InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ Kagome's Birthday ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 11~ Kagome's Birthday

Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku couldn't believe what they'd just heard, "They're what!?!?!?!" They shouted in unison. Kirara had just jumped into Rin's arms as though she had known all along.

"Okaasan and Sesshoumaru-sama are mated, at least technically." Shippo said matter of factly.

"Hai, they marked each other, but have yet to consummate it."

"Though not from lack of trying."

"We've interrupted them numerous times, trying to keep them virgins until after kassan's birthday,"

"And my adoption ceremony."

"This way, the day after we can have a cross adoption ceremony, making Kagome-kaasan my mother, Shippo my brother,"

"Rin my sister, and Sesshoumaru my Otousan." With that, Rin and Shippo turned together and started off for the guest rooms.

"You will be expected to wait inside during the greeting."

"We will have appropriate clothes brought to you."

"Kirara can come with us,"

"And Inuyasha, you had better behave!!" Both said this as they stopped in front of a large door.

"This is the hot springs, Sango you and Kirara can bathe,"

"While we take Inuyasha and Miroku to their rooms." Shippo then grabbed Miroku's arm, dragging him off to his room, and Rin took Inuyasha to his. They left the two to pick out clothes for the ball, and returned to the hot spring with a kimono for Sango, and a brush for Kirara.

Rin went in and helped Sango with the kimono, it was pink, with black fox prints on the hem, wrists, and collar. The obi and inner kimono were a light blue, and the obi had pink fox prints. When she was finished dressing, Shippo came in and handed her the brush and showed her the way to her room.

At the same time, Rin was leading Miroku and Inuyasha back to the hot springs. From there, Rin went to join her otousan and Kagome for the greeting.

The ritual went as before, with one exception. "Greetings protectors of the lands of the Silver Arrow. We welcome you to the lands of the West, do you accept the terms of neutrality set upon this occasion?" Kagome, Sesshoumaru, and Rin asked, Shippo was waiting inside, directing the guests to the dining room.

"Greetings protectors of the of the lands of the Crescent Moon. We accept your welcome and the terms of neutrality for this bright occasion. Do we have permission to cross your threshold?" Goshin asked.

"Come, you and yours are welcomed, we are pleased to have you." With him, seemed to be his clan, a few other serpents, some spiders, and surprisingly enough, a set of cheetah youkai.

After everyone else had entered, Sesshoumaru and Kagome entered. There were whispers of "A hanyou?" And, "Humans?!?! What are they doing here."

Shippo came and greeted them, "Okaasan, Sesshoumaru-sama, Rin-chan, everyone's here, and Kouga wasn't harmed by the removal of the shards. I just found out."

"Tousan, We're going to get Kohaku." Rin and Shippo left, and quickly returned with Kohaku. He was dressed in an all black outfit with green fox prints, as he came to a halt, a fully transformed Kirara tackled him.

"Kirara!" He exclaimed with joy, he was then seized in a chocking embrace.

"Kohaku, I missed you, are you all right?" Sango asked while checking him over for injuries.

"Sango-neesan, I missed you. I'm fine, Kagome-neesan and Shippo-chan, and Rin-chan took good care of me. Sesshoumaru-sama and Kagome-neesan have even been furthering my training." He replied.

Sango stood up and hugged Kagome, "Arigato Kagome-chan, for returning my brother to me." She then took Kohaku's hand and led him over to Miroku.

'It's good to see her truly happy. She's like a sister to me.' Kagome said to Sess.

Finally, the youkai couldn't stand it any longer and one asked, "Who are they, and what was that about?"

"Ohh, I'm sorry. Miroku, Inuyasha, Sango, Kohaku, and Kirara, would you come here so I can introduce you?" They came forward a little hesitantly. "This, is Miroku-sama, a houshi who is like a brother to me. This is Sango and Kohaku, the last taijia and also like family, with Kirara, their protector and friend." Here she stopped, and Sesshoumaru took over.

"This, is Inuyasha, my brother-" here he was interrupted,

"And my uncle!" Rin exclaimed, she loved having a family.

"Hai, your uncle, and a prince of the Western Lands."

At this, there was whispering amongst the guests.

"This is Inuyasha? Didn't Sesshoumaru threaten to kill anyone who harmed him!?!?"

"Taijia! What are they doing here? They have no right to be here!"

Kagome was getting angry. "Enough!" She shouted, there was total silence. "They have every right to be here. Inuyasha is family, and the taijia only kill youkai who attack the villages."

"We apologize Kagome-sama, we meant no disrespect. It's just that Lord Sesshoumaru threatened death to anyone who harmed his brother, and it was rumored that all the taijia were dead." That was one of the kitsune from the Eastern Lands.

"We are the only ones left," Sango explained. "Our village was destroyed by Naraku."

"As for Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru-sama is very protective of his brother, as am I of my family, adoptive or otherwise." Kagome stated.

They took their seats, and ate in silence. After the meal, they all proceeded outside for the ceremony. Once outside, Rin took the place of the outside youkai, and Kaede was the priestess. Kagome had retrieved her about two days ago.

Kagome's talisman was a pink sakura blossom, and for Shippo it was a silver fox. They pressed the talismans to each other's hearts, and Shippo began to glow. His tail elongated, and grew fluffier. His hair and fur turned black with blue streaks, and he gained orange stripes on his wrists and cheeks. His feet also became normal size. At the end of his transformation, he, Kagome, and Rin transformed to their true forms and howled in pleasure. Sesshoumaru joined them, and for the first time, everyone saw the crescent moon on all of their foreheads.

Some of the youkai gasped in surprise, others just nodded knowingly, and last of all, one of Shippo and Rin's friends spread their idea to the assembled youkai. Hearing this, some smiled at the deviousness of the two pups, and all quickly agreed to stay for the surprise cross over adoption ceremony.

