InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Revelations ❯ Cross Adoption ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 12~ Cross Adoption

Kagome and Sesshoumaru were finally dragged out of their beds by Rin and Shippo, "Get up, Get up!" They cried.

"You have to get up,"

"You're going to miss it!"

"It's almost midnight,"

"You've been in there all day."

"You have to come,"

"Everyone's waiting."

"We need Okaasan to be the miko!!" This finally got them out of bed.

"You need me to be the miko? What for, what have you two been up too?" Kagome asked.

"Shippo and I are doing the cross adoption,"

"All the guests are waiting outside,"

"We want to be real brother and sister,"

"And we want kaasan to be the miko."

The entire time, Shippo and Rin had been running around their room finding the proper garments for them to wear. When everything was found, they turned their backs and stared at the wall as they continued.

"You have to hurry,"

"It's almost time!"

They were frantic, they didn't want to be late for their own adoption ceremony.

"Ok, we're dressed, lets go." Kagome said as they left the room, she was racking her brain so that she could remember the procedure. 'Sess-koi, this explains what they've been up to recently, and why they haven't left each others side for the last two months. They had to be in each others presence to know each others aura for this ceremony.'

'Hai, it will make them both of ours. They will however be able to speak to each other like this.'

'I know, I kind of feel sorry for Jaken, and anyone who gets on their bad side, can you imagine the mischief they'll get into?'

Sesshoumaru groaned, and Kagome giggled. They had reached the clearing. Upon entering everything fell into silence, the sibling bonding ceremony, or cross adoption, was far different than that of adoption ceremony.

Kagome took her place as the miko, and Sesshoumaru as the outside youkai, here the similarities ended. Kagome enacted a temporary mind meld between herself, Sesshoumaru, Rin, and Shippo; there was to be no noise from any of them until the ceremony was complete.

'Are you ready?' She asked tentatively, when she received the affirmative, she began to chant under her breath. Shippo and Rin held out their right wrists to each other and took it in their left hands. They then bit down deeply into the others flesh, sinking their fangs into the artery.

~*~*~Mind Space~*~*~

They were in a womb, curled around each other; they felt one another as a comforting presence in the dark.

*Flash* There was a bright harsh light, and a comforting presence other than that of each other.

*Flash* They were playing in the field, far from each other, yet still connected.

*Flash* They watched as there parents died, Shippo's being killed before his eyes, and Rin's being tortured while her parents bade her to flee.

*Flash* They watched as they met there new parents, the protection, the hope, the love, and the safety.

*Flash* They were the other as they were bonded to their parents, now each bonded to both.

*Flash* A voice came to them, 'You have witnessed the life, feelings, tragedies, and hopes of the other, is this what you wish to take into yourself and make as if it were you?'

Together, and without any hesitation, 'Hai, this is what we are.'

'So be it.'

~*~*~Outside Dream Space~*~*~

There was a blinding burst of light as Rin and Shippo were pulled into the air, and then into each other. They were pulled into one being, and then set down in the others place. Rin now had a pure black with blue tinted tail with a silver tip, and the tip of her hair was black with blue streaks.

Shippo was the complete opposite, his tail was now silver with a black tip, and his hair black with silver tips. They were a part of each other, one and the same.

"They are siblings, as if from birth, they have been in the womb together, and been born of the same parents. Who here would challenge their union?" Kagome asked this in a deadly serious voice. When no challenge came they proceeded to return to the castle.

A youkai clad in a dark black cape and surrounded by shadows watched the proceedings. There was no scent or aura emanating from him, it was as if there was nothing there. 'So, she has mated. This will not do at all, she is mine!' He watched as the last traces of Kagome and her "family" disappeared into the castle. 'I will just have to teach her that she is mine and no one else's, I'll start by ridding her of her so called family.'

He seemed to turn, then vanish into nothing, allthat was left was a lingering presence of dark intentions.

Kagome and Sesshoumaru retired to their chambers to finish recuperating from their. activities. Little did they know how much they were going to need their energy.

Kouga was sitting up I his bed thinking, 'Why did she choose him? She's my woman! He must have cast a spell on her to make her fall in love with him, that's it!! She doesn't love him, she's under a spell.' The further Kouga deluded himself, the closer the darkness seemed to circle around him.

"So, you want your woman back do you?" Ask a voice on the wind, Kouga started, he couldn't see anybody. "I can help you, just open yourself to me."

'I can't open myself to that, it feels putrid, but I want Kagome, and it said it could help me.' "What do I have to do?"

With that the wind chuckled, and slammed full force into Kouga's body, his eyes shone black, then the voice emitted from his mouth, "Foolish youkai, Kagome is mine and now you will do my bidding." He laughed as Kouga's soul was trapped within his body, doomed to watch what would be done by his hands, and have no power to prevent it.

Far away, the black clad figure stood in his castle laughing, "Soon my little miko, you will be mine, but first, you'll pay for thinking it could be any other way."