InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ketsueki no Shikon ❯ Enter Koga and Ayame! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter three! Not really moving that much, is it? Trust me, it'll be just as bad as the show, with the unnecessary waits and such. I'm just trying to extend it. ^.^
“How is he? Kajido?” Inuyasha asked anxiously. The healer sighed of their village sighed.
“Well, the damage was quite severe. Fortunately, his demon blood helped him survive along with a jewel shard.”
“What? A shard of the Shikon no Tama was found inside of him?” Miroku asked, getting to his feet.
“Yes, he was quite lucky.”
“What was it doing inside him?”
“He must be the next one to take on its power. Remember who his mother is.”
“So, it did shatter again…” Inuyasha muttered quietly.
“Apparently so.” Kajido replied.
“Will he survive?”
“Yes, he will be fine, as long as the shard remains in place.”
“So even if we found all of the shards, it wouldn't matter because he would die…”
“There is a reason I'm sure you all know. The demons will rampage the planet looking for them. We'll be in trouble if we left those shards out there.” Miroku reminded him.
“If you hadn't noticed, my son's life is hanging by a thread!”
“Think about it Inuyasha. If we get the Shikon jewel, we can save his life.”
“Do you think so?”
“We'll move when he regains his strength.”
“Hey, dad? What's up?” Seiya sat up and scratched behind his father's ears.
Inuyasha, woke up and looked up at him. “You're feeling better?”
“Yes. What happened?”
“You should have come back with me!”
“I'm sorry.”
“I already lost Kagome, do you think I want to lose you too?!”
“I said I'm sorry! I didn't think someone would come after me after being here for ten minutes!”
Inuyasha sighed. “We have to go out and find the broken Shikon jewel. You need to stay here and get some rest.”
“But you guys can't find them! You need someone who can see the shards and I'm the only one who's alive who fills that spot!”
“You barely survived!”
“I heard it from Kajido. The shard I still have is keeping me alive and if we find the rest, I'll be fine! That's it right?”
“It's not like that Seiya…”
“What? Are you afraid I might get hurt or are you just being an ass?!”
“You could get hurt out there! You've never fought demons!”
“No, but neither did Mom and you guys took down Naraku!”
“Seiya, someone could take the shard from you and then where would we be?”
“That's simple, I'd be dead, but we're just going to have to make sure that doesn't happen, right? Besides, I can't just sit around here, knowing that those bastards who killed my mother are still out there.”
Inuyasha considered him for a moment and finally nodded. “All right then. You're going to have to hold up your end of the bargain. You listen to me, okay? No acting out of line.”
“Fine, old man, but you gotta be able to keep with me!”
“Ha! No problem there! I'll get Miroku, Sango and Kohaku together and we'll get those shards!”
“Are you sure it's a good idea Inuyasha? He needs rest.” Sango said as they walked down the road from their village home.
“I'm sure he'll be okay. After all, he is Inuyasha's boy.” Miroku joked.
“Hey, watch it!” Inuyasha growled.
Meanwhile, Kohaku was questioning Seiya about the time he came from.
“What's a car?”
“It's a mode of transportation we use. It's like a box on wheels, but it drives on its own. It's got a motor, it's powered by gasoline and that's what makes it work.”
Kohaku nodded. “I see. Can you use a car?”
“Me? No. I'm only fourteen. You have to be older to drive. Besides, why drive when you can walk? It's better for you and you miss all the good things when you drive.”
“What is your world like? You know, besides the cars. What else is different from our world?”
“Well, we have to go to school. You know we learn about history and science and things like that.”
“No apprenticeships?”
“No. Not many people believe in that kind of thing. I guess there aren't many monks and priestesses around either. The buildings are huge too. You would love to see it.”
“Oh yeah. That place is a jungle.” Inuyasha said. “It's more dangerous then this time period. The bandits carry powerful guns and kill each other with them. Then there are fires everywhere. I prefer this place a lot better.”
“Yeah, well you grew up here. This is familiar to you. It's different for someone who doesn't know this place like you do.” He looked back at his dad. “Mom said there was one other traveler with you. Where is he?”
“You must mean Shippo. He went back to his clan.”
“Oh. Do you think we could stop by and see him?”
“Because, I want to see him! I'm sure he could be of some use to us.”
“How? He was always in the way.”
“Fox demons are cunning. We could really use that. Trust me! I'm the brains in our family!”
“Yeah and he got his looks from me!”
“He couldn't have. He actually looks good.” Sango said.
The others laughed.
“Whatever.” Inuyasha turned his head away.
“Dad, could you tell me how you and mom met?”
Everyone stopped.
“Didn't she tell you?”
“She stopped telling me when she and Hojo got back together…”
“She didn't want Hojo to know about you and her, so she covered it up. She refused to talk about you while Hojo was around.”
“Well, she broke the spell that a priestess had put on me.”
“Why did you two fall in love? I don't understand what that's all about.”
“What? Love?”
“What is it?”
