InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: I do not own, nor will I ever own Inuyasha or any parts of Inuyasha, all that goes to the creator~
“Hello Kagura, please tell both Inu lords that I've arrived, that I am going to the hot springs, and I will announce my decision at lunch” Kagome said.
Inuyasha & Sesshomaru were both in the study.
“Do you think Kagome will come back soon?” Inuyasha asked.
“This Sesshomaru can not predict the future or the time the miko will arrive” Sesshomaru answered. Inuyasha turned to the door.
“Enter” Sesshomaru said.
“Lord Sesshomaru and Lord Inuyasha, Lady Kagome has arrived in the castle, she is taking a bath and will be joining you for lunch to announce her decision” Kagura said.
“When will this lunch be gathering?” Inuyasha asked.
“Within 2 hours” Kagura answered.
“Kagura, escort the half-breed to the guest wing, to the private bathing chambers” Sesshomaru ordered.
Kagura bowed low and motioned for Inuyasha to follow her. Sesshomaru went off to clean himself up.
Kagome bathed, applied light perfume, put on make-up and a nice dress from her time. IT was cut low, revealed a lot of cleavage, and hugged her in all the right places, left nothing for the imagination.
“Lunch” Kagura announced.
Inuyasha & Sesshomaru arrived on time, Inuyasha had flowers but Kagome was late.
“Now presenting, Lady Kagome” Kagura said
. Kagome came from around the corner. “You look absolutely amazing” Inuyasha stuttered.
“You do” Sesshomaru added.
“Thanks” Kagome blushed. They ate in utter silence.
“Before I say my decision, whoever I choose, the other won't be neglected, I still want to be friends and I still love them, but not in love with them” Kagome clarified
“I am so very sorry but I choose” Kagome stopped.
“Hurry up already” Inuyasha snapped.
“I chose Sesshomaru” Kagome finished. Inuyasha's jaw dropped Kagome ran over to hug him.
“Inuyasha, please don't be mad at me” Kagome begged. Inuyasha escaped from her grasp.
“You won fluffy, she's all yours” Inuyasha whispered. He took off into the forest.
“What did he mean by you won?” Kagome asked.
“This Sesshomaru made a deal with him, whoever didn't get you, you had to leave you alone” Sesshomaru replied.
“But I…. I wanted to stay friends with him” Kagome cried.
“You can” Sesshomaru argued.
“Lord Sesshomaru, demons are coming onto your land” Jaken whined.
“Jaken, watch Rin and Kagome” Sesshomaru ordered, he was going to be gone a couple of days. Kagome had a bad feeling, she worried Inuyasha would come back.
“Lady Kagome, why do you look so worried?” Rin asked.
“I am just worried about Inuyasha, if he'd go after Sesshomaru or if he'd come back here” Kagome expressed.
“Do not worry Lady Kagome, Lord Sesshomaru can take care of himself, I'll protect you from Inuyasha” Kagura reassured.
Kagome smiled, just to make them get off her back. But she didn't feel any better after their little