InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Will Be Kids ❯ Feelings Realized ( Chapter 19 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own InuYasha! *sniffle*
Chapter 19: Feelings Realized
It was just after dinner time at the Higurashi Shrine.
“Shippo, why don't you go upstairs and get ready for bed?” Kagome asked with a smile. Shippo smiled up at her. “Okay Kagome. But… What about you? You get ready too?”
“I'm not tired just yet. I'll stay up for a while.” Shippo nodded and scurried up the stairs. Kagome watched him go all the way. Now to talk to Mom.
“Mom.” Kagome called into the kitchen. Her mother was washing dishes with Sota sitting in his exersaucer nearby. “What is it dear?” She questioned. “Do you think I could talk to you… Alone?”
“We are alone Kagome.” Her mother stated putting a dish down. “Well I mean Sota.” Mrs. Higurashi laughed softly. “Kagome, he's just a baby.”
“Please.” Just then her grandpa walked in the house from the shrine. “Dad, do you think you could take Sota for me?” She asked the old man with a smile. Gramps nodded. “Yes, I can take the little guy.” He walked over to Sota, took him from the saucer, and went upstairs with him.
Kagome's mother washed the soap from her hands and walked into the living with Kagome. They both sat down on the same couch. “So, what is it you want to talk about honey?”
“Where did you get this?”
“Sango's house… Why?” InuYasha asked curiously.
“Let me see it.”
“Okay.” InuYasha handed Sesshomaru the sword; but it burned him immediately and he dropped it. Sesshomaru shook his burnt hand. “Yes, just as I thought.” He sighed. Why with the stupid barrier? Sesshomaru thought bitterly.
“Just as you thought what?” InuYasha inquired picking the sword up again. “That sword used to belong to our father.” InuYasha stared blankly at Sesshomaru. “I thought our father just owned a big ass company.”
“Watch your mouth. And our father was also the ruler of the Western lands… I guess that's my job now.” He spoke the last part more to himself. Damnit, I'm only eighteen people! “Anyway, our father was supposed to pass that down to you… But I don't understand how it got to the Taijiya family.”
“Maybe it got lost.” InuYasha suggested with a shrug. He didn't really care about the sword… At least at the moment. But he had no idea how he was supposed to go about talking to Sesshomaru. Especially with the subject being what it was.
“Uh… Sesshomaru I need to talk to you about something.”
His older brother sighed. “Do you know how much I hate talking? It's always so uncomfortable.”
“Pwease bwother?” He added his puppy pout. It worked… Sometimes. Sesshomaru sighed in defeat. He couldn't resist that face; and InuYasha knew it! “Fine.” He said walking over to the couch and sitting down, followed by his little brother.
“What do you want?”
“Well Mom…” Kagome gulped. She didn't really know what to say. But she'd try her best. “My friend… She has a friend that's a boy.”
Her mother nodded. “Yes, go on.”
“And when she's around this… Boy, she feels… Weird.”
“Weird? Did she tell you what this weird feeling felt like?” She asked knowing where her daughter was going. “Well… I, I mean she can't really explain it. But she did say that it made her feel kind of warm inside and her tummy felt really funny.”
Mrs. Higurashi giggled at her daughter's explanation. “Well dear… Does she like this boy?”
“He was one of her best friends but now she feels like he's something different than a friend now.” She inwardly grimaced at how she was describing what she felt to her mother. Kagome hadn't really thought about how she felt until now.
“Kagome, I think I know what's going on with… Your friend.” Her mother said a bit more excitedly than she had anticipated. It was obvious Kagome wasn't really talking about her friend but her mom played along.
“Really? W-What?”
Mrs. Higurashi grinned at her daughter. “I think your friend may be in love with this boy.”
“L-Love?” Kagome's heartbeat was speeding up. Love? Love? LOVE?! Oh my… Gosh. W-What am I going to do?
“You know Kagome, right?” He asked nervously.
InuYasha scratched the back of his head. “Well… I think I kind of… You know… Likeher.” He had mumbled the last part. “You what?” Sesshomaru inquired even his demonic hearing not picking up InuYasha's words.
