InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Smells ❯ Kagome Smells - Afterglow ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kagome Smells - Afterglow
By Majicman55
Disclaimer: The characters from InuYasha” are not mine; they are the intellectual property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not benefit financially from these writings. I just like to play with the characters.
That cursed pink light was finally gone.
Naraku took stock of his situation. Nearly a third of his minions were gone. Having been out in the open when the light appeared, they had been almost instantly purified. Naraku made a mental note: assign the less trustworthy youkai to the external guard…just in case that light (which, by his own direct experience he knew had to be from that accursed girl of InuYasha's) appeared again.
He also realized the hanyou and the girl had to be close by for the effect to be this pronounced.
The evil hanyou frowned. Nearly half his remaining servants had been affected in one way or another. Some were missing limbs; others simply had “purification burns,” which varied in degree according to how long it had taken them to find full cover.
He had no pity for them. They could join that traitorous little bat youkai in hell, for all he cared; but, on the other hand, he needed them…if only to use as fodder in his upcoming battles with InuYasha, Sesshomaru and their companions.
Fortunately, being youkai, most would heal on their own, so he wouldn't have to expend any effort on their behalf. No, he had his own interests to look after. Surreptitiously, he slipped one hand inside his hakamas and felt around where his so recently regenerated member had been.
For a moment, his whole body trembled as he put forth a supreme effort, and he smiled when something long and hard emerged.
But then a look of puzzlement crept over his face and he withdrew his hand, only to immediately discard what was in it. He loosened his hakamas and looked down into them. “Note to self: next time I reassemble my body, make sure everything that's supposed to face front, faces front.”
He beckoned a diminutive youkai servant who had been standing in the corner and used the creature's robes to wipe his hands. “Get me a bowl of water with soap and towels.”
“Yes, m'lord.”
“And clean yourself up before I have to dispose of you, too.”
“Yes, m'lord!”
Naraku watched the servant skitter off and decided to dispose if it anyway. He was in a bad mood, after all, and it would amuse him.
“Glowing? What do you mean, glowing?” InuYasha couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he did feel…something. It had seemed to build up inside him as he and Kagome had joined. And the longer they (InuYasha grinned) did it, the more powerful the feeling became. It was a little like how he felt when he summoned the energy for a Kaze no Kizu, but this was definitely stronger.
“I can smell the power in you, as well as see how great your aura has become. It is almost frightening, InuYasha.” The young miko looked at her mate almost with reverence.
InuYasha looked back at Kagome. The young miko knelt before him, stark naked. He could still smell their recent activity as her breasts jiggled before him and wetness was still apparent on her thighs. He couldn't help becoming aroused again and, as he did, he felt…
The hanyou's eyes got very big. “I think I have to release it…soon!”
Kagome nodded her head in agreement. She, too, could smell their recent activity, she knew the effect it was having on her, and she could sense the power within her mate increasing until she feared it might be too much for him. “InuYasha, you must release it.”
The hanyou felt a sudden pain in his gut that caused him to bend at the waist. “Onara no…”
Only the involuntary tightening of a sphincter stopped what was only a moment from transpiring. With much discomfort, the hanyou straightened up and joined his mate in looking towards where the Great Lord of the Western Lands was rapidly approaching.
InuYasha snarled, but allowed himself to be restrained by Kagome's touch. He still bristled at his half brother had tricked him so recently and who now alit so gently beside his mate.
Kagome blushed as she realized she was still naked.
“Aren't you going to have the common decency to give your mate something to cover her nakedness, brother?”
InuYasha grumbled and blushed and went to retrieve his robe for Kagome. The miko, for her part, remained kneeling, her arms crossed to cover her breasts. Just before InuYasha returned and place his hitoe over her, she was startled to discover a familiar scent coming from Sesshomaru. It was similar to InuYasha's, only more…feral. She stared at the full youkai, only to be met by the merest wisp of a smile that was gone as quickly as the smell.
Evidently the Great Lord of the Western Lands had more control over his own scent than did his brother. Just as evidently, the taiyoukai wanted her to know that he found her arousing. She tried to decide if she should be afraid or more confident with the knowledge.
Now that InuYasha had pulled on his hakamas and seen to Kagome's modesty, he felt uncomfortable again. He shuffed from foot to foot.
Sesshomaru almost smirked at his brother. Almost. “You'd better get rid of that, brother. But, please, point yourself in that direction.”
“Feh!” InuYasha was clearly annoyed. Bending over with his tail end pointing away from his brother and Kagome, it looked to all the world like he was bowing to his brother. But it couldn't be helped. “Onara no Icchau!”
There was a tremendous blast of pink light that emanated from the hanyou's hindquarters. This was accompanied by a loud noise much like the sound made by placing your mouth over your forearm and blowing. In other words, a fart.
