InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ Seiko Vs. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: Sorry for the long wait all! Big thanks to gossaem for that awesome comment. Just so you know, he was in ‘retirement’ because there are not many youkai left that are threat to him to fight in that time, except for Yukio and Seiko.

Sango: Please comment for Turtlequeen2-chan!

Turtlequeen2: Arigato Sango! I would appreciate them! ^.^

Inuyasha: Hurry the fuck up!

Turtlequeen2: Ok, geez! I do not own that jerk Inuyasha (<.<) but Rumiko Takahashi does.

Inuyasha: What did you just call me?!


Last time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

One of the youkai, a cat demon, said,” I’m afraid you won’t be able to go any further, half-breed. Prepare to die!” All of the youkai charge at him at full speed with Kagome still on Inuyasha’s back.


Meanwhile, back at Sesshomaru’s castle, the taiyoukai was in his weapon room, surveying his swords, Tensaiga and Tokijin, which were enclosed in glass cases.

He opened the case of Tokijin in its sheath. He ran his hand over it and felt it pulse, awakening after hundreds of years. ‘Tokijin pulses? It wants the blood of someone nearby,’ he thought.

Sesshomaru smirks, pulling Tokijin out and tying it to his waist, saying,” I think its time to come out of retirement.”

This time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

Chapter 6

Seiko Vs. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru

******No one’s POV - With Inuyasha and Kagome******

Inuyasha jumps overhead them and lands behind the youkai, on the top of the steps.

He drops Kagome off, saying,” Don’t go anywhere.” She nods and notches an arrow onto her bow to shoot a snake youkai.

“Please hit,” she chants and lets the arrow fly. The youkai was too busy, fighting Inuyasha to notice the arrow until it was too late. It gave a painful shriek and was instantly purified.

The other youkai then noticed her and started charging toward the startled miko.

Inuyasha then jumps in front of her. His Tetsusaiga, pointed at them. “You bastards are fighting me! Leave her out of this!”

The cat youkai clawed at Inuyasha, but he dodged. “Keh! Is that the best you’ve got,” he demands.

“You bastard,” the other youkai, a jaguar demon shouts.

“KAZE NO KIZU,” Inuyasha shouts, bringing down his sword. The attack kills the remaining youkai with no trouble, but also took out half of the staircase, causing major panic on the lower floors.

“Inuyasha, be more careful. There are humans here too,” Kagome explains. He only acknowledged her presence by picking her up and running up more flights of stairs.

“What direction is the Shikon-no-Kakara now?”

“Its in through the door,” Kagome says, pointing to set of double doors at the end of the hallway.

Inuyasha runs hard and crashes through the doors. “I thought I said to be careful,” Kagome growled.

“I agree with the miko, Inuyasha. Those doors were truly expensive,” came a malevolent voice from out of nowhere. They spot a desk in the middle of the huge room and a chair’s back facing them.

“Are you Seiko,” Inuyasha growls.

“Indeed I am. You are Kagome and Inuyasha, yes,” he responds, turning around in his chair, revealing his youkai form. He had horns on each side of his head, his skin was scaly like a dragon’s. His eyes were red with malice and his hands had long claws at the end. His very presence sent chills up their spine. He still had a human form, wearing a tailored suit.

“You would know since I’m assuming Yukio told you,” Inuyasha snorted.

“Inuyasha, he has a jewel imbedded in his neck,” Kagome says.

Seiko turned his attention to Kagome,” I would to know your secret on how you’re so young, considering that you are over 500 years old?”

“We’re not telling you bastard,” Inuyasha growled. “I think its time you die!” He gripped the hilt of his sword more tightly.

“I’m surprised. I thought it would take you longer to figure out how I am planning to make Naraku come to this time.” Seiko stood up and appeared in front of Inuyasha faster than a blink of an eye and clawed at his side. “Too bad you won’t be able to stop me!”

