InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Trust ❯ Gifts, going back ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome's Trust 
A/N-Here again with chapter three. Damn I'm good. The twins are growing big faster and right 
now it has been eleven months and they look like three years old. But at the end they are one 
year old. Souta had training in Aikido. Thank you to my new beta reader named witchgirl99 and 
TheSparkledMoon for doing this first chapter. Thanks. 
Chapter Three: Gifts, Going Back 
Sesshomaru felt empty, hollow. It was as if his soul had a hole that couldn't fix itself. It was 
frustrating since his last blood lust had occurred eight months ago. Even though he did not know 
when his beast would take control he hoped it would soon. It was getting unbearable. It was 
centuries since his beast took over his full body. 
He was especially curio us because now his beast was acting very different. He had noticed that it 
growled at the lord's daughters when they came too close, making him wonder why it was doing 
so. Another time was when the other lords suggested candidates of demon females for him to 
mate with. His beast had had almost taken over, but luckily Sesshomaru had locked the cage 
stronger than ever before. But the worst of them all was when a lord's daughter had sniffed his 
neck, the beast almost attacked the girl. 
Now it took every grain of his power to control his beast. How could Sesshomaru lose control of 
his beast now? 'Why?' he brooded, until one word came to mind, "Mate." If memory served right, 
he had never had one but now he wasn't so sure. The beast began whimpering that he didn't wish 
to stay at the Palace of the Moon anymore, but instead somewhere else that was unknown to him 
or his beast. 
Sesshomaru didn't know what to do or how to solve it. He, Sesshomaru, always had an answer 
for everything. The only thing Sesshomaru remembered of those six nights was not sight, but 
smell. The night that was strongest to him smelled of passion fruit and lavender, with a hint of a 
hot spring. It seemed so familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it though he vowed that 
he would find out. 
"I will figure out soon enough, I promise you," Sesshomaru stated, his words dripping with 
X+X+X Kagome's POV X+X+X 

Looking at the twins, Kagome smiled. Demon children grew quickly although Toga was a bit 
taller than Mizuki. Her son already resembled Sesshomaru so much with his white hair, although 
he had both of Sesshomaru and her powers. Her daughter had obtained both the powers as well, 
but she had Kagome's dark brown locks. The thing was that Kagome was scared. How were her 
children both full-blooded demons? 
Kagome was training when Mizuki came up to watch, Toga shortly following afterwards. 
"Mom my, can we start training since grandpa told us about your adventures in the past?" asked 
Kagome thought for a few minutes. She would never leave her children here while she was in the 
feudal era and she still needed to collect all the jewel shards and defeat Naraku. "Yes, you will 
join me when I return to the feudal era. I will teach you how to fight and use your miko powers. 
However I will only be able to direct you when it comes to your demon powers." 
"Hai mother," they said. 
"Good," Kagome replied. 
Months passed by as she trained Toga and Mizuki in miko skills first, and then in fighting. Even 
Souta helped, for he had taken the children to train in aikido. Soon eight months had passed and 
it was days away from the twins' birthday, both very strong and powerful for their young age. 
The twins found themselves excited as Kagome, Grandpa, her mother and Souta made plans for 
a birthday party for them. 
X+X+X One Week Later X+X+X 
Kagome walked outside to find where the twins and her brother had gotten off. "Toga, Mizuki, 
Souta, let's go in now!" Kagome called out 

"But mom," Toga whined. 
"Toga, it's time to go," the mother replied with authority in her voice. 
"Hai mom," they replied quietly, as they walked into the house with Uncle Souta. 

"Happy Birthday Toga& nbsp;and Mizuki!" the family yelled to them. 
"Thank you," Mizuki replied, very polite. 
"Ya man thanks," Toga said with respect. 
The two stood there looking around curiously at the decorations, food, and finally the gifts. 
"Well open& nbsp;your gifts," Kagome urged, handing them each a present. 
Toga opened his gift first, which was from Grandma, to find that it was a pack like his mother's 
yellow one, but a dark royal blue. Looking over at his sister, he found that she had gotten one 
too, but a light pink instead of his dark blue. Next was from Uncle Souta and he gave him two 
small daggers with white diamonds and his name engraved on them. Mizuki had two similar 
items as well, but one was a small dagger that had sapphires, her name also engraved in it. Her 
other weapon was a long bow with arrows. The two children, excited about their gifts, reached 
for the next one from Great-Grandpa who gave Toga a small little brown monk's staff. To 
Mizuki, she received a nice kimono that was light blue with crescent moons on the bottom. 
The last gift was from their mom: a pendant, which she had infused some of her miko powers to 
put up barriers that would protect the two children, and a nice hakama and a long white shirt. 
"Thank you," Toga said, hug ging his mother, Great-Grandpa, Uncle Souta and Grandma. 
Mizuki looked at her pendant and then her last gift, a small katana with blue Kanji that spelt her 
name. It read, To my beautiful baby girl, Mizuki. Lifelong. 
"Mama, thank you. I love it," she said, hugging her family too. 
"Now it's time for the birthday cakes!" Kagome replied. Toga had a chocolate cake while his 
sister had a vanilla cake. 
"Toga, blow out your candle and make a wish!" Taytai exclaimed. "Same with you, Mizuki." 
As the twins thought about their wishes, they took a breath and blew out the candles, both 
thinking the same thing. I wish I knew who daddy was. 

With games played all night, Kagome helped pack her daughter's and son's bags, hoping that 
tomorrow would come very soon. 
Minutes became hours as the family slept, the sun's shining light slowly creeping up and through 
the window. The light awoke the two small children and with their excitement brewing stronger, 
they ran into Kagome's room, jumping on her bed to wake their mother up. "Mom, look! It's light 
now! WAKE UP!" 
"Oh you two get off and get ready," Kagome said, opening her eyes and tiredly getting out of 
bed. Racing through her shower in record time, she was eating breakfast when the twins had 
entered the kitchen. 
"Ready?" she asked them. 
"Hai mother," both of the children said. 
Gathering up all the items, Kagome took the twins and her family to the well. "Place your bags 
on our backs and fasten your weapons too," Kagome explained carefully, before checking her 
own. She turned, saying her goodbyes to her family. 
"Hold on tight," she told them, picking them up and holding them tight into her embrace. 
With Mizuki and Toga quickly wrapping their arms around their mother's neck, Kagome jumped 
into the well. She was taken by the blue light, her twins following through the transcendent path 
too. Looking up and out of the well, Kagome saw clear blue skies and smiled, breathing the fresh 
cleansing air once again. 
'God I missed this a lot,' Kagome thought as she climbed up the well's side with her twins. 
Placing them on the ground, she took each one of their hands and walked through the woods to 
Kaede's village, answering her children's questions along the way. 
"Kaede!" Kagome cal led out, seeing the house she had grown to miss. 
"Kagome?" a voice asked, coming from inside the house. 

A/N- I& nbsp;hope you like this chapter. Chapter four will be almost done soon too. The next chapter is 
all on Kagome speaking to just Sango and Kaede. Inuyasha and Miroku are helping another 
village and Shippo is not with them. Sesshomaru feels the emotions again. Rin is ill with a 
human cough. Naraku sees Kagome is back with children. Find out next time what happens on 
Kagome's Trust chapter four. See you soon.