InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome snaps ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
disc:i don't own inu-yasha

if you haven't read my author's note please read it so you canget some info about what's gonna happen to my other story.thank-you and enjoy the,WHATEVER!!

This had to be the positivly worst day of her entire life.Inu-yasha had been complaining about ramen shortages,and it just so happened to be Kagome's 'time of the month'if you know what I mean.So,the predictable happened.He called her a bitch(that was his new nickname for her.odd)and was reunited with his very good friend,Mr.Dirt.

Then Kouga just had to show up.He started spouting nonsense like 'Oh my love!We shall be together forever!!',and such.Needless to say,Kagome was pissed enough as it was.So,like any sane girl who was sick and tired of a dense guy chasing after them,she snaped. "KOUGA,SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!",she shouted. "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR DENSE ASS NOT KNOWING WHEN TO GIVE UP!!HELLOOO?ANYBODY HOME?HERE'S A REALITY CHECK WOLF-BOY,I DON'T LOVE YOU,I'M NOT YOUR WOMAN,MATE OR ANYTHING ELSE OF YOURS!!DAMN!!EVEN HOJO KNEW WHEN TO GIVE UP!!BUT YOU SEEM TO FEEL THE NEED TO FUCK UP MY CHANCES IN SHOWING A SPECIAL SOMEONE HOW I FEEL!!YOU AND A SPIDER FUCKING,DIRT WHORE,-"and then Kagome began to list off about a couple thousand,ahem,offensive names for you-know-who.And if you don't know who I'm talking about,get the hell out of this fan-fiction.About half way through her 'shitlist'Miroku gasped and covered Shippo's ears.
"Wow,"he whispered to Sango"I didn't even think that those words could be used as an adjective." Sango could only nod in reply.It was about ten minutes later when kagome finished listing off '1,000 Bad Names for Kikyo'.
Breathing deeply,trying to calm down,Kagome looked proud at the startled look on Kouga's face.Silence ran on for a few more moments before..."So," Kouga started"am I that special someone?"
Miroku,Sango,and Shippo did a quick anime fall before sighing and waiting for the inevitable.An akward silence followed."Sango-chan," Kagome asked in a calm voice.Too calm.A Sesshomaru-will-kill-you calm.
"May I borrow the Hiraikotsu?"
"Anoooo....Sure." Sango handed Kagome the large boomerang bone."But Kagome-chan,you can't possibly expect to wield-" but she was cut off as Kagome lifted the Hiraikotsu and threw it at Kouga."WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU STUPID BASTARD?!IF I HAD TO PICK BETWEEN A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH AND A LIFETIME WITH YOU,I'D PICK DEATH!!" Being inexpierienced in using the Hiraikotsu,the large weapon landed a few meters away.Then again,even Miroku had a hard time weilding it.Kagome strode up to kouga and swiftly kicked him,umm,Where the sun don't shine.Everyone gave a sympathetic wince and Miroku crossed his legs.Bending to where Kouga was crouched and whimpering Kagome gave one last deadly whisper."Oh,and F.Y.I,you're not that 'special someone." And with that,she walked to where the other three stood."Well,c'mon guys,let's go!",Kagome said,back to her usual chipper self.She walked on,leaved a confused Sango,Miroku,and Shippo.Kouga still lay crouched on the ground.
Inu-yasha walked up to the small gruop a few seconds later.Taking in the three stautelike members of the inu-gumi and a whimpering Kouga,he asked-

"What'd I miss?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Okay,so that was my first one-shot!Hope it was good,I was kinda running low on funny lines.And to Kouga lovers out there,I don't hate or dislike Kouga.Truth be told,I think he's really cute.I just wanted to poke fun at him a little bit.

Shea:Shouldn't you continue S.o.D.A?

...That's my muse.She really sucks so don't mind her.


Wel,gotta start working on those drabble fics and that quardrilogy.(see A/N on ch5 of S.o.D.A)
~~~~~~~~~~Ja ne!-temp