Inuyasha tried to slice through Seiko, but found he was too fast. “You are planning to bring Naraku here?! If you won’t slow down, then I’ll create a wider attack! KAZE NO KIZU!” The attack blew away a whole wall, but unfortunately not Seiko, since he jumped above it.

“Too predictable hanyou,” Seiko shouts. He creates a whip of fire from his claws and wraps it around the Tetsusaiga!

Seiko started to pull tighter on the sword, causing it to crack. ‘Dammit! He’s trying to break Tetsusaiga,’ Inuyasha thought frantically.

As it was cracking more, suddenly an arrow pierced through the air, surprising Seiko, causing him to retract his whip.

“You bitch,” he growled at her. He formed a fireball in his hand and threw it at her. Inuyasha then jumps in front of her to take the blow because of his haori being fire repellant.

“You bastard,” Inuyasha growls, standing up. “KONGOUSOUHA!” Tetsusaiga unleashed a huge amount diamond spears, all heading towards Seiko. Amazingly, he dodged all of them, but it did cost him much of his energy. Every missed spear went through the ceiling, causing some of parts of it to collapse, showing the sky.

“I will ask you again, Inuyasha, what is so special about that well,” Seiko demands.

“What will make you think I’ll tell you,” Inuyasha shouts.

“Oh, I think I have my ways of making you talk,” he sneers. Then out of nowhere Kagome’s scream pierces the air. Inuyasha turns to see Yukio holding his katana to Kagome’s neck. His arm held tight around her body. Her bow and arrows at her feet.

“You bastard! Let her go,” Inuyasha growls out in outrage, pointing Tetsusaiga toward Yukio.

Seiko then says,” Now tell me what I need to know or your wench will be beheaded in front of your eyes!” Yukio pressed the blade closer to Kagome’s neck, drawing blood for emphasis. She cries out in pain.

“I…Inuyasha…d…don’t tell…” she begged with tears leaking down her face.

“Are you stupid?! If I don’t tell, you’ll be dead,” Inuyasha argued.

“That’s right Inuyasha,” Seiko adds. “I’m sure you don’t want to die Kagome,” he coos.

“N…no I don’t w…want to d…die, but many m…more will die if you d…do tell Inuyasha,” Kagome pleads.

“Dammit Kagome, I don’t care about other people! I do care if you die! I won’t have another woman I care for die,” he shouts. Her eyes widen in shock. ‘He cares for me?! I had no idea…considering Kikyo,’ she thought in awe.

“Well, shall I kill her or not,” Yukio asks.

“I’ll tell,” Inuyasha sighs.

“A good decision,” Seiko smirks. “Just so we know that you’re not going to try to trick us, Yukio will keep a hold of her until the information is told.”

Inuyasha was about to open his mouth to confess when Sesshomaru blasts through the wall that was behind Yukio! He stabs Tokijin through Yukio’s neck, his eyes glazed over in shock and pain. His grip on Kagome weakens and she scrambles away.

“What the hell are you doing here Sesshomaru,” Inuyasha demands.

“Not happy to see me brother,” Sesshomaru smirks.

“If you think that is enough to make me forgive you for all the things that you’ve done to me in the past, then forget it,” he says back stubbornly.

“Who said This Sesshomaru needed your forgiveness?”

“How cute, brothers trying to finish off their father’s enemy,” Seiko teased.

“Seiko, you’ve been a nuisance to me long enough. You should be honored that Tokijin wants your blood,” the taiyoukai says smoothly.

“Hmm, let’s see how good your Tokijin is,” Seiko murmurs. He jumps up and sends out his whip.

“Pathetic. You think that this will break Tokijin,” Sesshomaru asks, seeming bored. He raises his claws and sends his poison up the whip.

Seiko retracts grimly. “What the hell did you do to me?!”

“I’m disappointed, really Seiko. All this talk about being powerful and you no stronger than my half-breed brother. Now it’s time that you die!” Sesshomaru sends an attack from Tokijin. The blue light envelops him, making Seiko shout in pain. When the light clears, Seiko is missing half of his body. He laughs as he regenerates parts of his body.