“Congratulations, InuYasha,” said Lord Sesshomaru, “you've just disposed of more youkai in one blow than Tetsusaiga ever could.” Inwardly, the taiyoukai mused, “It was sheer luck that we were far enough away to escape the main effects.” Rin wouldn't have been affected, he knew, but he had felt the purifying power. And Jaken? Well, it was lucky he was so short. His own lack of height and the lay of the land had saved the annoying sycophant.
Both Lord Sesshomaru and InuYasha looked at Kagome who was waving her hand rapidly in front of her nose.
“What did you eat last, InuYasha?”
Miroku and Sango looked on as Lord Sesshomaru and InuYasha faced each other across an open field. The taiyouka maintained a defensive posture, while InuYasha seemed ready to strike.
Neither the monk nor the taijiya could make out what the hanyou was saying, but when he brought down his katana, a wave of pink energy surged towards the taiyoukai…who easily deflected it.
The Great Lord of the Western Lands looked on with disdain. “This Sesshomaru tires of your weak effort. If you truly wish to destroy Naraku, you must exert yourself to the fullest…and that includes the announcement of your attack!”
Sango whispered to Miroku, “Is it just me, or does InuYasha look upset?”
“More like embarrassed, my dear Sango,” answered Miroku.
“He looks tired, too.”
Evidently, the taiyoukai thought so, too. “Go on, brother. Go to your mate and restore your strength. We will resume when you are ready. The Great Lord of the Western Lands turned away, but turned back just as suddenly. “And, InuYasha…”
“Do not overdo it.”
Lord Sesshomaru watched as InuYasha, looking a little sheepish, disappeared into some brush on the other side of the field. He then turned away and hastened to rejoin his entourage which consisted of Jaken, Rin and Ah-Un.
Neither the monk, nor the taijiya cared to join Lord Sesshomaru's group, preferring to remain together with Kirara. Sango looked to where InuYasha had disappeared behind some bushes. “So he's with Kagome now?”
Miroku smirked. “You could say that.” The monk had picked up on the spiritual energy that was even then being generated across the clearing from them. It's signature marked it as being the same as the energy that was now contained in the inkwell he carried within his robes. The difference between the former occasion and this one was that the energy, rather than being broadcast, seemed to be building up within the hanyou's body…which meant that…
“Go, InuYasha!”
“Miroku!” exclaimed Sango. “What was that for?”
“Isn't it obvious, Sango?” answered Miroko. “The pink column of light, the pink blast from Tetsusaiga…they're the same energy.” The monk smirked as he peered across the clearing. “It's created when InuYasha and Kagome…”
“Miroku!” Sango glanced quickly at Miroku, then stared, open-mouthed, across the clearing. “You mean?”
Lord Sesshomaru stepped away from his campsite and looked across the clearing to where InuYasha and Kagome were, presumably, making love. The taiyoukai knew letting those two go for too long was playing with fire. “That is enough, brother! Save your real power for Naraku!”
“He wants me to stop, Kagome.”
“Like hell.”
“Ka-Kagome?” InuYasha tried to stop, but the miko from the future had other ideas. She had been left hanging (as she put it) one too many times…and she wasn't putting up with it this time.
Her legs wrapped around InuYasha in a death-grip and she began grinding her pelvis against the hanyou's.
Although he would have been reluctant to do so, the hanyou would have been able to break the grip of the old Kagome…but this new Kagome had InuYasha's blood flowing through her veins and it had infused her thighs with tremendous strength.
He didn't have a chance.
Kagome had been so close when Lord Sesshomaru had called upon InuYasha to stop…as she had been all the other times. Now she wouldn't be denied.
Lord Sesshomaru had been moving into position on the field of battle.
It didn't take youkai senses to hear Kagome's scream.
“You two will stop that at once! This Sesshomaru commands it!”
InuYasha stepped out into the clearing. There was so much energy inside him that even Sango could see his glow. To Miroku and even Sesshomaru, the hanyou's aura was almost blinding.
“Command this, you bastard!” InuYasha brought Tetsusaiga down in a long arc. “Onara no Icchau!”
Sesshomaru's eyes got very big as he leapt out of the direct blast. Still, when he landed, his Momoko-sama was visibly singed and the smell of burning dog hair pervaded the surroundings.
Kagome, looking disheveled, stepped out from behind the bushes. “InuYasha! Osuwari!”
The hanyou, who had been preparing to deliver another blow with Tetsusaiga, found himself planted face-first into the ground. “What was that for, Kagome? You were as mad at him as I was!”
“That's not the point, InuYasha. Here you two are finally starting to act like brothers, and you have to try to kill him!”
“Feh! I knew he could get out o' the way.”
Somewhere above the fray, a lone Saimyoushou relayed an image back to its master.
Naraku watched in fascination as the two brothers seemed to fight again, followed by the damned girl exercising the power she had to plant the hanyou's face into the ground. Naraku never tired of that, although the girl had used her power to save InuYasha's life more than once…which was unfortunate.
