InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ Training and Mating ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8~ Training and Mating

Kagome had been unconscious for over a week, and Sesshoumaru not only had not left her side, but also had not slept. Afraid that she would awake while he was asleep, he had kept a constant vigil to assure her safety. But even demons have to sleep eventually.

It was the eighth day of Kagome's comatose state when Sesshoumaru finally lost the battle with his body and fell into sleep. When he became aware of his surroundings, he was in the middle of the clearing containing the Bone Eater's Well. Only, it was different, it held hope and the familiar auras he so intimately knew through Kagome. The most obvious difference was that the clearing was no longer a clearing; instead, a wooden shed encased the well. 'This is Kagome's time. What am I doing here, and how did I get here?'

'Sesshou-koi? Is that you? Please, let it be you, I haven't seen you for over a week. I was beginning to think I had dreamt you up. All I have here is the voices and the feelings of my friends. Is it you? Are you there?'

When Sesshoumaru felt the hope and fear in her, the love but ultimate depression and loneliness, he nearly crumpled. He remembered that he and Kagome had been separated for days, but he couldn't remember how or why. 'It doesn't matter we're here now. Kagome, where are you?' He asked as he stepped out of the well house.

'Sess, it's really you! I'm in my bathroom.' She had great joy in her voice, and a little embarrassment at the last statement.

'Why should she be embarrassed?' He thought to himself as he ran with his demonic speed directly through her window and into her bathroom where he saw, a very naked Kagome bathing. She was in her demonic form, and he could smell the cherry scent of her bubble bath. When he could finally focus again, he realized that she was blushing, but hadn't moved to cover herself.

Without another thought, he ran up to her and pulled her into a tight embrace as he kissed her passionately; trying to convey the loneliness and worry he had felt for her over the past week. Kagome kissed him back just as desperately and pulled him closer to her, (Can you guess what happened?) and he fell into the tub with a loud splash. After a moment, in which Sess was completely consumed by shock, Kagome burst in to laughter. It was music to his ears, to know she was happy, to know she was happy because of him, gave him a feeling he would forever strive to reach, for her, for his Kagome.

Sesshoumaru smirked, and in a flash had thrown water at her starting an all out water war. They were both laughing and as they fell into each other's arms, they noticed they were no longer in her bathtub, but in his hot spring. Shivers ran up and down Kagome's spine as she remembered the events that her occurred upon her first visit to this room, and sent images of her running her hands all over her body. Sesshoumaru caught these images, and sent images of her moaning as he returned the favor.

They were on each other before they realized it; Sesshoumaru pulled her closer to him and lifted her up by her ass, his hand running lovingly along the curve of her inner thigh as she wrapped her legs tightly around his bare waist. It was then that they realized that they had both lost all their clothing some time ago. It didn't matter, all that mattered was memorizing each and ever curve, crevasse, and texture of their bodies.

Kagome ran her hand up and down his spine, coming to rest at the base of his tail, he shivered, and Kagome squeezed. She smirked when he moaned with an animalistic need. 'Feel good?' She asked, seduction running through her voice with just a hint of pleasure at her ability to get a reaction out of him.

'Feel for yourself.' He answered as he grabbed the base of her tail and began rubbing and squeezing it periodically while his mouth explored her neck, his tongue flicking out at her skin now and then. Kagome gasped as liquid fire raged through her body eating at her sanity and her body craved for more she pressed into his hand as her free hand traveled up to his neck to pull his head closer to hers. She brought her mouth to the tip of his ear an began to bite and suck at intervals, a need so deep to hear him moan again that it was all that consumed her mind.

Sesshoumaru took a sharp breath when Kagome's mouth made contact with his ear, he felt incapable of moving, he needed more, if she stopped, he would go insane, he needed to feel himself inside her, to hear her scream his name, and no others. His demon instincts were taking over he wanted her as a mate, so evidently did she. He moved his mouth to the junction between her throat and shoulder, and bit down hard, drinking in the sweet liquid that was her blood, and felt a corresponding pain in his own neck as Kagome abandoned his ear for the junction at the base of his neck. She licked at the wound to clean, building Sesshoumaru's lust for her, she reached down and took his member in her hand squeezing and pumping, pulling and driving him to the edge. He couldn't take it any more; he needed to be in her now. He took them over to the bank in the blink of an eye and was between her legs and preparing to enter when, all of a sudden, he was back in the room, with her in his arms still sleeping.

He growled when he realized that he had been asleep, and their encounter nothing more than a dream. He was getting up when he smelled it. It was blood. He was bleeding, and so was Kagome. 'We mated, at least in ritual. They will scar over in a moment or two, but she's mine, and I hers. She should wake soon, I will have to explain, I hope she doesn't hate me for marking her in her sleep.'

Sesshoumaru watched her sleep for about an hour longer when she started to stir. He was at her side looking down at her when her eyes opened, 'I had the strangest dream.' While saying this, she was sending images from the dream they had obviously shared.

