InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's life ❯ Kagome's illness part 2 ( Chapter 47 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Kagome, are you able to hear me?” Inuyasha whispered.
She was turning & tossing.
“Inu” She couldn't say anymore, she felt sickly & her throat was sore.
“You're awake” He silently cheered.
She attempted to sit up but Inuyasha stopped her; “I'll help you”
He held her in his arms. “Sess” She choked out.
He hadn't seen Sesshomaru leave. “Jaken, go get Sesshomaru”
((Hurray for demon hearing))
“Lord Sesshomaru, Lady Kagome is wide awake, she requests your presence”
“Sesshomaru easily walked past Jaken to her hospital room.
“Mate” She smiled wearily. She was still feeling symptoms.
“My throat is… sore” She struggled.
“Do not talk aloud, just drink your tea”
But she had to tell them her deal with Naraku.
“But… I need to tell you”
Sesshomaru cut her off, “No more talk, rest up & tell us later”
He had Jaken get Kaede and forced Inuyasha from the room.
Kaede was in there for well over an hour. “Milords, her baby may not be well. I can not sense some things, no sign if it dead. I fear her illness caused the baby to contract it”
“Kagome” Inuyasha whispered, he & Sesshomaru were ready to see her. She was teary eyed & upset. “My baby… may not live” her voice was starchy but she continued.
“I made a deal with Naraku, he is to have