InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagomes Diary ❯ Entry 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Dear Diary,
I don't know how to put this, but I think Inuyasha is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He may be a little stubborn, but I think I may be in love with him. Even though it sounds odd, falling down that well was like the doorway to my destiny. I know our search for the sacred jewel shards can't last forever, but I wish it would. I'm not sure how Inuyasha feels about me right now, but he may like me. I'm afraid, though, that he still is in love with Kikyo. I supose I understand this, after all if Inuyasha died, he would forever be in my heart. As I stare at him, he is up in a tree staring at the moon I feel as though it is too good to be true. Prehaps it is. I only wish to freeze this moment to keep with me forever.

Even though I know my heart will always belong to Inuyasha, even if he does not feel the same, I can not help feeling something for Koga. I know he was the one who tried to capture me, and that I should despise him, I can't help feeling that, if Inuyasha had never come to rescue me, we would be in love. He did say things of how he would always treat me right, no matter what, and I can't help feel as though Inuyasha sometimes takes me for granted. Does he only keep me because I am the only one who can scence jewel shards, or does he like me? This is so confusing.

I also often wonder what would have happened if I had never came down to the basement to look for our cat. If I had made my brother do it. I'm sure the demon would have somehow found me, even if I was no where near the well. What if the reincarnation of Kikyo had been in someone else. I would have never met Inuyasha. I guess I am happier since I have been here. I was never really my self around my old friends. Now, when I'm here, I can be myself and not have to worry about what these people think of me. I wonder that if I had never freed Inuyasha who would have? Would anyone? For all we know, if I wasn't there for him, he could still be at that tree this very moment.

While I was looking at Inuyasha just now he asked, "What are you lookin' at?" How can he be so foolish not to see why. What should I say to him? "Well? I asked you a question." was all he said back. "I thought...I saw a shooting star. Make a wish." That wasn't a complete lie, I had saw one earlier. Since I had not made my wish then, I made my wish now. 'I wish that after time Inuyasha will fall in love with me, not forgetting about Kikyo, but simply thinking of things that are going on now, and that he can't have someone thats dead.' I hope this comes true. I wonder what Inuyasha wished for. Probably to find the jewel shards soon. I can only hope he wished for courage to tell me he likes me, that is, if he likes me at all. Well, I suppose it's getting late. I should go now, tomarrow we search for more shards, and I don't want to be tired on our search. Goodnight. And goodnight to Inuyasha. I hope you can somehow love me back.
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