'It appears we had the same dream; it must be another side affect to our blood bond. Kagome, there is something I need to tell you about. In the dream, do you remember how we bit each other?'

'Yes, what does that mean?'

'It means we are mates, when I woke up; we both had the marks on our throats. Kagome, this means that we are life mates, it means that you are mine, and I yours.'

Kagome could feel the pain in Sesshoumaru, could feel that he feared she would reject him. She felt great joy knowing she would never have to leave Sesshoumaru, and greater joy that he feared to lose her. 'Koi, you are mine, I will not give you up, and I will not leave you.' She felt his love surge up from him, and hers rose to meet it. There ki was mixing, his red with her bright blue. He kissed her then, drowning in the essence and the taste that was purely her. It was a taste of cherries and chocolate, of vanilla and innocence. There was nothing that tasted as sweet as her.

Meanwhile Kagome was just as lost as Sesshoumaru, he tasted of strawberries and caramel, of strength and endurance. It was positively addicting, and to know that he was forever hers was making her absolutely drunk on happiness.

They deepened the kiss exploring every inch of the others mouth fighting for dominance when, there came a knock and the door. They had just separated when Shippo and Rin came in, "Is Kagome-okaasan alright?" They asked, as had become habit, upon entering before that saw her.

"Kagome!" They shouted running up to her and tackling her with there tight embrace.

"Okaasan, we was so worried,"

"We though you might not wake up,"

"We were afraid that you were really hurt."

"Did you know you're a demon now?"

"Yeah, you're really pretty,"

"You look like an angel,"

"We thought you had died,"

"Or that you were going to leave us,"

As the children continue to babble she asked, "Sesshou, how long have they been finishing each others sentences?'

'Since the ceremony, they've been inseparable. They've also been taking care of the guests, they're staying until the ball, which has been rescheduled until you were better.'

Aloud Kagome said, "I'm fine. I just needed to sleep so I could adjust to my change. Why don't I go take a bath, and all of you set up the ball so that the guests can go home?"

Everyone nodded and headed their separate ways. Shippo, Sess, and Rin scheduled the ball to be held tomorrow night, and Sess set the dojo up for Kagome's training. 'When you're done love, your training begins.'

After her bath, they had dinner and lunch and the children went to play in the gardens. "Come Kagome, it's time for your training." 'First, however, we are going to stop by my library to find a way to shield our thoughts from each other. If you can not effectively hide your thoughts, and I mine, you will never learn to read an opponent, and that is what defines the good fighters from the unbeatable ones.'

'Mou, I'm going to miss you, but I understand. We will also have to block the emotions we transmit.' They reached the library, and began searching through the mind section, and bonding section. Finally, about an hour later, Kagome found a solution. It was a mental barrier that they could open and close at will. What made this even more suitable, was the act that they could now direct who they thought to, who could and could not hear it, and who they blocked out of their mind.

Sesshoumaru lead the way to the dojo, and with the shutting of the door, he also shut off his mind. Kagome whimpered, it felt weird not having Sesshoumaru's presence in her head, it wasn't a physical pain, but it hurt not having him there. It made her feel alone. "You had better not do this outside of this room, I don't like it." Kagome was practically hissing, that was the greatest understatement of her life. If he did this outside of this room, she would feel desolate, utterly and completely abandoned. 'Just like Inuyasha, only worse. I can't lose Sess, he's my everything.' She thought this after she had raised her shields.

"The same goes for you." He had felt her shields go up; it was like a knife slicing through his heart. It was like having his heart ripped from his body and stomped into oblivion. 'No, it's worse than that, it's like it's being perpetually being revived with the Tenseiga, then repeating the process over and over again. "Kagome, this is Tsubasa, The weapon of flight. It was my mothers, if it accepts you it will assimilate powers that will most suit the wielder, for my mother, it was a whip, it moved as fast as she. I want you to have it, if it accepts you it will protect you." With that Sesshoumaru handed her a rather plain looking katana. Kagome took the blade and instantly felt a flash of recognition; it was like she had had this weapon all of her life. When her fingers curled around the hilt, the blade vanished and the sheath transformed into a quiver filled with arrows, it was perfectly balanced and suited for her. The quiver and hilt became a solid black, like onyx but stronger, and so black it was sucking in the light around it and pushing it back out, making it glow. The hilt elongated until it formed a bow, it had a silvery unbreakable string, and was very light to Kagome, it felt pure, but it also felt possessive. When the light faded, Kagome heard the weapon speak to her, 'I will always protect what is pure, and I will always protect what is mine.'

"Now, I am going to attack you, and you let your youkai and instincts guide you in your movements. Do not let your youkai take over, just guide. With your mind in control, you will learn things your youkai would never learn through your instincts." Sesshoumaru had become the emotionless mask, and his emotionless voice.

'Looks like I'll have to learn how to read his body language. If I can do that, I'll be able to read anyone.' She smirked to herself. "Learning from you will make most of my opponents seem weak."

"Now raise your sword." She drew the Tessiaga from its sheath at her hip, and the training began. They could both feel the urgency of her training, she would need it soon.