InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Will Be Kids ❯ The Fight and the Strange Whistle ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Okay, here's the sad yet honest truth. I'm a minor so I really can't own anything legally. So, what makes you think I could own InuYasha? Or do own InuYasha? `Cause I don't.
Chapter 13:The Fight and the Strange Whistle
Kagome was awoken by her name. “Hm?” She grumbled softly only to not get a response. She turned to look at InuYasha but his back was turned to her. Kagome sat up in bed with a sigh. Maybe he's having another bad dream. She thought taking a look at him.
“Kagome… Kagome I… Kagome…” InuYasha mumbled sleepily. Nope. Nightmare's out he's… uh… Smiling? Okay. She thought with a blush and a freaked out look on her face.
Then InuYasha put his thumb in his mouth. Kagome had to press both of her hands to her mouth to contain her laughter. It was quite a funny sight.
Oh my gosh, where's my camera? I can't believe he still sucks his thumb. She put her hand to her chin in thought. It could come in handy as blackmail too. Kagome shook her head and crawled over InuYasha to get out of bed.
She went to her nightstand to look at her clock. Somehow, I managed to get up earlier than my alarm clock… Again. But considering how loud Mister Dreamy there was... Kagome looked at Shippo still sleeping peacefully in his little doll bed. How could he have slept though that?! And to think he has better hearing than I do.
She walked out the door and yawned. She needed to find something to occupy herself until the alarm went off and InuYasha woke up. Kagome walked into the study, still on the second floor, and started to rummage through the drawers. Whenever she was extremely bored for some reason she could always find something entertaining, yet random, in one of the many drawers of the desk.
Kagome saw a glint in the drawer she was currently looking through. She took the object out and after a short inspection, it was a metal whistle.
Meanwhile back in Kagome's room the very loud, very annoying alarm clock went off. InuYasha grumbled as his sleep was interrupted by the alarm. “Kagome, turn that stupid thing off.” When he was just responded by the alarm clock gradually getting louder with each ring his head shot up.
“Kagome?” Her spot in the bed was empty.
“Just turn off the alarm clock you lazy idiot!” Shippo yelled over the ringing. InuYasha turned it off and then smacked Shippo on the head. “It's kinda good Kagome isn't here right now. Because if she was I wouldn't have gotten away with that.” InuYasha snarled at the kitsune.
“Anyway, I should find her and get going. Today's Thursday so… I only have to stay here for today and tomorrow.” After announcing this he felt a bit saddened but quickly passed it off as hunger. Though he hadn't completely denied the dream he'd had or told himself he'd gone totally wacko. He had actually quite enjoyed himself with it but kept his composure. InuYasha made his way to the door.
“Why don't you go downstairs? Kagome and I will be down in a couple minutes… Runt.” He added as an afterthought. Shippo humphed and then proceeded downstairs.
Kagome heard from her room. “Well InuYasha and Shippo are awake now.” The whistle in her hands was a bit strange. It didn't look like your ordinary everyday whistle. It was thinner and really shiny for metal also considering it was probably kind of old. She wondered if it still worked…
“Kagome, where are you? We've gotta get ready!” InuYasha called from the hallway. “Okay!” Kagome called back. She was about to put the whistle back but instead she tightened her fist around it. Who knows? It might just come in handy.
Kagome yawned while walking down the halls with her friends at her side. Maybe it wasn't all that good that InuYasha had woken her up as early as he did. Though it was still only maybe ten minutes before the alarm rang anyway.
Since other children were conversing in the halls they didn't realize the blue vortex coming up behind them. They didn't even notice him until he appeared, as if out of nowhere, in front of Kagome and took hold of both of her hands in his own. As he always did.
“Hello Kagome. I just wanted to see how MY woman was doing.” Koga said with a grin.
Kagome sighed and sweatdropped, her eyes looking more tired than she had anticipated. “I'm fine Koga.”
“She's not your woman you mangy wolf!” InuYasha shouted, pretty much everyone ignoring his little outburst.
Koga suddenly looked concerned. “Are you alright Kagome? You look tired.” Kagome sighed again. “Well if someone hadn't woken me up this morning… I wouldn't be so tired.” She said sending InuYasha a glare, which he countered with an innocent “What are you talking about?” look.
