InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ The Date; Inuyasha's Confession ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: Sorry for the horribly long wait! I was updating my other fanfics. Thanks Legend and lopersweet for great reviews. More reviews will be great!

Inuyasha: I was wondering if you were dead…

Turtlequeen2: Well I’m not. I am just terribly busy.

Kagome: What the hell is Inuyasha freaking out about?!

Turtlequeen2 & Inuyasha: O.O

Kagome: What?

Inuyasha: Y…you cussed…

Kagome: Oh…sorry. ^.^;

Turtlequeen2: So Kagome is not as innocent as everyone believes her to be?

Kagome: What are you talking about? It just slipped out…

Turtlequeen2: Right…

Kagome -.-;

Turtlequeen2: Ok…well…I don’t own Inuyasha and friends though I wish I did. Sadly Rumiko Takahashi does.


Chapter 3

The Date; Inuyasha’s Confession

Kagome sat down on one of their couches and Inuyasha followed suit.

“So, Kagome who is that guy,” Inuyasha asks.

“Well I don’t know much about him. He’s mama’s old friend from her high school days. They met a couple of days ago while I was in Sengoku Judai. I thought they were just friends, but its apparently not so,” Kagome finished with a sad look on her face.

Inuyasha had a worried, yet serious look on his face. “Kagome don’t you know that that guy is a youkai?”

“NANI?! You’ve got to be kidding me! Are you sure that your nose is messed up because of the pollution here?”

“Keh! My nose never failed before! Besides you don’t need smell to tell that he was youkai.”

“What do you mean?”

“He had red eyes, claws, and pointed ears like my brother’s,” he said, crossing his arms.

“He looks completely human to me.”

“He must have a concealment spell on him or something. He knew I was hanyou.”

“What would a youkai want with my mother?”

“That’s what I would like to know.” They sat there in silence until Souta ran into the room.

“So are you staying the night, Inu-no-niichan,” Souta asks. Inuyasha nods. Kagome pulls Inuyasha upstairs with her.

“What should we do until then,” Kagome asks after she closed the door.

“We should go back still. I can protect you better,” Inuyasha says matter-of-factly.

“What about the rest of my family?!”

“We can ask Miroku or Sango if they ever heard of the youkai because he seems to heard of me. We won’t stay there long.” Kagome nods in understanding.

“We leave first thing in the morning.” With that last remark, they both tried to sleep that night.

******Meanwhile on the date******

Yukio stopped in the front of one of the fanciest restaurants in all of Tokyo.

“Isn’t this a bit much? Are you sure that you can pay for all of this,” Keiko asked in awe.

“Nonsense. I can pay for it all easily,” Yukio said, getting out of the driver’s side and opening the door for Keiko. They walked into the restaurant, which was full of lavish decorations. Yukio stated their reservation and got sat in a secluded section of the place. After they ordered their food, they began to talk.

“So Yukio-kun, how can you afford all of this,” Keiko asked.

“I have a high position in the National Tokyo Bank,” Yukio explained. (A/N: I don’t know what kind of banks they have in Tokyo so I made up a name.)


“Thank you. So what do you do for a living?”

“Well I help run the Higurashi Shrine with the rest of my family. I take care of Kagome, Souta, and my father. That’s how it’s been ever since Hiroshi died.”

“Was Hiroshi your husband?”

“Hai,” Keiko sighed.

“I’m very sorry about that.”

“Thank you for your kind words, though it was a long time ago.”

“I shouldn’t have brought it up. I’m sorry.”

“It’s nothing really.” Keiko smiled generously. They finished eating and decided to take a walk in the park.

“I was wondering about some of the legends in your shrine,” Yukio said thoughtfully.

“Oh. Well there’s a lot of history in our shrine.”

“Really like what?”

“Well for instance the Goshinboku in the front, is where a hanyou was supposedly pinned for 50 years.” He nodded, seeming intrigued.

“Was his name Inuyasha?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“I read into some of it. That well has much history neh?” Keiko started to feel uncomfortable at that gesture and Yukio smelt her uneasiness. He didn’t her to feel uncomfortable around him…yet.

“Well, yes of course there is a lot of history around the well.” Keiko didn’t want Yukio to find out about the well because she needed to know if she could trust him well enough to keep it as a secret.

“You don’t have to tell me. At least not now. If there’s some family secret, I trust you can come to tell me when the time is right.” She nodded at him. They walked to the car and rode to the shrine in silence.

“If I may say, I had a great time tonight. Thank you for taking me out tonight Yukio.”

“It was nothing really. I was wondering if you were up to another outing with me to the summer festival this weekend?”

“Sure, that sounds great Yukio.” Keiko smiled and he led her up to the shrine doors. Before he left, he planted a light kiss on her cheek, leaving her blush. Keiko went in and shut the door quietly. After a few moments, she began to feel guilty. What would her children think? They loved their father dearly and she hopped her seeing Yukio wouldn’t make them think any different of her love for Hiroshi. At this though, she silently tiptoed to her room, changed into her bedclothes, and feel into a troublesome sleep.

******Yukio POV******

After leaving that wench, I went back to my lair. I wished to find out more about that blasted well for my master. He suspected that that was how that half-breed was able to stay alive for so long.

I will only have to be patient, unfortunately, until Keiko can learn to trust me. The mere thought of that human makes me revolted. To imagine that I have to do all of this to make her fall for my trap. That miko was with that hanyou as well. Could she be the very same woman who freed the Inu-hanyou from the sacred tree?

How could they have survived 500 years? That half-breed should be dead. Keiko’s father and boy are of no threat to me since they are only weak humans. However that hanyou and that miko will stand in my way. I’m sure by now that the mongrel has told that miko Kagome…yes I think that’s her name, about me being a youkai.

I won’t have to worry about them long however. After I bring Naraku to this time, the world shall bow before my master’s mercy!

(A/N: No his master is not Naraku by the way!)

******No one’s POV******

The pale morning light shone through the curtains of Kagome’s room. Kagome squinted her eyes at the light directed in her face. She began to sit up, when she seen Inuyasha sleeping soundly. His back was against the wall, on the left side of her bed, as if trying to be within arms reach if something to attack any second. She smiled down at him.

Even in his sleep, his ears twitch back and forth. It was rarely when she saw him like this; at peace. She decided to wait until she was packed and ready to go until waking him up.

She quietly walked to the door and gently shut it when she was in the hallway. However, as she shut the door and went downstairs, he started to wake up.

He stood up and looked around the room to see that Kagome was not there. He slowly opened the door and flew down the stairs, seeing Kagome in the kitchen.

“Keh! What the hell are you doing wench,” Inuyasha said. Kagome jumped up in surprise.

“Inuyasha don’t sneak up on me like that,” She shouted.

He flattened his ears against his head. “So are we going of not?”

“We are. Just let me get ready.” After a few hours, she was ready and wrote a letter to her family, telling them she would be in Sengoku Judai. She swung her backpack over her shoulder and made sure the jewel shards were around her neck before following him out to the well house.

They jumped in letting the light swallow them both and taking them the feudal side.

When they got out, Inuyasha caught the scent of a very particular youkai, Sesshomaru.


To be continued…

Nice cliffy?! Sorry lopersweet for no action in this one, but will promise lots in the next chapter. This is an important one to read nevertheless because of learning about Yukio’s personality. Hope not to disappoint. Why is Sesshomaru there? We shall find out next time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date!

READ AND REVIEW! Promise to update ASAP!

Ja ne!