InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Will Be Kids ❯ An Afternoon at Kagome's House ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Koolkat191: Yo InuYasha.
InuYasha: Yeah.
Koolkat191: Do I own you… At all?
InuYasha: Nope.
Koolkat191: You heard the man… Kid… You heard InuYasha.
Chapter 5: An Afternoon at Kagome's House
“Hey Mom! I'm home!” Kagome yelled to her mother when she and her friends came in through the front door. Kagome's mom came into the front hall, baby on her hip, to greet her. “Hi honey.”
“I brought friends!” Kagome told her mom. “Alright honey, have fun.” Her mother replied as little Sota giggled when he saw his sister.
Kagome led her friends into the living room. It was small, several little sofas, a little television, and a small kitten in a cat bed in the corner.
“This is Buyo.” Kagome said petting the small kitten. “Wow. He is small.” InuYasha stated picking Buyo up.
Kagome giggled. “You like him, huh?” InuYasha was now observing Buyo's tiny claws and paws. “Yeah. He's cool.”
Well what do you know? I guess cats and dogs can get along after all. Kagome thought as she giggled again. Kilala mewed when she saw the little kitten and jumped down from Sango's arms. InuYasha set Buyo down so Kilala could play with him.
“Do you guys want to go outside?” Kagome asked looking at her friends.
“What are we going to do outside?” Miroku asked curiously.
“Well jump rope, Hide-and-Go-Seek it's really big at the shrine so we can play there, and I have chalk we can draw on the driveway.” Kagome suggested.
“I want to play jump rope!” Sango squealed hopping up and down.
Miroku shook his head. “I want to play with chalk.”
InuYasha scoffed. “Those games are stupid. I want to play Hide-and-Go-Seek.”
Then Sango, Miroku, and InuYasha looked to Kagome. “Well?” They asked in unison.
“I don't know.” Kagome said nervously.
“Kagome, I know you LOVE jump rope. I, as your BEST FRIEND, would know that.” Sango stated nodding her head.
“Kagome, I know that you like to draw. You love it.” Miroku persuaded.
“Kagome, you like Hide-and-Go-Seek. You enjoyed it when you rubbed my ears at the park, didn't you?” InuYasha asked narrowing his eyes at her.
“HeHe.” Kagome felt pressured. All of her friends wanted her to make the deciding vote. She didn't know. She didn't care what they played as long as she got out of this situation.
Kagome got an idea. “Uh… What about a compromise? We can play jump rope, draw, and then play Hide-and-Go-Seek. Deal?”
Looks were exchanged across the room. “Deal.” InuYasha, Sango, and Miroku answered in unison.
Jump rope was fun. The boys turned first and both of the girls jumped in the middle.
“Cinderella dressed in yella went upstairs to kiss a fella. Made a mistake and kissed a snake. How many doctors did it take?” Kagome and Sango chanted together as they jumped.
Apparently she needed 105. Kagome and Sango were really good jump ropers. InuYasha and Miroku had gotten bored just turning the rope so they didn't hesitate to take their turn.
“Report card, report card what'd you get? A, B, C, D…” The boys chanted as they jumped. InuYasha showed off by doing multiple flips and turns in the air. The girls were awe struck watching him.
When Miroku noticed Sango's awe was turned to InuYasha, he got jealous. “Hey InuYasha. Stop doing that. Sango's looking at you all starry-eyed, so stop it!”
“Geez. Fine.” With that InuYasha jumped normally, making the girls disappointed. He could have set a world record or something. But Sango blushed when she realized the meaning behind Miroku's words.
The boys ran out of letters and went on to numbers. Miroku messed up at one hundred and seven but InuYasha kept going until two hundred. He actually messed up on purpose because he got bored. InuYasha was amazing. It seemed he could do anything. And without even breaking a sweat.
Next up, chalk.
“Let's try to do portraits of each other!” Kagome suggested.
“Alright! I've got Sango!” Miroku yelled excited.