Koga processed that for a moment and then his expression turned absolutely horrified. “Y-You mean… That mutt… Was in your bed?!”
Kagome's eyes widened. Oh snap. I think he totally got the wrong idea. Why exactly do people keep forgetting how old we are? We're in the THIRD GRADE people! If it weren't for Miroku I would have no idea what he was talking about. Wow, am I actually thanking him for that? Kagome thought slightly annoyed.
Miroku laughed. “I was right! InuYasha, you dog you.” InuYasha smacked Miroku on the back of the head. “Shut up you stupid perv!”
Kagome waved her hands defensively. “No, no it's not what you think! Seriously!”
Koga sighed. “That's such a huge relief.” He turned to InuYasha and growled. “If you so much as touch Kagome I'll kill you.”
InuYasha smirked. “Oh, you mean like… This?” With that InuYasha lightly poked Kagome's arm receiving a death glare from Koga. It didn't faze him in the least. “That's it mutt. You, me recess. Be there.”
InuYasha's smirk only got bigger. “Alright. See you there wolf.” Then Koga sped off in his blue vortex to who-knows-where.
Kagome could only gawk at InuYasha. “Are you INSANE?! You're going to FIGHT him?!” She yelled in disbelief.
“Yep. I'm tired of him saying that you're his woman, you're… No one's woman. Especially not his!” InuYasha shouted stubbornly.
“InuYasha you're being really stupid. Do you know that? Nothing good is going to come out of this.” Sango stated rubbing her temples.
“Yes. A fight won't bring anything good. But did you really-“ Miroku was cut off by two smacks on the head from Sango and InuYasha.
“Didn't I tell you to shut up?!” InuYasha yelled in embarrassment.
At recess our four friends were playing on the swings. InuYasha pushing Kagome and Miroku pushing Sango. This was perfect because the girls could talk to each other without the boys eavesdropping and vice versa.
“How do you feel about them fighting over you?” Sango asked passing by Kagome.
“Don't know. I know I don't feel good. I mean, what if they hurt each other?”
“I know it isn't good that they're fighting, but if I were in your position I'd feel kind of good.”
Sango sighed. “Because it means InuYasha likes you!”
Kagome blushed. “Really?”
The boys were having almost the same conversation.
“I knew you liked Kagome! Now I have proof!” Miroku stated happily pushing Sango again.
“DO NOT! God, how many times do I have to tell you that? I'm just getting that annoying wolf off her shoulders for her.” InuYasha snorted.
“Sure, sure. Whatever you say.” Miroku said smirking and rolling his eyes.
InuYasha suddenly stopped Kagome's swing. She turned and looked up at him. “Is something wrong InuYasha?”
“Wolf.” He growled. Right on cue, Koga appeared by the four children by the swings. “I see you're here.”
“I wouldn't miss it.” InuYasha said with an evil smirk. Kagome put a delicate hand on his shoulder. “InuYasha…” She looked into his eyes, she was telling him something. Kagome was telling him not to fight.
She didn't want him to fight and he knew it too. It hurt him to see the look in her eyes. She looked sad and worried… For him… And maybe Koga too, but he wouldn't even let himself think that she was worried about that mangy wolf.
“I'm going to make him leave you alone. He's bothering you a lot and don't deny it.” InuYasha stated as he pulled away from her but still standing in front of her as he faced Koga. I promised I would protect you Kagome. I'll protect you from anything, even an annoying wolf that's so dense that he doesn't understand when he's being told no.
InuYasha popped his finger joints and stood his ground, making sure he was at a safe enough distance from Kagome and the others. He barred his sharp claws and fangs to Koga to seem extremely menacing which he was generally really good at.
Koga stood across from the hanyou in his battle stance also barring his fangs and claws menacingly. Though, when it all came down to it, Koga relied strongly on his speed. “Ready?”
“Yup.” With that InuYasha lunged at Koga at top speed. Koga easily dodging his first attack and kicking him hard in the stomach. InuYasha came back with full force and punched the wolf youkai's face. These attacks continued back and forth. Strong punches and kicks with dodges in between every couple of blows. They were both taking some nice damage to their young bodies.
