InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Suffering and Sesshomaru's Healing Word ❯ Mid-Mist Dream ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
:::Chapter Three::: Mid-Mist Dream After everyone had fallen asleep later that day, Kagome’s condition has just grown worse. With no one to look after her and keep her body from moving, she tossed and turned with many signs of a struggle to keep still. Her cheek’s flushed from a heated fever and a cold forehead from sweat pouring down her face. Mumbling sweet words in a state of semi-consciousness, which only the coldest of hearts could bear to hear without a single iced tear to shed. “IWI-inuM-myInu With that, Kagome just fell back into the land of dreams which to herWere nothing but horrid nightmare. :Kagome’s Dream And Memories: Kagome walked around for a few minutes, trying to remember where she was.This place seemed so familiar to her, and yet at the same timeIt didn’t. The tree’s of this place were covered in a oddly misplaced mist with silent shadow’s watching from the branches and tops. Blending together like a formation of darkness that would engulf anything in it’s path, anything that would stand in it’s way of dominance over this realm. Seeing that they were watching her every step, her every move. Kagome ran as far as her legs would carry her. Branches moving towards her like fire on paper and mist surrounding her feet, she felt them wrap tightly, making her fall to the cold hard ground. With a few hot tear’s running down her cheeks, she prayed. Prayed that this would be over, that her pain would end. With that, she felt a sharp stab to the back of her head. Falling unconscious When Kagome awakened, she sprinted up from the ground but only to fall back down from a wave of dizzy-ness hitting her like a cold shower. Holding her head in pain, she moaned. She whispered, “I’m too alive After saying that, she heard even more whispers that were not her own. With her distance from the voices, she could not make out what they were saying. All she heard were muffled sounds of what she thought were words. Kagome took a few steps in the direction of where the sounds were coming from and the voices stopped. She knew that she would not find it running blindly within this forest, that’s when it hit her. She was in a forest, but not just any forest. This was, Inuyasha’s Forest. Sighing, she shook her head and looked to the floor. Kagome suddenly saw a stream of purplish light flowing from the ground. Confused as to what this is, she followed it. After following it for a few minutes, the sound’s from before were picking up again and getting louder and louder with every step she took. Kagome’s ear’s could then hear a few words but not many. “Do you Love me W-why Why her!?” Kagome could not fit the person with the voice but she knew it was a female, so she took a few more steps and started to listen more carefully“II can’t believe you love her, she’s a copy! Nothing moreNothing more Said the female. “Heh, who said I loved her? Don’t jump to conclusion’s my love. I love you, only you. Your right, she’s nothing more then a copy, a pitiful copy who thought they could some how possibly be welcomed into my life. When were finished with gathering the shards, after were finished using our little toy. Her life with come crashing down along with her fantasy’s Kagome then realized who was talkingIt hit her like a ton of bricks, and she was heart brokenShe wanted to die, she couldn’t possibly carry on with this lie that she’s been living for the past 3 years. All she could think was how could he do that to her. She thought he caredBut no. It was then she realized, Inuyasha will never change. He was just as cold and heartless as when she first met him. Inuyasha looked up and saw Kagome looking at him with tear filled eyes and heart broken face, and all he did was smirk. He told her, “Yes, that’s right bitch. You heard correctly. I love Kikyou, not you. Well, I guess since this little secret is now out and in the openThere’s no more reason to keep you. Good Bye Kagome, it was a pleasure using you, bitch.” With this, Inuyasha charged at Kagome, claw’s ready to strike. Kagome had only froze, barely believing he would really strikeBut then she noticed, he wasn’t stopping. Before she had time to run, his claw’s were dug deep within her chest. Inuyasha pulled out the remaining of the Shard’s that Kagome carried with her from the broken bottle now in her wound. Crying out in pain, Kagome fell to the floorWith her last breathShe whispered, “I-I *cough*stillL-love you :End Kagome’s Dream: Kagome bolted up from her small bed and with tear’s running down her cheeks. All that was able to be heard from the sobs were small plea’s of release“P-pleaseLme die!”