“Guess that leaves me with Kagome.” InuYasha stated.
So the boys tried their best to draw the girls. InuYasha's didn't come out so great.
“What's that?” Kagome asked as she squinted and pointed to the mangled depiction of a body part.
“Feh. It's your mouth.” InuYasha said as he crossed his arms.
Kagome sweatdropped. “Oh… Uh… How could I not know that? HeHe. Good job.” I guess drawing isn't one of his strong points.
Miroku's drawing of Sango was actually fairly decent. At least you could tell what was what.
“I want to draw InuYasha now!” Kagome squealed as she picked up a piece of red chalk and sat down in front of InuYasha.
“I'll do Miroku!” Sango squealed as she picked up a piece of purple chalk and followed Kagome's actions.
Kagome and Sango's portraits of the boys were very good. Although, Kagome did take a lot of time InuYasha's ears. Sango took a lot of time and detail to Miroku's eyes. They were her favorite feature.
“Not bad.” InuYasha stated looking over his likeness on the driveway.
“Very good, Sango.” Miroku complimented.
“What's wrong with you?!” Sango yelled.
“Sorry, sorry. Just a habit.” Miroku answered rubbing the hand imprint on his cheek.
“What's really wrong with him?” InuYasha whispered to Kagome. “Every time I've asked myself that question I come up with nothing.”
Finally Hide-and-Go-Seek.
“I'll be the seeker!” Miroku yelled.
“Alright! Let's hide!” InuYasha, Kagome, and Sango yelled in unison.
Miroku turned around to a tree and started counting to thirty. You had to count longer for actual Hide-and-Go-Seek.
“Twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty. Ready or not here I come!” Miroku shouted as he went searching for his friends.
Why did I volunteer to be it again? I'll never find them in this place. Miroku thought as he looked around the shrine. This is a holy place anyway. We shouldn't be playing here. Miroku was a monk in training so he had to know these things.
HeHeHe. Miroku's NEVER going to find me here! InuYasha thought as he shifted a bit on the branch.
“Hi InuYasha.”
“Wah!” InuYasha screamed when he almost fell out of the tree from the surprise. “Miroku? H-How'd you find me?”
“Well… You were shaking the tree quite a bit.” Miroku explained.
“Damn. Do I have to be it now?” InuYasha asked disappointed.
“No. I'm bored so I was just going to get the girls. Maybe we can do something inside.” Miroku called up to him.
“Okay. Good idea. I'll help you find them.” InuYasha offered jumping down from the tree.
Everyone was sitting around in the living room thinking of what they should do next.
InuYasha sighed. “Why didn't we just go to my house? We could have played with the PS2. That would be a lot more fun than sitting here…” Then InuYasha found Buyo and started to play with him to occupy himself.
“I know!” Kagome shouted starling everyone in the room. “We could draw!”
“Um… We already did that, smart one.” InuYasha commented from his spot on the floor.
“We have already done it Kagome… And last time Miroku groped me… Again.” Sango added from her spot on a small couch with Kilala on her lap. “What kind of third grader are you anyway, Miroku?” Sango asked sending a glare at Miroku, who sat next to her on the couch.
“A very mature one.” Miroku answered with a smile.
Sango sighed. “Yeah right, you're full of bologna.”
InuYasha's head perked up. “Really? I am kinda hungry.”
Kagome sighed from the chair she was sitting on. “It's a metaphor, InuYasha.”
InuYasha gave Kagome a confused look. “What's that?”
Kagome, Sango, and Miroku sweatdropped. “Just… Forget it InuYasha.” Kagome answered. “So, do you want to draw or what? You know, this time you guys can take the picture home.” That got them.
“Okay.” InuYasha, Miroku, and Sango agreed in unison.
“Kagome, since you're the `creative genius', what exactly do I draw?” InuYasha asked quite annoyed from the floor with his red crayon in hand. He liked red, and white, but the paper was white so he couldn't use a white crayon.
