InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome, The Half Demon ❯ Kagome is a Neko ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter I

"Inuyasha I hate you, you stupid dog from hell. Get away from me…and sit you fucking dog." Kagome says angrily at Inuyasha has he is stuck to the ground.

"Kagome come over here so we can heal you." Kaeda yell to Kagoma was she tries to run after her. Following her was Miroku, Sango and Shippo. Inuyasha was still stuck to the floor like root and dirt. Has they all passed by him trying to catch up with Kagome, Shippo stays and was standing in front of Inuyasha.

"You stupid idiot did you know what you did. You should have been more careful and watch were you walked." Shippo scolded at Inuyasha and he replied. "It was an accident. I didn't know she was sleeping."

"Well you should have watched were you were stepping and why would step all over the bed, you're a dummy Inuyasha." Shippo sweatdropped, has Inuyasha was starting to get up. "Well I was going kill a fly and I stepped on Kagoma by mistake and my claws scratch her back. I'm such a idiot."

"Well I can't argue about that." Shippo said, then Inuyasha turned around and gave him a dark mean look. "And I'm just gonna go and wait for Kagome if she comes to the village." Shippo runs back to the village before Inuyasha can say or hurt him.

"Now I have to find that girl before she gets lost or gets even mad." Inuyasha though to himself has he ran into a small forest. "Ohh great I know where I am, this is around the place where Kikyo placed me in that stupid tree. No wonder she would run here this is kind of close to the well. That's it! I'll go to the well and wait there. That's the only place were she would go." Has Inuyasha runs out of the south end of the forest, Kagome comes in through the north. "I just wanna be alone. I think I lost them." Kagome turns around and looks and doesn't see Miroku, Sango or Kaeda in sight. "Good, I can rest here for a while but I better go back because this wound doesn't look to good and I'm pretty hungry." She notices that that her stomach makes awfully loud noise.

"I better look for some food. Maybe I can eat a fruit in one of these trees. But I don't see any." She looks around and starts walking south. When she gets in the middle of the forest she thinks "Hey this place looks every familiar, ohhh I'm getting dizzy better eat something fast." She looks up and spots a fruit. "Man, this is a very old tree to have a fruit but it looks yummy." She grabs the vines and start climbing up the tree. She climbs and getting closer to the fruit and each inch she goes up she get more and more hungry and then pain from the wounds in her back doesn't hurt. When she finally reaches the top she goes grabs the fruit. While still on top of the tree, she takes a big bite. "Oh my goodness this taste so good." She says with a mouthful and takes another bite and before she notices she already ate the whole fruit. "That was so yummy. I want some more" but has she look around she notices that there is no more. So she head back down and continues walking in hope of finding another delicious fruit." Wow I never ate such a good fruit but what was it anyway. Well I don't care…I'm so tired…I think I'm gonna lay down and sleep" she says has she falls to the hard forest floor.

"Have any of you found Kagome?" Kaeda says to the other has they meet up. "No I haven't but do you think she would wanna go home?" Sango asked Kaeda. "No, not with the wounds Inuyasha gave to her. I believe her parents wouldn't allow her to return to this world if she came home with those wounds." Kaeda replied.

"Maybe she just wanted to be alone, even though Inuyasha didn't mean to step on her. If that happened to me I would beat up Inuyasha so bad." Sango said "She should be back at the village, she's not dumb and she probability returned to the village." They all start walk toward the village which is not that far from where they are, hoping that Kagome is there when they arrive.

"Ahhhhh" Kagome yawns, has she gets up from her nap. "Man, did I sleep that long. It doesn't look dark, maybe I should go back to the village…but Inuyasha better not be there. Oh I'm so mad didn't his mother ever tell him not to hits a girl…but maybe I did go over board, it was an accident and he did say sorry like a million times." She though has she left the forest and headed towards the village. "How come the wounds don't hurt that much? Maybe it's because I'm a strong warrior with POWER?

A couple of minutes later Kagome enters the village. The villagers all look in fear and shock. Some even start running and screaming "DEMON" and "SOMEONE HELP US" or "WHERE IS INUYASHA?" Kagome wonder her eyes in search for a demon, "Where is it, it better not be behind me?" She continues to look around and see no demon. She looks at the villagers and see that they are all staring at her. "Why are you all starting at me?" she continues to walk but the villager yell "Get away you demon, go back to where you belong. Listen we have a group of demon exterminator, right here in this village."

"What are you talking about it's me, Kagome?" But then she looks at her and hands and she see paw, "WHAT…WHAT'S GOING ON?" Her cries for help a sound with a purr at the end.

"Get away demon." Sango says has she runs into the village and hold her huge boomerang. "Get ready Miroku"

"Right, Sango and it doesn't look powerful so this should be easy." Miroku says

"You asshole I can take you anything. Oh you think you're so strong Miroku but your not." Kagome says "Ohh yeah don't attack me, it's me Kagome. I have no clue to what's happening to my hands but all the villagers think I'm a demon."

"That cause you are one, now come on Miroku lets kill it." Sango yells "Wait, Sango don't attack look closely." Miroku grabs Sango's head and point toward the demon. And she looks closely to see it resembles Kagome. "Oh my gosh Kagome, you're a demon."

"What?" Kagome says panicking, "I need a mirror." She runs to a little well and looks. She see a her face except its has cat ears and her hair is much longer even bigger that Inuyasha's and she has claws in her feet, just like Inuyasha and she had paws for her hands.


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My friend wrote something here and talked about their story they called it the

Author' Note (say it with a thunder voice)

Well this is not my first fic but it is the best one I have ever write. My other one wasn't has famous and did compare to this one…maybe it is because its was an original piece.

Well I hope you enjoyed this piece of work…and chapter is coming right up and remember to write a review. Thanks