InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's odd day ❯ very strange bug bites ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter #: Preface Prologue Epilogue One-Shot EndNotes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chapter Summary: Kagome sat at the table, she noticed that one of the employee's (Ryou) had been flirting with her. When he asked her what her name was and she gave him his answer he simply stared. He eventually just said "my name's Ryou" and just walked of leaving Kagome in a confused stae of mind. "What was that all about?" she thought as she sipped her drink, she eventually pushed it to the back of her mind as she began to think of more important matters. (Inuyasha) She had seen him with Kikyo again. Thats why she had come here. She decided finally that all these kind of thoughts could do was damage and that she should stop before she hurt herself even more. Suddenly a mosquito bite broke her train of thought.Something that felt like a mosquito had bitten her on the stomach. Suddenly the room seemed to go black, two cats appeared in the darkness, the first one was small and the second one was rather large. Both of them appeared to be wildcats. Suddenly they vanished, as did the darkness. Kagome was under the impression that she had been seeing things and decided to take a trip to the bathroom to see the condition of the bug bite. She lifted her shirt slightly to look at her stomach. That was not a mosquito bite that she had ever seen before, instead on her kind was the imprint of a butterfly right above her navel. Suddenly she felt something strange on top of her head. (to be continued.....) Hide Chapter: Yes