“You're asking the wrong guy, Seiya. Now I am a much more qualified person to answer.” Miroku said.
“Yeah right. Look, love cannot be defined. You just feel it.” Sango answered.
“How do you know?”
“Well, it depends. People feel different things.”
“Hmm. I still don't get it but maybe now's not the time. Come on, if I'm not wrong, there's a wolf nearby.”
“What?! Koga?!”
“Koga? Is that the wolf who kept saying that he was Mom's fiancé?”
“Yeah! When he already had one!”
“Then let's go see what he is doing around here.”
“Is that…Kagome I smell?”
“What?” A young woman in a white wolf pelt looked up to her companion, a young man with deep blue eyes, black hair and wearing a brown wolf pelt.
“You remember Kagome, don't you Ayame?”
“Yeah, but why would she be here?”
“I smell that mutt too. She must be with him!”
“Are you going to go after her?”
“Well, it has been a while.”
“She's probably old and wrinkled by now. Mortals are so fragile.”
“I wonder how she's been. Come on tribe! Let's go!”
“Hey, here they are!” Seiya called to the others, breaking through the brush right in front of Koga.
Inuyasha, Sango, Kohaku and Miroku came through the trees and stopped dead, seeing the wolf demon tribe leader.
“Where's Kagome?!” Koga demanded.
Seiya looked at the wolf demon then back at the others. “This is Koga?”
“Yeah, the dirty flea bag who wouldn't keep his paws off of Kagome!”
“I won't ask again, mutt. Where is she?!”
“She's not here, as you can plainly see!” Inuyasha snapped.
“Why do I smell her then?”
Seiya raised his hand. “Because she's my mother!”
“What? You are hers?”
“Yeah…I sense a shard here.”
“Really? Which leg is it in?” Inuyasha rubbed his hands together.
“He doesn't have it. But something big does and it's coming this way.”
“Right, you just stay back Seiya. I don't want you hurt.”
A large bear demon pounded its way up. It slashed at the ground, taking up many of the wolves with its mighty claws.
“Dad, aim for the right eye!”
“Gotcha! Windscar!”
`Dad? Inuyasha and Kagome-` Koga stared at Seiya, his silver hair and golden eyes striking a resemblance with Inuyasha's.
Inuyasha stopped his attack abruptly. “Seiya!” He ran over to the boy who was doubled over in pain. “What's wrong?!”
“It hurts…” He fell into his father, limp in his arms.
“I'll take him, you deal with the demon!” Koga ran up and took Seiya into his arms.
The bear's claws swooped down again, just missing Inuyasha.
`What's up with this kid?' Koga stood a good distance from the battle with Ayame and the remaining wolves.
“Is he okay?” Ayame asked, looking at the young man in Koga's arms.
“I don't know. Is that…blood?”
“What? I think it is!”
Inuyasha used his Windscar and destroyed the bear demon, pieces of its body falling to the ground. He retrieved the jewel shard from the demon's remains and hurried over to Seiya.
“His wound has reopened, Inuyasha.” Sango told him, applying pressure to the injury.
“Here, add this one with the other one.” He handed her the Shikon shard and she placed it in the wound.
“What did you just do that for?!” Koga growled.
“Because it's the only way to keep him alive! Do you know of a better way?!”
“Koga, let's get them a place to rest for now. He is Kagome's son…” Ayame said calmly.
“Right. We can let you stay in our cave.” He led them back towards their home behind the waterfall where a large group of wolves and wolf demons had gathered.
“Ayame, you're a healer right?”
“Yeah, I can get some herbs together.” She left with a pack of white wolves.
“Tell me what happened to him.” Koga commanded.
“What? I don't have to answer to you!”
“Tell me what happened?! How could you let this happen to your son?!”
“He was grieving for his mother's death! He needed to be alone!”
“Kagome's…Kagome's dead?”
“She died trying to protect her family. They were looking for the Shikon no Tama…”
“And they didn't find it?”
“Until they came looking for him. It was inside him and when the demon went to get it, they shattered it and struck his heart…I shouldn't have left him alone. It was my fault!”
The others lowered their heads.
“Ayame's been studying as a healer. She'll get him fixed up in no time.”
“What do you want from this? You won't get the jewel shards. That is all that's keeping him alive.”
“No. I'm doing it as a favor to Kagome. She would want her son taken care of.”
Inuyasha sat down next to Seiya. “What could have caused it?”
“The Shikon jewel shard could have been the one to have done it, you know, made an opening for the next one.” Miroku tried to rationalize the situation.
“He'll be just fine Inuyasha. Remember, he has demon blood and the jewel shard, not to mention he's Kagome's boy. She was strong.” Sango pat him on the back.
“I know…” He sighed and stroked Seiya's hair, the others leaving them alone. “I'll find out who did this.” He laid his head down and closed his eyes. “I'll never leave your side, I promise. Not like I did Kagome's…”
If there are any inaccuracies, let me know, so I can fix them. Sorry if it's a bit choppy, I'm still working on it. Thanks.