InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ Kikyo's Demise ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10 ~ Kikyo's Demise (I can't call it death because she's already dead.)

The arrow came speeding at Kagome with all Kikyo's hatred and jealousy of her reincarnation. The arrow took on a deep black aura, like Naraku's miasma, you could feel the malice washing off it in waves. As it got closer to Kagome however, the arrow was being purified, it lost it's evil aura, and eventually disintegrated from the purification.

"Stupid bitch, what makes you think an arrow could harm a demon, and an evil or pure arrow can harm a miko? What makes you think, now that you are in my presence, that the Shikon won't force the soul of it's guardian back into my body? What, by all the gods, makes you think that I won't kill you?" Kagome was pissed, she was being threatened by walking dirt that stole part of her soul, and had absolutely no power against her.

Kikyo smirked, "Dear incarnation, the arrow was but a distraction while I cast a spell to keep you, or anyone within a mile's radius from moving. The Shikon, not only is incomplete, but would be on my side seeing as I am it's true Guardian, and for your final question, you won't kill me because you can't, and Inuyasha would protect me." Kikyo was smiling widely now, 'I have triumphed, she will die, and Inuyasha will be mine.

Kagome smirked, and then began to laugh, everyone was trying to move, and hoping Kagome was all right, after all she was laughing like a maniac. "Kikyo, there are a few flaws in your plan, some key errors if you will."

"Ohh, really, I don't see any."

"For one, the Shikon is complete, and I am it's true guardian. Number two, how can Inu-kun protect you if you've paralyzed him? And number three, as you can see the spell had no effect on me." She said this while a completed Shikon-no-tama materialized from her breast, and came to rest in her hand. It was glowing a pure pink light and pulsing in time with Kagome's heartbeat. "As for not being strong enough to kill you, would you be able to transform the Lord and Lady of the Southern Lands into humans, erase their memories, transport them to another land, and assign the new ruler of that land after performing the youkai adoption ceremony? I think not, oh, and something else. I - am - not - your - reincarnation, I am no one's reincarnation but a soul created for and by the Shikon."

With every word, Kagome's aura was flaring, and she was constantly stalking closer to Kikyo, 'Koi, do you think you could remove this spell from me? I know you don't need my help, but I would fell better just in case.'

'Hai Sesshou-kun!' Though her mind voice was perky, her face retained the emotionless demeanor she had learned from Sesshoumaru. She negligently waved her hand, and dispersed Kikyo's spell, everyone could move again. "You see Kikyo, the only reason you remember who you were is because the Shikon remembered, I through it." Kagome was losing control of her demon rage, and was beginning to transform into her demon form for the first time. "You know what has really bothered me is the stench of Naraku that clings to you. Did you make a deal with him? Are you his last remaining part?"

"N-nani? How could you know? He's dead?" Kikyo was slowly backing away from Kagome, she was terrified. 'How could she defeat him? I couldn't even defeat him.'

Through this Inuyasha was feeling the keen edge of betrayal digging deep into his being. 'She didn't lie to me. Kikyo has been working for Naraku. Kagome, she tried to protect me. I love her, but does she still love me? She has too, she will be mine.'

While Inuyasha was trapped in his thoughts, and Miroku, Sango, and Kirara were to shocked at these new revelations to do well, anything, the battle of wills raged on.

"Kikyo, there is no longer any reason for you to remain alive, you have admitted your betrayal in front of Inuyasha, and I want my soul back." 'I'll need it if what we've learned is true.'

Kagome was now in her full inu state, she was a deep black, something that sucked up all the light and emitted it as a personal aura. The blue crescent moon was no longer hidden by her hair and shone through the darkness like a beam. She had bright blue stripes on her wrists and cheeks, and on her palm, the crescent moon from the blood-bond was clearly visible. Looking around her Kagome was slowly brought back to herself, and jot overtook all other emotions, 'I did it Sess, I transformed!!' With that she returned to her humanoid state and had her mask back in place.

"Kikyo, it is time for you to release the souls that you hold captive, and return to your rightful place." So saying, Kagome held out her palm, and once again, a blue orb formed in her hand. There was a difference however, this one was calm, and when it consumed Kikyo the souls were purified and released, the last to exit was her own. It rushed at Kagome and gently settled into her body, 'Home at last.'

Where Kikyo was standing, all that remained was a pile of ash that was quickly being scattered to the wind. Kagome returned to Sesshoumaru's side and then addressed her friends.

"Sango, just so you know, I found you're brother shortly after I completed the jewel. He's here, and the last thing he remembers is that he was going on his first mission. I told him that all his family except for you was dead, and that they and the village had been destroyed by Naraku, he's here waiting for you."

"Kagome, Naraku can't be dead, otherwise my Kazana would be gone." Miroku said sadly.

"When was the last time you used the kazana?"

It dawned on him, 'I haven't used it for over two months, is it really gone?' He ripped off the beads and stared at his hand in astonishment. "It's like it was never there."

It was about now that Inuyasha snapped out of his thoughts; he had missed everything that happened, from Kagome's transformation, to Kikyo's death, to Miroku's revelation.

"Oi, Kagome. Lets go, I don't want to stay with my bastard half brother longer than necessary." Inuyasha had no doubts in his mind that Kagome would come with him, that is until.

"OSWARI!! How dare you. Not only has your brother taken care of Shippo and me when you tried to kill me, he is not a bastard. Believe it or not he loves you and has been protecting more than you can possibly know. How many times could he have killed you and has refrained from doing so?"

"Keh, shut up wench, you have no idea what he's done-"

"Oswari, I know exactly what he's done, he's protected you from everything he could since your birth, he avenged your mother by killing her murderers. Then you walked in and proclaimed your hatred, think back to that day Inuyasha, who else was there, whose blood was Sesshoumaru covered in? You know what really gets to me? He avenged the woman who your father brought home after his mothers death. Think of how he feels." With that Kagome marched back to the castle and Sess followed.

"If you'll come with us,"

"We will show you to your rooms and help you prepare."

"There is a ball tonight in honor of okaasan's birthday,"

"And of my adoption ceremony." Rin and Shippo had been sent to show the Inu-group where everything was.

"Adoption ceremony, you're getting adopted?" This was from Sango.

"Hai, kaasan's adopting me in the youkai way tonight."

Then Miroku asked, "Hey Rin, since when are you a demon, and why are you calling Kagome okaasan?"

"She's a demon since Sesshoumaru-sama adopted her,"

"And I call her okkasan because she and Sesshoumaru-sama are mated."

"THEY'RE WHAT!?!?!?!"