InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kiba: Voice of the Fang ❯ Voice of Toukijin: Shared Hatred ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.
Warning: Spoilers for part of Naraku detachment arc (Goshinki) and Kaijinbou/Toukijin episodes.
=#= Toukijin: Shared Hatred =#=

He was birthed from hatred.
The bitter tears of the hopeless were his first milk. The gnashing of teeth was his first lullaby. His first word was that of loathing. His first need was the thirst for blood.
Even then, he was forged to be a weapon.
Gifted with the extraordinary ability to sense the thoughts of others, he thought himself invincible, undefeatable. He inherited Naraku's hatred of Inuyasha, but only after the hanyou rend his body to shreds did the hatred truly become his.
In the tainted forge of the evil swordmaker, he became sentient again, finding his new form to be one of a tool that required a wielder of some skill to be useful. Seizing the weak mind of his creator, he sought to complete the task he had been born for; not for Naraku, but for himself, for his own revenge.
He failed.
Mere inches from his blade, he watched helplessly as Inuyasha paced and waited for the fearsome one, the one Kaijinbou had called Sesshoumaru. How those moments stretched out forever; as he desperately reached out for Inuyasha's susceptible mind only to realize his ability to control thoughts was limited to his wielder.
In the end, he too grew impatient for Sesshoumaru to come claim him.
Then he would kill Inuyasha once and for all. Surely as one who saw the value of having a sword forged from his old body, this wielder would be worthy of being his bearer, his slave.
He never considered that he himself would be the one forced to serve.
When at last Sesshoumaru came—pale, cold, and arrogantly self assured; it was all Toukijin could do not to smirk to himself as those long clawed fingers encircled his hilt. He gathered himself to strike as his jyaki clashed Sesshoumaru's youki…only to have his own power consumed whole by the enormity of the youkai's power.
Like the frigid cold of an artic sea, the icy purity of Sesshoumaru's hatred leeched the heat out of his own paltry, feeble hatred until he succumbed without a struggle. The seed of his own hatred came from Naraku; and Naraku, for all of his devious maliciousness, was still limited by the human heart that beat within his depths. The capacity of a human heart to hate, Toukijin learned, was nothing compared to the capacity of the hatred of a demon heart.
His hatred for Inuyasha was negligible next to Sesshoumaru's.
Like a dog he sits and waits for his master to throw him scraps. Like a starving child he tastes the blood of his hated enemy Inuyasha only when his master lets him. It is never enough to pacify him, to satisfy him. He always, always hungers for more.
With any other wielder, he would lash out and win freedom at any cost. With any other youkai, he would take the risk of failing, but not with Sesshoumaru. He has tasted of the inu youkai's wrath; has tasted of the inu youkai's conviction.
He need not seek another wielder because he believes in this master.
Like a siren song of a lover's promise, the fathomless, uncompromising strength of Sesshoumaru's grudge comforts him and eases his terrible ache for Inuyasha's blood. It is only a matter of time until Sesshoumaru wields him against Inuyasha. It is only a matter of time until he gets his revenge. 
Wrapped within the icy blanket of Sesshoumaru's hate, Toukijin is content to let his master choose the time and place.