Kagome put her hand to her chin in thought. “How about… You with a… Huge sword three times your size and… Uh… Me!” Kagome replied with a smile.
“Why you?” InuYasha asked almost curious. “Dunno. Just a thought.” Kagome answered with a big grin.
InuYasha just shrugged and started to draw.
Kagome started to draw her own picture. She started to draw the Jewel her grandpa was always talking about. A big purple jewel with a bright glow. She had no idea why she drew it either; she just had a strange urge.
Sango drew a picture of her family. Her mother, father, little Kohaku, herself, and of course Kilala.
And Miroku… Well Miroku… Maybe I'd better not say.
Kilala was walking around on her piece of paper getting black paw prints all over it. Thanks to the ink pad Kagome was generous enough for her to use. Of course, trusting her to not get the ink on her carpet.
When InuYasha was finished he had drawn what Kagome had suggested. And surprisingly he had actually drawn her in too.
“That's really pretty InuYasha.” Kagome commented with a smile. It definitely was a lot better than the picture he drew of her on the driveway. “Want it?” InuYasha asked holding the picture up to Kagome. “Really?” Kagome asked looking at the paper then at InuYasha.
“Feh. Sure. I have no place for it at my house.” InuYasha replied handing it to her.
“Thank you, InuYasha.” Kagome said taking the picture from InuYasha's hand with a warm and thankful smile.
Then InuYasha sat down turned looking away from everyone else and hoped his blush went unnoticed. What the hell was that? He thought as he looked at the palm of his hand in thought.
Kagome sat down next to Sango and looked at her picture. “That's really pretty Sango. Are you going to ask your mom to hang it up for you?” She asked looking from person to little crayon drawn person. Sango laughed. “She'll probably put it up as soon as I show it to her. I probably won't even have to ask her to put it up.”
Then Kagome sat down next to Miroku to see what he had drawn, which was probably a mistake on her part. As soon as she looked at the picture, Kagome sweatdropped. Miroku had drawn a picture of himself groping Sango and it kind of looked like she enjoyed it. “Um… You definitely have a great imagination, Miroku.”
Miroku looked up from his work to look at Kagome. “Why thank you, Kagome.” Then he shot her one of his smirks that made his teeth sparkle. She had no idea how he did it but when he did, it was sort of creepy.
So Kagome quickly moved away from Miroku onto Kilala. She started giggling when she saw Kilala's picture. It wasn't even really a picture but she was sure an art gallery or two would accept it. It was just tiny little paw prints scattered around the page. “Very, very nice Kilala. I really like yours. Are your paws dry?” When Kilala gave her a nod Kagome continued. “You should show this to Sango. I think she'd like it even more than me.”
The tiny firecat picked the picture up in her mouth and rushed it over to Sango for her to see. “Kilala, this is beautiful. Would you mind if I hung this in my room? I really like it.” Kilala mewed her approval and jumped in Sango's lap.
Kagome looked out her window and noticed the sun was starting to set. “Hey guys, I think it's time I got you home before it gets dark.” InuYasha, now turned around, Sango, and Miroku nodded in agreement.
After she had dropped Sango and Miroku off at their houses it was dark outside. “Kagome, I should take you home.” InuYasha stated as he looked up at the gray sky. “But I want to walk you home.” Kagome countered.
InuYasha shook his head. “I don't want you to be outside at night by yourself, so I'm walking you home first.”
“Are you sure you can walk home by yourself?” Kagome asked a little worried.
“Yeah. I'll be fine.” InuYasha answered looking up at the sky again.
As they walked Kagome heard a rustling of some sort. She stopped and started looking around. “Did you hear that?” She asked nervously.
InuYasha was right next to Kagome. “Yeah.” His ears started to twitch trying to decipher what the cause of the noise was.
