It's very nice to meet you Kurt."

Kitty Came out of the X-jet and said to Kagome,"Like HI I'm Kitty."

"I'm Kagome."After that Kitty,Kagome and Kurt became fast friends.Kurt even gained a little crush on Kagome.

Sango,Miroku,Shippo,Inuyasha and KAgome looked around the institute in awe.

Kitty showed them their rooms and they all unpacked.

Suddenley,3 boys came in and went to the proffeser.

A boy with short silver white hair that looks like Inuyasha's color and a voice that could maybe be Inuyasha's double said,"Yo Prof. We want to become X-Men."

The Proffeser looked shocked,but Logan beat him to it and said,"Yeah Right And I Want to be the easter bunny.No Way kid."

The silver head looked at Logan and said angrily,"Well My father already enroled us so we'r becomin one of the X-geeks so do you have a problem with it?!"

Logan was about to say somthing smart till
Charles beat him to it and said,"Very Well you may enrole here,but if I find you are hurting or threatning ANYone you will be kicked out do I make myself clear?"

Pietro grudgengly nodded,crossed his arms and said"Feh"

The Inu group heard him and all,but Inuyasha thought,"He acts and sounds just like Inuyasha even kinda looks like him too"

Ororo showed them their rooms,but stayed on guard.

*()*()*()at dinner*()*()*()*()*)*(*()*()*()

When Pietro,Lance and Todd(Toad)
came in the dining room all X-Men stiffened,but relaxed....kinda...When Charles explained.

They were waiting in an eeree(sp) silence till 3 women's voice rang out from the kitchen.




Kitty ran out of the kitchin

The Un-surprising thing was Kitty was un- fazed and Sango And Kagome were drenched in a blob Kitty cooked to be food.

Kagome and SAngo got a HUGE boomerang
from Kami-Knows-Where and walked menecingly to Kitty who was looking for a place to hide.

((Yes Lets say in my story Kagome is A GREAT fighter and has her own Hiraikotsu))

Kagome and Sango whispered in a voice that would have made Magneto,Naraku and Sesshomaru piss their pants,"run....."

Kitty didn't need to be told twice.She zipped out of there so fast it might have even put Pietro to shame Of course Sango and Kagome DID put Pietro to shame when they went after Kitty so fast their was fire on the ground and a smoke out line of their bodies where they were standing.

They heard evil laughter and someone begging for mercy.


Sango and Kagome were tickilking poor Kitty sensless.

Kagome and Sango stopped and looked up giving Kitty time to breath and get away.

There watching with amusment was the
whole X-Men.((not including Pietro,Lance and Todd))

Kagome and Sango blushed darkley and apologized.

Evan,Jamie,Kurt and Jubilee couldn't help it they bust out laughing their ass off.Charles and Ororo gave a chuckle and Logan gave a big smirk.

******the BOys room*********
Pietro stretched and said,"HUH I wonder how ugly that Kagome girl will be.Feh considering my luck she would probably be fat,Ugly,Bossy,snotty,slutty so on and so on!!"

Lance looked at him in shock and said,"HOW BAD YOUR LUCK?! My luck is as bad as well ......ANYTHING so my girl would probably be even 10x worse than yours!!"

Pietro nodded and asked,"Hey Wheres the Toad?"

Lance looked around and saw no Todd(Todd is Toad's human name)

He shrugged and said,"Maybe at the dump lookin' for flies."

****Where Toad is***********

Todd grumbled as he walked down the endless hall of the Xavier Mansion.

He bumped into someone and was about to yell something about watching their directions,but stopped when he saw the most beautiful girl he ever saw.She had midnight black hair with a tinge of blue,Sapphire blue eyes,Beautiful body,perfect face and a cute expression.

The girl stood up and helped him up.
She said,"Oh I'm soo sorry mr.....?"

Toad snapped out of his daze and answered,"Todd."

"Oh well sorry Todd-san by the way I'm KAgome Higurashi."

Todd stood there stupifised(sp) This..This ANGLE Was Kagome?The Kagome they were sent to woo to the brotherhood?Heh better get a head start in the wooing.

Todd shook his head and said,"No need to say sorry It was also my fault."

the girl smiled and took his arm.She said,"C'mon I havn't made very much friends here so why don't you be my friend?"

Todd stood there.She wanted to be friends with HIM? But he was to ugly to be around a beauty like her.Maybe,just maybe he'll make a REAL friend.

He asked,"You w-want to b-be frineds with someone as u-ugly as me?"

Kagome shook her head yes and said,"Of course and your not ugly.Hows about I make you a whole new look?"

Todd nodded slowley and she took off with him just barley holding her hand.

*****ALOT of hours later***********

Kagome looked at the new and improved Todd.

His hair was slightly trimmed,but was still shoulder lenghth.His face was not so bulky it looked like Kagome's face,but more like a man's face than a woman's.He wasn't slouched and looked like a frog,his back was straight.His skin was no longer its greenish color,but a color like normal people's skin.