InuYasha groaned. “I think that I…” InuYasha gulped down the lump forming in his throat. “Like her.” He was looking down the whole time. He personally didn't like talking either but there really was no other way. Strangely enough his brother was the only father figure he'd ever known. Though he had considered that if his father had still been alive, having this sort of talk might have been much easier; while another part of him highly doubted that.
“Do you mean you love her?” Sesshomaru questioned trying as hard as possible to stay calm and stoic.
“Damnit Sesshomaru! What the hell do you think I mean?!” InuYasha yelled in frustration.
Sesshomaru sighed. His brother did have quite the colorful vocabulary for a third grader. Although children were growing up awfully fast these days. I blame television.
“What do you think I should do?” He asked softly. “Isn't that obvious?” Then again my brother is an amazingly thick child. “You should tell her, of course.” He answered stoic as ever. It was just getting harder and harder too.
“Are you serious? But… What if she doesn't like me back?”
“Call me crazy… But I don't really think that's going to be a problem.” It was true that anything with a brain larger than a peanut could tell that they at least had some feelings for each other. Well… Maybe with the exception of InuYasha… And possibly Kagome. It always seemed the hardest for the people who liked each other to see that the other person liked them too.
“Okay. Thanks Sesshomaru.”
Sesshomaru couldn't hold back the small smile that worked its way onto his face. “You know what? Anytime you need to talk I'll be here. I guess talking with you isn't all that bad.” With that he got up and walked into his office.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.”
Kagome couldn't believe her ears. Her mother had just told her that she was in love with… InuYasha. Though, she hadn't told her mom that her friend was actually her. But she had messed up once and said “I” instead of “she”. Kagome sighed. I'm the worst liar on the face of the Earth.
“Mommy, what should I do? I… I… Don't know what to do.” Kagome's bangs hid her expression from her mother's view. Her mom was a bit worried about her daughter. Kagome only called her mommy when she was little and now she only called her that when she was scared or extremely desperate for something. She honestly couldn't blame her.
“Honey, I can't make your decisions for you… But my advice is that… You let him know.” Kagome's mother answered softly putting a hand on her daughter's shoulder.
Kagome hugged her mom. She gently rubbed her daughter's back trying to comfort her. She knew this must be hard for her, being so young. Kagome was probably confused by all of these knew feelings.
“Kagome, maybe you should go to bed now sweetie.” Mrs. Higurashi suggested. Kagome lifted her head to look at her mother. “Thanks Mom. I really appreciate it.” She stated smiling up at her.
“It was no trouble at all. I'll always help you anytime you need it, alright?”
Kagome nodded. “Alright; so I'll go to bed now.” With that she walked up the stairs and into her bathroom to get ready for bed.
I wish you luck honey.
The next day, school was in once again since the evil youkai were finally gone. Kagome and InuYasha were both quite nervous about it as well. Walking to school Sango and Miroku were curious as to what was going on but they didn't push them since they seemed so tense.
“Do… Do you think they got in a fight or something?” Sango whispered in Miroku's ear. “Eh, somehow I don't think that`s the problem.” He whispered back.
“I just hope that they'll be okay.” Sango whispered.
Miroku nodded. “You and I both.”
Once they got to school Miroku and Sango advanced to their classes while InuYasha and Kagome stayed behind.
“Kagome…” InuYasha started. “You think… Maybe we could talk after school today? I have something to important to tell you.”
Kagome nodded. “I have something to tell you too.” She said softly.
“Okay, I'll see you later then.” InuYasha and Kagome then went their separate ways to their classes to meet again later.
I hope this goes well.
Please let me be able to do this.
They both met up by the jungle gym on the playground after school was finally over. Kagome and InuYasha had discussed where they would meet a bit during P.E, lunch, and recess. They were both hoping for the best.
“Hey Kagome, I'm glad you came.” InuYasha said with a small smile.
Kagome smiled back. “Of course I'm here. I have something to tell you too… Remember?”
“Yeah. Um… Would you like to go first or… Do you want me to?”
“I don't really know… You can go first if you like.”
“Actually, why don't you go first?” He asked nervously.
Kagome giggled. “I have an idea. Why don't we both go at the same time?”
InuYasha nodded. “Alright, on three?”
“Yeah, on three.”