The evil hanyou was not stupid. He had deduced that the hanyou's power became more fearsome the more he and that girl made love (as the ningens called it). To the evil hanyou, it was rutting…and it was disgusting.
So the solution to his problem was to split up Kagome and InuYasha, to make them so mad at each other that they would never do all that disgusting stuff again.
But how could he split them up? Who could he use to drive a wedge between InuYasha and his mate?
“May I speak with you?”
Kagome looked around and found Rin standing over her. “You wish to speak with me?”
Rin nodded.
Kagome looked at the girl. Rin had grown in the two years she had known about her. She was taller, and was beginning to get breasts.
Rin blushed under the extra attention.
Kagome and the girl began walking together, away from the clearing where the two boys were still arguing over the recent incident. “Have you gotten your period yet?”
“If you mean my monthly bleeding, not yet, but it can't be long now.” Rin bit her lip and described the feelings she had had, including a mild orgasm when the pink column of light had appeared.
It was Kagome's turn to blush. “Sorry about that.” Then she regarded the young girl closely. “Aren't you young for that?” Kagome paused. “Do you know your own age?”
“I think I'm about twelve, but that's not what I wanted to talk about.”
“I thought maybe you wanted to talk about sex. Lord Sesshomaru can't be too good on the subject.”
Rin giggled. “You're right about that. Most of what I know, I've picked up from village girls as we traveled. I…I'm not sure everything I've learned is right, though.”
Kagome smiled. “It probably isn't.”
“I wanted to ask about being a miko.”
“Lord Sesshomaru said that you and InuYasha had mated and that the unusual effects were due to InuYasha being a hanyou and you being a miko. And the effects were…spectacular.”
Kagome blushed even deeper. This girl certainly was direct! “And why do you want to know about being a miko?”
“When I was a little girl, our village miko said I should be trained, but then…well, you know what happened.”
“And you're asking me about training?” Kagome looked at the girl quizzically. “You're traveling with Lord Sesshomaru and you want to be a miko?”
Rin grabbed Kagome's arm and pulled her into a conspiratorial embrace. “I figure in two years I'll be old enough to wed. He…”
Rin nodded her head in Lord Sesshomaru's direction.
“…isn't going to know what hit him.”
Kagome stared. This girl was direct. “But why a miko?”
Rin pulled Kagome even closer. “Because I want what you had.”
Kagome sat back in disbelief. Her examination of Rin's aura had been, at first, uneventful. Yes, the girl had miko potential. And yes, very great potential. But there was something odd…
Kagome sniffed the girl again. There it was again. Rin's scent reminded her of her own.
But how could that be? Kikyo's scent didn't remind Kagome of her own…although she was going mostly from memory on that one. And, besides, Kikyo now smelled like bones and graveyard soil. She couldn't be expected to smell like Kagome.
Yet Rin…did. Very subtly.
Kagome examined Rin's aura more closely. There was something…something…something…
And then she had it.
She should have guessed that there might have been reincarnations of Kikyo that took place between InuYasha's time and hers.
…which meant, in a strange sort of way…
Kagome stared at Rin, who began to squirm.
“Ummm, I don't know exactly how to tell you this, but…”
The way Rin looked at her reminded her so much of herself.
Under the circumstances, Kagome decided it was okay to tell Rin her little secret. Well, part of it, anyway. She wouldn't tell her the “how” of it. “Everyone says I'm Kikyo's reincarnation, but I come from five hundred years in the future.”
Rin's eyes were as big as saucers.
“This has to be our secret. Swear?”
“I swear.”
“I never thought about it, but in all that time, there had to be more reincarnations besides me.” Kagome smiled. “Weird, huh?”
“I'll say.” Rin's eyes suddenly lit up. “So if I mate with Sesshomaru and you mate with InuYasha, does that make us…?”
Kagome held up her hand to stop Rin from talking. “If you don't mind, I'd rather not think about it.”
“Are you going to tell InuYasha?”
Kagome looked back towards the field which held the others. With her youkai-enhanced eyesight and hearing, she could both see a cloud of dust which she knew contained the two fighting brothers, and hear a never-ending string of profanity (mostly from InuYasha, the Great Lord of the Western Lands not being one to use much in the way of vulgarity). “Not yet.”
A/N: I'm sorry this has taken so long to update. As I noted before, sometimes real life gets in the way of writing. I work out of my home as a freelance graphic artist and one of my projects is an advertising placemat for local restaurants. I finally had to buckle down and get it to the printer (done); but now I'm doing rush jobs for another client. Such is life. You go a while with light work and then, all of a sudden, everyone wants their project done at once.
I seem to be getting some less-that-flattering reviews lately. Oh well. That's life, too.
Oh, and I'm proud to say that “Kagome Smells” has won a first place in the comedy category at the Feudal Association and a second place in the comedy category at the InuYasha Fanfiction Guild. I am deeply honored and grateful to both organizations.
Please read and review. As always, reviews = inspiration for new chapters. Thanks!