Kagome in the background was hugging Sango and burying her face in her best friend's shoulder. Sango tried to calm her by hugging back and rubbing her back. She hated it when her always positive and joyful friend was sad. Though, she knew Kagome wasn't crying. Kagome just didn't want to see anyone get hurt, especially one of her best friends.
Miroku was watching the fight with sadness. His best friend was fighting against the heir to the wolf demon tribe. And let's just say Koga wasn't the weakling InuYasha was always claiming he was. Both boys were quite equally matched; they currently were in the same condition.
Miroku wanted to break it up very badly and luckily for them there were no teachers outside today. As much as he wanted to stop it he couldn't because the fight that was going on was one of honor.
Kagome tried as hard as she could not to cry. She too wanted to stop it. But how can I stop them? If I get caught in the crossfire I could get hurt pretty badly. They're both getting hurt. I don't want anyone to get hurt… Especially because of me. At this thought Kagome began to softly cry. This is all my fault, if I had just let Koga down politely in the first place this all wouldn't be happening! I can't even do anything to stop them! This is probably the weakest feeling I've ever felt in my entire life! Because I can't stop it! I can't stop them!
Kagome's head shot up from Sango's shoulder and her tears immediately dried. Or maybe I can. Kagome thought as she politely asked Sango to let go of her. She reached around her neck and brought out the whistle she had found this morning. Her expression brightened. Youkai have sensitive ears. If one whistle can hurt the ears of humans than it should work a thousand times better on youkai!
She brought it to her lips and blew hard but no sound came out. She tried again. Nothing. Miroku and Sango examined the whistle in her hands as she herself was presently doing.
“Kagome, I think your whistle is broken.” Sango pointed out softly.
Kagome stared at it quite confused. “Is the ball thing in there?” Miroku inquired curiously. Kagome shook the whistle. It rattled. “Yes, it's in there.”
“Then I don't understand why it didn't work.” Sango stated rubbing her chin. “Try it again. Only really hard this time.” Miroku suggested confident in himself. Kagome took the deepest breath she thought she had taken in her entire lifetime and blew as hard as she possibly could on the little metal whistle.
Nothing. But this time they noticed two twin cries of pain. “AHHHHH! Would you quit blowing that thing?!” InuYasha howled.
“We heard you the first time!” Koga yelped in the same tone of pain as InuYasha. Kagome stared confusedly at the two boys now lying on the hard-top, doubled over in pain and clenching their hands to their ears as hard as they possibly could. She scratched her head. “But it didn't even make a sound.”
“HOW COULD IT HAVE NOT MADE A SOUND?! That was the loudest thing I've ever heard!” InuYasha and Koga screamed in unison, both afraid they had gone deaf. Though they had heard her
Miroku laughed. “I get it now! That's a dog whistle! It's so high-pitched that only dogs can hear it!” He was now in tears and almost fell over.
“I guess youkai can hear it too.” Sango said more to herself than to anyone else. “Well InuYasha's half inu youkai and Koga's a wolf youkai. But wolves are in the dog family so… Yeah.” Kagome explained a bit more to herself but some to Sango.
“I bet other youkai heard it too.” Sango's suspicion was confirmed by several screams from random youkai children.
“I THINK I'M GOING TO DIE! THE HORRIBLE SOUND'S STILL RINGING IN MY HEAD AND IT HURTS! OW!” InuYasha screamed, twitching like a maniac on the concrete hard-top.
A/N: Alright. So I had a little fun with the doggy boys. :) But tomorrow's the last day InuYasha gets to stay with the Higurashis before Sesshomaru comes home, Friday. Though, Sessy's coming home Friday night. So let's see what happens. Shall we? And I just watched “Sota's Brave Confession of Love” and since Sota's eight (like everyone else in this story) I just got an idea of how mature eight year-olds are these days! So hurray for all of you and me! But I'm now happily encouraging people to check out my new one shot “How I Feel” Like I said it's Inu/Kag! Hm? Hm? And it's got fluff! Thank you all because I've now got 2,000 views (or 2,000 hits, whatever you want to call it) on Kids Will Be Kids!
Koolkat191 ^..^ (my new kitty sign!)