His teeth were pearly white and not one of them were mis-placed.His eyes looked more shapley and his nose was more like everybody else's nose.

((You know how Sesshomaru's eyes look like?Well Toad's eyes looks like Sessh's eyes,but Toad's eyes actually HAD emotions))

Kagome looked him over again and told him in awe,"You look like a whole new person!! And your not that bad looking either."

Todd said,"Um Kagome Can I..well...can I see myself?"

Kagome smiled and nodded,but first said,"Ok,but now that your teeth are actually WHITE I don't want you eating anymore flies K?"

Todd nodded and shocked that his teeth are white.

((He didn't see himself yet))

KAgome put her hands over his eyes and lead him to the mirror.She let go and Toad looked at himself.He gasped in awe,surprise and happiness.

He turned to Kagome and hugged her with all his might,picked her off the floor and twirled her around.

He said,"Thank you so-o-o-o much this is the best gift anyone has ever given me!! Well its
the only gift anyone ever gave me."

He said the last part quietly.

Kagome smiled at him and said,"Hey thats what friends are for.Now lets show them who the new and improve Todd is!"

Todd NOdded and walked with Kagome to the living room.

She walked in and all the X-Men were there

((except Pietro and Lance))

She said,"Everyone I would like you all to see the new and improved TODD!!!"

They turned their heads and once they saw Toad Their jaws dropped to the ground and their eyes widened.

They all stuttered and the girls couldn't stop staring.Well he WAS kinda cute.

The X-Men turned to Kagome and all said at the very same time,"How'd you do it?"

Kagome laughed nervousley,grabbed Todd's arm and ran outside.

once she andTodd were outside They bust out laughing.

*HAHAHAHAH*did you see their faces?*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!"

*HAHA*I know I mean you weren't THAT ugly*HAHAHAHAHA*!!"

Todd stopped laughing and said,"HEY what do you mean I wasn't THAT ugly?! Are you calling me ugly?!"

Kagome looked at him and said in mock innocence,"*gasp*Why on EARTH would you think lil' old me would think someone like you were ugly?!"

They started laughing again.

It got late and they went to bed.

****Toad's room***********

When Todd entered Pietro and LAnce stiffened and yelled,"HEY THIS IS OUR ROOM!!"

Todd said,"Yeah so It's my room to ya know."

Lance said,"No this is also Toad's room."

Todd shrugged and said as if the most obvious thing,"I AM Toad you doofus!"

Lance and Pietro gaped at the new Toad.
Pietro looked at Lance
Lance looked at Pietro
They looked at Toad
They both fainted

Toad sighed and lifted them to their bed.

***next day***********

Pietro and Lance woke up.They saw a blob under Toad's covers which was snoring softly.

They thought last night was a dream and went to wake Toad up for "Hell Hole"
I mean School.

Once they took off the covers their mouths dropped open and they pinched themselves.
It wasn't a dream.Well waht ever mutant that ever accomplished this work had to be a genuis or the first mutant to accomplish somthing like THIS!!

*******45 mins later*********

Toad woke up and all three got ready for their classes.

LAnce asked,"Hey Toad Who DID that to you?!"

Toad smirked and said,"Well let me say that this person is the best friend that I have ever had."

*********In class********

Pietro,Lance and Toad sat in their seats and Ororo Munroe their teacher announced,"Well class today we have new students meet Inu Yasha."

"Feh Its Just Inuyasha I don't know my last name."Said a boy with long silver hair red baggy clothes and a red hat thats backwards.

"Yes Well Here is Miroku Higurashi."

The brotherhood besides Toad looked up at the name Higurashi.

"Yes Fair Maden My Name is Miroku"

A Boy with black hair in a small pony tail,purple clothes and a glove with beads around his hands came in.

Yes and Here is Sango Higurashi"

"Hi I'm Sango" ((Sango and Inuyasha were given English Thingies to help them speak English))

A pretty woman with Brown hair in a high ponytail,A Pink Skirt and tan shirt came in.

"And Finally Kagome Higurashi"

Pietro and Lance prepared for the worst.
they thought,"She must be the most ugliest,fattest,shop-o-holic,bratty......

What they didn't excpect is the Most beautiful goddess stepped through the door in a black mini skirt and grey shirt.

"........GOD-DAMN-HOTTEST WOMAN ALIVE!!!"They both thought in suprise,eyes bugging out,mouth wide enough to snap off.

She had Pitch black hair with some blue.She had Sapphire blue eyes and her face had not 1 mis-hap of perfection.

The boy with black and silver hair sat by the window The girl with the high ponytail sat next to the boy with black hair.

Kagome looked around,but when she saw Toad she sat in a seat next to him.

She said,"Todd-Kun how is your day?"

Toad smiled at her and said,"Fine and people finally don't look the other way when they see me Kags.All thanks to You."

Kagome giggled and said,"Like I said B-4 thats what friends are for."


I'm done with the 1st CHAPPIE!! oh and PLEASE don't flame this is my very first story ever!!

review please and I'll give youCHOCOLATE!