InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ kagome's savior ❯ The Beggining ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is my first fic. I'm a little nervous. Please don't flame me!!! * hides behind Hiei* Protect me!!!!!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything. *mutters* damn lawyers

Kagome's mind was racing as fast as her heart was beating. She had been running for about an hour on pure hatred, sadness, and adrenalin. She didn't know where she was running. All she knew was she had to get away from THEM.


'Today is the day' Kagome thought. 'Today is the day I will tell Inuyasha how I feel'. At that moment she heard his voice from the middle of forest.' No time like the present' she thought. As she walked towards his voice she came to a beautiful hot spring in the middle of the forest. It would have been beautiful if she had not seen what was in it. In the middle was Inuyasha with...KIKYOU!

'That bastard'! 'How could he do that to me'? She thought. She felt all of her strength drain from her body at the thought of him telling kikyou that he loved her and would go to hell with her. She couldn't think about that. She had to get as far away from them as possible. But she didn't have enough strength to think or stand, let alone run. She finally gave in to the fatigue and started to fall to the ground. Just as she was about to hit the ground she caught by a pair of strong arms. The arms felt safe, warm, familiar and not at all dangerous. She got a quick look at her savoir before she passed out.

& nbsp;       "Has anyone seen Kagome?" Shippou asked as he came back from his walk, with Sango and Miroku trailing far behind. On his way to find Kagome he walked in on them in a very intimate situation. "I can't believe he saw that" commented Sango. "I had no idea you could do that thing with your back" said our favorite monk. "Shut up" screamed Sango playfully. "Don't be embarrassed. That could come in handy sometime." explained Miroku. "."You hentai "Maybe so... but that only makes you love me more" said Miroku as he reached for her backside."HENTAI!" rang out through the forest as well as a giant WHACK! "I thought we had gotten passed this" said a very angry exterminator. Shippou immediately erupted in laughter." She'll kill him before that kazzana does" commented the young fox.

Hey peoples! Shippougirl here. Thanks for reading. Hope you liked it. PLEASE PLEASE PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE REVIEW. Will update soon. Lata. !^_~!
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