Kagome screamed and hugged InuYasha in fear when a tiny figure jumped out of the bush revealing itself in the street light. It was a tiny little youkai with a big poofy tail. Kagome let go of InuYasha when she noticed how cute it was but grabbed back on as it flung blue fire at them.
InuYasha blocked it with the sleeve of his kimono and punched the tiny youkai on the head. “What the hell do you think you're doing?!” He shouted at it. Then it ran back in the wood. “What was that?” Kagome asked frightened and oblivious to the fact she was still latched to InuYasha. “Stupid little kitsune.” He grumbled.
Kagome looked up to meet his golden gaze with her own. “You mean, it was just a baby fox demon?” She asked with pity for the little thing obvious in her voice. “Feh. Yeah, stupid little…” From there the words he said were incoherent grumbles.
When realization dawned on him, InuYasha blushed. “Um… Kagome, Can you let go of me now?” Then Kagome got the point and blushed as well letting go of him. “Sorry, I was just scared is all.” Kagome explained.
InuYasha scoffed. “That stupid little thing wasn't even worth your time being scared at.” He grumbled as he started walking towards Kagome's house again. “Why do you think it attacked us?” Kagome asked pity laced into her voice again. “Probably scared. But I don't care.” He answered insensibly. “It was a baby though, right?” Kagome asked the pity in her voice seeming to get stronger.
“Don't worry about it.” InuYasha told her as they got to Kagome's front door step. “Thanks for walking me home, InuYasha.” Kagome said walking up to the door. InuYasha smiled half hoping that the darkness hid it. “No problem. See ya tomorrow.” He stated walking away.
“Same time, same place.” Kagome called back cheerfully as she stepped in her house.
“Mom, I'm home again.” Kagome called as she got inside.
Her mother stuck her head out of the kitchen. “There you are Kagome. I was a bit worried. It took you awhile to get back.” She stated stepping fully out of the kitchen. “Where's Sota?” Kagome asked looking around the house. “He's asleep honey.” Her mother answered.
Kagome's grandpa walked down the stairs. “Oh hello Kagome. Did you have a good time with your friends?” Kagome ran over and hugged him. She hadn't seen the old man in awhile. Then she remembered the little kitsune that attacked them and thought since her grandpa was the keeper of the shrine and was always telling her legends, she wanted to tell him.
“Grandpa! I have a story to tell you!” She yelled up excitedly at him. “Alright dear, just let this old man sit down first.” He smiled as he patted her head and made his way over to a chair. “So what happened Kagome?” Her grandpa asked happily from where he sat with Kagome on his lap.
“Okay so I was walking home when a little kitsune attacked me! He was cute but he threw a blue flame at me!” She told her grandpa very excitedly. “What?” He asked worried. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I'm fine. InuYasha saved me.” Kagome answered smiling up at her grandfather. “Ah, I see. Your little youkai friend.” He said with a hand to his chin. “No, Grandpa InuYasha's a hanyou.” She smiled again. “Isn't that neat?”
“A hanyou? Very interesting, Kagome. I will have to get better acquainted with this InuYasha of yours.” He said nodding his head.
Kagome's smile got bigger. “I think he'd like to meet you. He liked Mom, Sota, and surprisingly Buyo.” He closed his eyes and nodded his head again. “Isn't he an Inu youkai?” He asked his granddaughter. Kagome laughed. “Yeah. That's the first part of his name, you know. And he has the cutest puppy ears.”
“Yes, I was very tempted to touch them myself, but I kept my composure.” Her mother added from washing dishes in the sink. “It sounds like you've had a big day. Why don't you go to bed, dear?” Her grandpa said as he gave her another pat on the head.
“Alright Grandpa.” Kagome said heading up the stairs. And Kagome had a good night's sleep too. Thinking about all of the fun things they'd done and would do the next day. Though she still couldn't help but wonder about that little youkai.
A/N: Hello again my faithful readers! I hope you all liked this chapter! Chapter six is on the way! All of your comments always make me happy and I absolutely love reading them! So thank you all so very much! - Koolkat191