Sesshomaru then says,” You’re no different than Naraku.”

Inuyasha then jumps in to attack,” KAZE NO KIZU!” It takes Seiko by surprise and destroys half of his body again.

After regenerating his body back again, Seiko says,” I think I shall take my leave. I will find out about that well one way or another.” Yukio had already escaped.

“You can’t expect to escape my grasp so easily,” Sesshomaru exclaims, growing angry.

“Oh, but I already have Sesshomaru-sama,” came his disembodied voice after his body disappeared.

Sesshomaru regained his composure after muttering,” That bastard Seiko. A weak coward.” He sheathes Tokijin.

“Why the hell did you come here Sesshomaru,” Inuyasha demanded.

“I have been after him longer than you can even remember, little brother,” he says matter-of-factly.

“Thanks for saving me Sesshomaru-sama,” Kagome says to him.

“Humph. Me saving a human? Ridiculous,” he scoffs.

“What about that little girl that was always with you,” Inuyasha asks, sheathing his sword.

“Ah, Rin. Yes, she died when she was about 40. She was married to that little troublemaker. The tajiya’s brother, I think,” he says.

“RIN MARRIED KOHAKU,” they both exclaimed in shock.

“Unfortunately. However, I have not come here to discuss the past or better yet, your futures. Am I correct?”

“How did you know,” Kagome asked.

“Come now Miko. How long did you think it would take until I would have found out? You have just made yourselves very clear. If you were around my age, you would have known that already. That explains why Inuyasha still wears his haori.”

“What of it? I don’t like these weird clothes here,” Inuyasha huffs.

“I am thinking that you travel through time using a well? Seiko must know, but doesn’t know how it works. What is he planning to use it for,” Sesshomaru thinks out loud.

“Seiko said he was planning to bring Naraku here, through time,” Kagome explained.

“The fools! They are planning to alter time,” the taiyoukai growls.

“The only way to prevent this is to destroy them in my time,” Inuyasha says in thought.

“I’m impressed brother. One of the smartest things I ever heard you say. I was beginning to think that you didn‘t have a brain in that hard head of yours,” Sesshomaru smirks. It succeeded to draw a growl out of the hanyou.

“You’re a bastard, you know that,” Inuyasha says to him. Kagome rolls her eyes. ‘Why doesn’t he know when to shut up,’ she wonders.

“Nice to know you still have that same attitude,” Sesshomaru says before turning away. “I hope my past comes to haunts you.”

“It does already,” Inuyasha says, rolling his eyes.

They both run back to the shrine and find that no one is home.

“You know, the Sesshomaru in my time doesn’t seem as bad,” Kagome mutters.

“He’s still a bastard. Maybe he doesn’t really want Tetsusaiga, like he said. I knew he saw the crack on it and he said nothing about it, like he would usually do,” Inuyasha says, confused. “We’re leaving tomorrow Kagome.”


“I have to get Tetsusaiga fixed before we see Yukio or Seiko again. We also have to tell the others about their plan.”

“Fine, but I have to be back in a few days to take my History exam,” she sighs.

“Alright,” he growls, annoyed.



“Did you mean what you said back there?”

“What did I say?”

“That you cared for me.”

Inuyasha blushes and looks away from her. ‘I said that,’ he thinks in panic. “Uh…I care for your safety…”

“Oh…well thanks,” she says depressed.

He notices, but can’t find anything to say. ‘Great going you baka!”

She goes to take a bath and bandages her cut neck. They then fix up dinner and go to sleep. All Kagome thinks about before finally closing her eyes is how she’s going to tell her mother about Yukio.


To be continued…

ACTION!!! Hope you enjoyed the smart ass Sesshomaru…lol. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

NEXT TIME ON Kagome’s Mom’s Date: Inuyasha and Kagome go back to Sengoku Judai. What will the others’ reactions be?! Will they have another encounter with past Yukio or Naraku?! READ AND FIND OUT NEXT TIME!!!!


Ja ne!