“One… Two… Three! I really, really like you!” They yelled in unison. “Y-You do?”
“Yeah.” Kagome answered looking down and drawing circles with her foot on the ground. InuYasha's smile got larger. “Me too.”
Kagome got extremely happy and threw herself at InuYasha in a hug. InuYasha chuckled. “Someone's happy.” Kagome looked up at him and snorted. “Of course I'm happy!”
They stared at each other for a moment. InuYasha puckered his lips for a kiss. Kagome giggled and pecked him on the cheek. “Hey!” InuYasha whined with a pout. Kagome rolled her eyes and shook her finger in his face. “You didn't think I would kiss you there did you?”
“Actually…” InuYasha grinned. “Yeah, I did.”
“Well too bad.” Kagome laughed. “Oh yeah and… Tag. You're it!” She shouted poking him in the shoulder and ran off.
InuYasha laughed evilly. “Big mistake, making me it.” He bounded off trying to tag her but he missed. “HaHa! Missed me! Missed me! Now ya gotta kiss me!” Kagome sung.
InuYasha gave a toothy grin, one of his fangs hanging over his lip. “Not a problem. I can have that arranged.” Then he began to chase her again. “No! No! I didn't mean it like that!” Kagome cried.
He finally caught her and pinned her to the ground, both of them laughing. InuYasha's face was really close to Kagome's. He was actually about to kiss her that is until…
“Go InuYasha man!”
“Miroku, you idiot! You ruined EVERYTHING!”
“You stupid, Miroku.”
InuYasha sighed and reluctantly stood up, helping Kagome up also. “You three can come out now. We know you're in there.” InuYasha growled.
Miroku fell out of the bush with a huge bump on his head. Sango stepping out with Shippo on her shoulder. “Hey, how'd Shippo get here?” Kagome inquired.
“Me came here after your school over.” Shippo explained.
Miroku rubbed the bump on his head, stood up, and dusted himself off. “Sango…” He started, taking her hands in his and kneeling before her. Shippo jumped off of Sango's shoulder and hopped onto Kagome's. “Will you… Bear my children?” Tears swelled in Sango's eyes. She nodded vigorously. “Yes Miroku! I will… In like… Twelve years.”
“Oh yeah… I forgot about that… Well until then… Will you be my girlfriend?” Miroku asked hopefully.
Sango nodded again. “Yes, yes I will!” With that she threw herself into Miroku's arms.
“Well, at least we got to spy on them.” InuYasha said.
“We weren't really spying, you know. They knew we were here.” Kagome stated.
InuYasha blinked. “Oh.”
Sango and Miroku separated and Sango got an idea. “I know! While we're at the playground…”
“Let's play!” Kagome finished for her. Kagome and Sango grinned. “You're it!” They shouted in unison poking their boyfriends in the shoulder. Then they both ran off.
InuYasha and Miroku grinned and looked at each other. “Shall we chase them?” InuYasha questioned.
“Yes, we shall.” Miroku answered nodding his head.
“You first.” InuYasha offered.
“No, no. I insist you go first.” Miroku stated gesturing to the fleeing girls.
InuYasha chuckled. “Okay, don't say I didn't offer to give you a head start.” He said taking off after Kagome. “Gosh! I forgot you were that fast!” Miroku yelled taking off after him. Shippo stood in his spot staring at his friends.
He sighed. “Me never understand my friends. They way too weird.” He giggled and took off on all fours after his friends.
InuYasha and Miroku got Kagome and Sango cornered and pounced on them in a dog pile; somehow the girls ending up on top. Shippo finally caught up and jumped on the very top of the pile. They all laughed happily.
As the sun went down over the horizon in colors of pink, purple, orange, and yellow the same thought ran through the five young friends' heads.
This is only the beginning of our lives together... Best friends forever!
The End!
A/N: It's finally over! I'm sad! But good thing for you… And me for that matter… That I've already written another story! So for those of you who enjoyed “Kids Will Be Kids” please check out my newest story “The InuYasha-Doo Movie”! I already have it up for those of you who would like to get started on it. Oh and thanks SO much everyone for your reviews! I hope you like my new story as much as you did this one! :D
Koolkat191 ^..^