Kagome, Shippo, Sesshoumaru, and Rin returned to their humanoid forms, and Kaede spoke the ritual words. This time, there was no challenge. The four led the assembly into the ballroom and Sesshoumaru and Kagome began the dancing. At first it was just them, then they were joined by Shippo and Rin, then Miroku and Sango, then Kohaku and Kirara.

Half way through the first dance there was a piercing screech of, "Hentai!!" Which was followed by a loud smack, the sound of a body hitting the floor, then Sango dancing with Kirara and Kohaku. The youkai around them watched in fascination while Shippo, Rin, and Kagome checked on their fallen companion.

"Guess it was Miroku we should have warned to behave,"

"Even though it wouldn't have done any good,"

"He still would have kept up his lecherous ways."

"At least it wasn't a demoness,"

"Otherwise he might be dead."

Here Kagome stepped in, "For those of you who don't know him, Miroku's favorite pastime is groping girls."

"And asking them to bear his child,"

"And proclaiming there is an ominous cloud hanging over someone's house,"

"To get a free meal, and a place to stay for the night."

Rin and Shippo dragged the unconscious monk over to the corner Inuyasha was sulking in, and returned to the dance.

Long after the two pups had fallen asleep, the last of the guests returned to their rooms, and Sesshoumaru and Kagome picked up the children and returned them to their room. They refused to sleep in separate rooms, but there was an adjoining door in case they changed their minds.

Sess and Kag returned to their room and promptly passed out, this was as exhausting as a full day of training.

Sesshoumaru and Kagome woke as the sun began to rise and both shot resentful looks at it. 'I don't want to get up.' Kagome stated, 'It's too early.'

She snuggled back up to Sesshoumaru, wrapping her arms around his waist, and petting his tail trying to get him to go back to sleep with her. Sesshoumaru started purring and decided it was time to finish what was started yesterday. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer to him. He brought his head close to her ear, and whispered, "But where's the fun in that?" He then proceeded to nibble at her ear while his hands explored her body.

Kagome moaned in pleasure, she was now wide-awake and determined to finish this time. She untied his pants, and quickly ripped his shirt apart. 'If you keep doing that koi, I wont have any shirts left.'

'I don't see the problem.' She stated running her hands down his smooth muscular chest. She wanted to feel all of him. She brought her mouth to his neck, and began to lick and nibble, kiss and caress her way down his chest.

He was in pain, there was fire running through his veins and pulling between his legs. She was going to kill him if they didn't finish this time. He felt her hand brush against his arousal and gasped in delight. His demonic instincts were taking over again. He flipped her onto her back and disposed of her nightshirt, leaving her body exposed to his eyes, 'Mine.'

Kagome heard the thought and echoed it back pulling him in for a bruising kiss while shredding his pants. She flipped him onto his back and straddled him with her back facing him. She lowered her head, and took his length in her mouth, sucking and nibbling, flicking her tongue out and pulling up and down, up and down.

He was in heaven, and could barley keep his eyes open. When he finally managed it, he saw her folds right in front of him, he pulled her back deciding to return the favor. At first he just teased by rubbing back and forth across her clit. This caused her to moan and redouble her efforts. He moaned, losing control once again. He wanted to taste her, to here her cry his name in ecstasy as she came to her peak. He flicked his tongue along her opening eliciting a gasp of delight from his mate. He then plunged in with his tongue, in and out, in and out. She was moaning non- stop, but that didn't stop her ministrations.

She could feel the pressure building, he was doing unspeakable things to her and she loved it. She could feel as she was reaching her peak, but was determined to come at the same time as him. She then started to go faster, causing more and more friction. He was building, she could sense it through their link, and it was just making her more excited, she was losing control, but wanted to experience this for herself, she wanted to taste him, and they could both feel the others want.

Eventually Kagome lost the battle as she came, and Sesshoumaru couldn't have been happier, she tasted even better than she smelt, and he was already addicted. He lapped up all of her juices, his tongue was rough and demanding finding every crevasse in his pursuit to find it all. But for him, it was the last straw, her orgasm caused him to come as well.

Kagome cried out as she released, erratically darting her tongue around Sesshoumaru's member. When he released, Kagome swallowed several times, causing Sesshoumaru to groan into her she sucked him dry loving the way he tasted, and loving the fact that he was all hers. When he was clean again, she started the process over, wanting to taste him again.

When she started again, Sesshoumaru suppressed a groan. He couldn't take it any more. He needed to be inside her, he needed to feel himself sheathed in her warm inviting folds. He pulled himself up and positioned her on her knees, he heard her whimper as she was pulled away from his staff and had to smile, 'It appears you are just as addicted to me as I am to you.' He swiftly entered her reveling in the feel of her creamy opening.

She felt a sharp stab of pain at his entrance, but it was drowned out in the wave of pleasure that came with it. The friction that was being caused by his movements encouraged her to meet his thrusts. Soon they were going at their demonic speed, each thrust being met in perfect unison by Kagome.

"Sesshoumaru!" She screamed her pleasure for the world to hear as they came. They fit together perfectly, it was like they were made for each other. As they came down from their peak, the lay down next to each other and fell into the embrace of sleep once again.

In the guest rooms, there were many perverted smirks, and happy faces. However, one hanyou in particular was not happy. He had just lost Kagome, and it was his own fault. 'Be happy Kagome, and please still be my friend. I will not hate you for this, you deserve to be happy.' A single tear fell down his face, as he said goodbye to the woman he loved. He had decided to move on, but stay close so he could help protect his family.

AN: I hope you like, this is my first lemon, and take into consideration that I have no experience with these acts, it is pure imagination. In other words I am a virgin.